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Exploring Core Worldview Beliefs- A Personal Reflection

Exploring Core Worldview Beliefs- A Personal Reflection

What is your belief about the nature of ultimate reality? Why?

Your answer in two to three sentences:

<Answer> I believe that God is indeed the source of all meaning, and without Him, then life has no meaning. We must have come from somewhere. He must have had a good reason to take His time to create the world and everything in it and create man as well. This leads to believing that in Him, there is meaning in life and all that there is to it. The smallest of creatures, the smallest grain of dirt, and the largest of all creatures were created for a reason, and their existence has a meaning.

What is your belief about the nature of the universe? Why?

Your answer in two to three sentences:

<Answer> I believe that God created the universe in its majesty, but I am not sure why. If science proves that there are other life forms and creatures on other planets, then I guess it will make sense. The moon, sun, stars, and constellations are beautiful and majestic, and they display God’s excellence in creating what man cannot create.

What is your belief about human nature and the afterlife? Why?

Your answer in two to three sentences:

<Answer>Man is a reflection of God. Man is innately a good person, but the environment that he lives in makes it challenging to be like God and remain unaffected by what goes on; and will get angry, frustrated, sad, and other negative feelings. God is not so, and that is the difference between man and God. However, it was God’s intention for man to be like Him and that He put man in a perfect world. The world was corrupted by sin, and therefore, man cannot fully enjoy living as was it was purposed. Nonetheless, God provided a way out and into the previous plan. The death of Jesus Christ offers man the hope that after death, he can live the life that God had intended. What I have recently had to ponder is whether the second life will be here on earth or eternally in heaven.

What are the three worldviews (atheism, pantheism, theism) beliefs about the nature of knowledge? Which one best fits your belief? Why?

Your answer in two to three sentences:

<Answer> Atheism asserts that there are some truths regarding the nature of the cosmos which is not capable of being verified or in need of verification. There is also knowledge of the world that surpasses experience and which comprehends the sorry scope of things. Pantheism identifies God as the universe, and therefore, knowledge is obtained from nature and all that surrounds us. Theism is a belief that there is a thing that controls the universe, and knowledge comes from Him.


What is your basis for determining moral right from moral wrong? Why?

Your answer in two to three sentences:

<Answer> My conscience. I believe my conscience is in tune with the Spirit of God as the Bible says that God breathed His spirit into man. When my conscience is conflicted over an issue, then I believe that the issue is morally wrong while the reverse is true.

What is your belief about human purpose? Why?

Your answer in two to three sentences:

<Answer> The ultimate purpose of humans is to have communion with God in the same way a child and its parent communes. God placed us on earth so that we could commune with Him daily simply because it pleased him, too. In the same way, a child brings joy to a family, and so do humans to God. However, sin altered this, and now man has to die to gain eternal communion with God.

Part 2: Evaluation

Your answers to the questions in Part 1 form the basis of your worldview. Now that you have articulated your worldview evaluate it according to the practical test described in Chapter 2 of the textbook and the topic overview. Which of the three worldviews most closely matches your core beliefs, as you answered in Part 1? Does your worldview pass the practical test for livability? Why or why not? Provide a clear explanation of the workability and practical value in the most important areas of life and experience.

Your answer in 200-300 words:

<Answer> I believe my worldview is closest to theism. I do not think there are many gods, but there is just one. When I look at creation and how organized the systems and nature are, I tend to think that only an orderly God would do such a thing. Everything works in harmony; for example, the wild animals know what to eat and what not to eat; they know when to migrate, mate, and give birth; some trees grow and shed their leaves year in, year out; the sun and moon come out at their appointed times. Most of the greatest inventions in the world were one-man affairs, such as the invention of electricity, the telephone, etc. I believe the creation of the universe was greater than any invention, and the inventor/creator is bigger as well. Another reason that I have in believing in theism is when I look at myself. Whenever I am by myself or when I am thinking through stuff, I don’t feel like I have multiple personalities or persons in me; I am simply talking to the person inside of me. That person inside of me is always calmer and focused; I believe that is the spirit of God and not multiple gods.

Reflect on your current understanding of the Christian faith. In other words, what is the essence of the Christian worldview? How does one become a Christian? Your response will need to articulate your understanding of Christian beliefs and does not require you to believe it.

Your answer in 200-300 words:

<Answer> The essence of the Christian worldview is that there is one God who loves the humankind that He created. God created man out of love and the desire to commune with man. However, man disobeyed God, and sin entered into the world. Since the time of the fall of man, the earth has suffered the consequences of the first sin. Hence, sickness, death, misery, and pain are part of man’s life. However, each person has the opportunity to restore the relationship that Adam, the first man, had with God. To be reconciled to God, one has to renounce their sinful way of life, believe in the redemption of death on the cross of Jesus Christ, and once again be resorted to communion with God. When one believes in the redemption of man through the death of Jesus, then one becomes a Christian. A Christian is simply a Christ-follower, which means that such a person should live as Christ did, that is, show love and mercy, among other virtues. In the Pentecostal Christian life, one has to receive the Holy Spirit and preferably speak in tongues to be a Christian; these are the signs of true followers. However, the Bible says that peacemakers shall be called the sons of God (Mathew 5:9). Hence, one can be a Christian, but their actions determine the authenticity of their Christianity.


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Based on the basic components of worldview presented in Chapter 2 and the topic overview, write a response to each of the six questions that form the basic components of your own core worldview beliefs.

Exploring Core Worldview Beliefs- A Personal Reflection

Exploring Core Worldview Beliefs- A Personal Reflection

Respond to the questions about your own beliefs in your own words, and not necessarily what you think the Christian worldview believes. Keep this document intact, and only add your answers in the box under each question.

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