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Helpful Things From the Norton Readings and Essay Hints

Helpful Things From the Norton Readings and Essay Hints

Norton’s readings point out various strategies individuals can use while writing, some of the helpful things mentioned include:

  1. Dealing with Difficult Texts (Bullock et al. 14)

In the circumstances of difficult texts, Bullock et al. point out various methods of dealing with difficult texts, including; finding something one is familiar with within the text and keeping track of one’s reading to track their understanding while reading a text (15), techniques I will apply in the text analysis essay.

  1. Generating Ideas and Text (Bullock et al. 112)

Bullock et al. point out steps individuals should use for ease in generating ideas while analyzing a text, including; studying the constitutions of a text such as wording and figures (114). I will follow these steps during text analysis.

  1. Thinking about Your Process (Bullock et al. 305)

Bullock et al. provide a guideline of questions individuals should use while writing, including; noting down the thought process from ideologies before writing, while writing, and after writing following research (305). I will use these questions while conducting a text analysis.

  1. Rewriting (Bullock et al. 310)

Bullock et al. illustrate the various rewriting methods, including rewriting from an alternative perspective, such as a change in tone (310). I will employ these rewriting methods in the text analysis essay.

  1. Proofreading (Bullock et al. 316)

Bullock et al. elaborate on the importance of proofreading through various methods, including using spelling and grammar checkers in one’s device while reading the final draft and reading it aloud (317). I will employ these methods before submitting the final text analysis essay.


Every item in the list is essential; however, it is crucial to follow a given order from prewriting to rewriting to proofreading the final draft of text analysis to create a well-written paper.

Works Cited

Bullock, Richard H et al. The Norton Field Guide To Writing. 4th ed., W. W. Norton & Company, 2016, P. 14 – 317.


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Helpful Things From the Norton Readings and Essay Hints

Helpful Things From the Norton Readings and Essay Hints

Post a 100-300 word analysis. To do this:
List five helpful things that your classmates have not already posted about in any of the Norton readings assigned for this module. Ch.1,2,11,54,29,30,31,32
Use citations to refer your classmates to the appropriate pages for each helpful thing you identify.
Underneath each of the five items, write a sentence or two about how you will apply what you learned to the Text Analysis Essay.
At the bottom of your post, include any helpful hints for your classmates to know as they work on this essay, or ask questions you would like your classmates to help you answer.
Support your post with additional information from the readings, as well as your own experience or your own research. Support your post with MLA-cited examples/quotes from the text.

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