Latest News - Ethics

Leaders and the Company’s Profile

Leaders and the Company’s Profile Consider what has been your worst experience in working for someone who demonstrated the worst ethical behavior. I was once a part of an organization where...

Ethics of Workplace Privacy

Ethics of Workplace Privacy Explain what right to privacy you believe an employee should enjoy at work. In this age of technology development, the law does not cover many issues relating to employee...

Regulating Advertisers

Regulating Advertisers There is a difference between pushing for a product’s sale and deceiving the public into buying a product. Many companies have faced problems with using the latter to...

Theory of Justice As Fairness

Theory of Justice as Fairness The theory of Justice as Fairness, developed by John Rawls, argues that justice is the first virtue of every social institution. This means that any ethical society is...

Case Study Punishment and Settlement

Case Study Punishment and Settlement Vioxx, Dodgeball: Did Merck Try to Avoid the Truth? Offer an opinion on the outcome of the case.             In my opinion, the outcome of the case against Merck...

Aaron Feuerstein Case Study

Aaron Feuerstein Case Study When Malden Hills were burned down in 1995, Aaron Feuerstein, the then-CEO, boldly decided against most conventional managerial rules. He decided to maintain the...