Great Service at AMC 20 Movie Theatre
Dear Manager,
I am writing today to thank you for the outstanding service I received at AMC 20 movie theatre. I have been to several other movies, but none can be compared to the AMC movie theatre. The theatre’s services are just exemplary, which makes one want to come back again and again. First and foremost is your excellent means of buying tickets. Your website is well organized and easy to navigate, making purchasing a ticket and following the displayed films easy. The timely feedback after one buys the ticket is great. Besides, your paperless services make the process of confirming the tickets easy and convenient- one does not have to keep carrying the ticket around; the mobile phone is enough. Given I was among the first people to enter the theatre, I was impressed by how neat and organized it was. The relaxed atmosphere inside the theatre clearly reflected the excellent maintenance. The mobile order service for concessions at AMC is on another level. Ordering food while already in the theatre can be tedious, given that there might be a lot of people on the wait. At AMC, I had the chance to order food immediately after I purchased my ticket. Most notably, the food was delivered to my seat immediately after arriving at the theatre. I was highly impressed by the variety of food options that were being offered. Besides the traditional movie foods, AMC 20 movies theatre offered other food choices such as pizza, cheese, and macaroni. The fancy touch-screen soda dispenser allowed me to combine a variety of drinks flavors. Lastly, my experience at AMC was made great by the comfortable seats, which had a lot of cushioning. Therefore I watched the whole film without experiencing any form of fatigue or tiresome. Once again, thank you for the great experience at your movie theatre.
Happy Client.
We’ll write everything from scratch
Cause and Effect
Throughout your life there has probably been an experience you were either very dissatisfied with or extremely satisfied with. It could be a hotel you stayed at; a product you bought, such as a microwave oven; or a service you received, such as a car wash or a server at a restaurant.
Great Service at AMC 20 Movie Theatre
Write a one paragraph letter of complaint or praise to the company/person/manufacturer of the experience and describe the causes and/or effects of the experience.
Your answer should consist of a well-developed paragraph, which means your first sentence should answer the question(s) (i.e., topic sentence), and the following sentences should support the topic sentence. The paragraph should be unified and coherent with specific supporting details or examples from the story. The sentences should be clear, concise, and arranged in a logical order. Transitions, pronouns, and repetition should be used to provide coherence. The paragraph should follow a cause and effect format.