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Foundations of Health Promotion

Foundations of Health Promotion

How a person defines health and health issues is essential because it affects their perceptions, habits, and well-being-related decisions. The way that people view health can differ significantly depending on a person’s cultural, societal, and personal circumstances. While some people may only consider health to be the absence of disease, others may define it as a complete condition of physical, mental, and social well-being (Avan & Hachinski, 2021). Similarly, how individuals view health issues may affect their willingness to seek medical care, follow through on treatment plans, and take preventative actions. Understanding how people define health and health conditions enables healthcare professionals to better match the needs and values of their patients by modifying interventions, communication, and education. Subsequently, this promotes more patient-centered care.

To deliver successful care, advanced practice nurses must recognize and respect many definitions of health. They must evaluate patients holistically, taking into account physical complaints and social, cultural, and emotional facets of health. The therapeutic relationship can be strengthened, patient satisfaction can increase, and treatment outcomes can be improved by acknowledging and appreciating the patient’s perspective. In addition to supporting people in developing a deeper awareness of health and the ability to make wise decisions, advanced practice nurses can play a significant role in health promotion and education.

The biopsychosocial model is the theory of health that I find most intriguing. The biopsychosocial model considers the interaction of biological, psychological, and social determinants of health and sickness (Murray & DeBerard, 2022). This paradigm acknowledges that psychological and social elements, in addition to physical ones, also impact an individual’s well-being. The biopsychosocial approach enables me to understand the complexity of health conditions and create thorough, tailored treatment plans as an advanced practice nurse.


Avan, A., & Hachinski, V. (2021). Brain health: Key to health, productivity, and well‐being. Alzheimer’s & Dementia.

Murray, J., & DeBerard, S. (2022). Biopsychosocial Model and Health. Biopsychosocial Model and Health.


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Foundations of Health Promotion

Foundations of Health Promotion

Exploring the concepts of health: Why is the way an individual defines health and health problems important? What are the implications for advanced practice nurses? Which theoretical model of health is of particular interest to you? Why?

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