Embracing Excellence- Exploring the Baldrige Core Values in Business Education
Baldrige is among the institutions with clearly defined core values that guide students on what the institution expects from them. The values include visionary leadership, agility, organizational and personal learning, customer-centered excellence, focus on the future, valuing workforce members and partners, focus on results and creating value, managing for innovation, focus on results and creating value, management by fact and systems perspectives. These values play a vital role in each student’s learning experience. This report discusses how I exhibited Baldrige’s core values in my work throughout the course and program of study in the Malcolm Baldrige School of Business, my key takeaways from my study of the Baldrige core values, and the things that I have learned through the core values that I will utilize in my career. Get in touch with us at eminencepapers.com. We offer assignment help with high professionalism.
How I Exhibited Core Values in My Work Throughout the Course
I exhibited Baldrige’s core values in various ways. For instance, I exhibited the systems perspective, studying how the student platform worked and following all instructions to ensure I navigated the platform as required. Secondly, I exhibited visionary leadership and valued workforce members and partners by leading my group members during group discussions and allowing every member to express their ideas. My interactions with the group members also helped me exhibit social responsibility and customer-centered excellence because I focused on creating a conducive learning environment for each of them. I also focused on the future by setting goals I expected to meet at the end of the course, including the grade I wanted to get and meeting all course and assignment requirements to get the score. I used the resources I had to innovate learning practices to help me attain my academic goal, thus exhibiting the core values of innovation management. I also exhibited management by fact-checking my academic progress and adjusting learning practices based on my scores.
Moreover, I focused on results and creating value by following the instructions in all the assignments to get the highest score for my academic success. I also focused on acquiring relevant knowledge in the course materials and learning how to apply it in my career. I focused on creating value by continuously developing new knowledge from the course materials. Additionally, I created value by improving my critical thinking and problem-solving skills by applying the knowledge from the course materials to address case study questions in the course assignments. According to Wetchasit et al. (2020), learning in the 21st century must include creativity and innovation, problem-solving, teamwork, collaboration and leadership, cross-cultural understanding, communication, information and media literacy, and learning and career self-reliance. I interacted with other students in discussions to get new perspectives about the concepts taught in the course and increase my understanding of the concepts, which resulted in increased value.
Furthermore, I exhibited agility through my choices throughout the course. According to Cannon (2017), agility is the ability to recognize and adapt to changes in the environment. I experienced various changes in my schedule during the course but managed to adapt appropriately to avoid disruptions in my academic progress. I also had to adapt to the new learning environment at Malcolm Baldrige School of Business to align my actions with the school’s policies. I also exhibited agility by effectively identifying and exploiting opportunities within the course that I could use to increase knowledge retention and understanding of the concepts in the course. For example, I identified the opportunity to create a discussion group with some of the students taking the course to discuss the concepts discussed in every lesson and exchange ideas, which made it easier for me to understand what was taught in each lesson and how I can apply it in the real world. I also exhibited
Key Takeaways From My Study of the Baldrige Core Values
One of the key takeaways from my study of the Baldrige core values is that organizational and personal learning are connected. According to Brătianu (2015), organizational learning occurs across group, organizational, and individual levels through integration, intuition, interpretation, and institutionalization. Therefore, organizational learning cannot happen without personal learning. The premises of organizational learning also show the relationship between organizational and personal learning. One of the premises is that organizational learning assumes a tension between the exploitation of knowledge and its exploration. Employees in an organization acquire knowledge through personal learning and are expected to explore and exploit the knowledge in the organization to meet the organization’s expectations. Therefore, personal learning creates the foundation for knowledge exploration and exploitation in organizational learning. The second premise is that organizational learning occurs at the organization, group, and individual levels. Therefore, employees must acquire new knowledge through personal learning as part of the organizational learning process. The third premise is that the organization, group, and individual levels of organizational learning are connected through social and psychological processes such as institutionalizing, integrating, interpreting, and intuiting. Based on this premise, personal learning is linked to organizational learning through how individuals interpret the concepts in the learning program. The fourth premise is that cognition influences the actions that influence cognition. This premise indicates the relationship between personal and organizational learning because employees’ cognition, influenced by the knowledge gathered through learning, influences their actions in the organization.
The second takeaway from my study of Baldrige’s core values is that visionary leadership contributes to people’s focus on the future. According to Karwan et al. (2021), visionary leadership is characterized by enthusiasm and inspirational motives, creating change, teamwork, and supporting followers. Leaders who set a clear vision for followers create a shared purpose and vision, leading to increased focus on the future. Visionary leadership also increases the focus on the future because the visionary leader can influence the followers’ behaviors by leading by example and supporting them to meet specific goals. Visionary leadership also supports the focus on the future by ensuring that there are clear goals that followers should follow, outlining a strategic plan that should be followed to meet the goals, and empowering the followers to take action on the plan designed to meet the goals.
What I Will Utilize in my Career
One of the things that I will utilize in my career that I have learned through the Baldrige core values is the concept of agility. The modern work environment is characterized by rapid changes in the organization’s internal and external environment. Therefore, I need to develop agility to adapt quickly to the changes and continue being a productive employee. I will also use what I have learned about visionary leadership in my career to provide the best leadership to my team at work and ensure that every team member understands what is expected of them and the plan that should be followed to meet those expectations. I will additionally use what I have learned about valuing workforce members and partners to create a positive work environment and maintain collaboration in my team for enhanced organizational performance and success.
Baldrige’s core values focus on setting expectations that learners should meet for a conducive learning environment. The core values impacted my learning experience because they shaped my actions throughout the course. The main takeaways from my study of the Baldrige core values include the understanding that organizational and personal learning are connected and that visionary leadership contributes to people’s focus on the future. I will utilize the concepts of agility, visionary leadership, and valuing workforce members and partners in my career to become a better employee and leader.
Brătianu, C. (2015). Organizational Knowledge Dynamics Managing Knowledge Creation, acquisition, sharing, and transformation. Information Science Reference, An Imprint of IGI Global.
Cannon, F. (2017). Agility in context. The Agility Mindset, 39–60. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-45519-8_3
Karwan, D., Hariri, H., & Ridwan, R. (2021). Visionary leadership: What, why, and how. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Progressive Education, ICOPE 2020, 16-17 October 2020, Universitas Lampung, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia. https://doi.org/10.4108/eai.16-10-2020.2305217
Wetchasit, K., Sirisuthi, C., & Agsornsua, P. (2020). Strategies for the 21st learning skills development of students in schools under the Office of the Basic Education Commission. International Education Studies, 13(10), 139. https://doi.org/10.5539/
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Baldridge Reflective PaperHeads Up – Baldridge Reflective Paper
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File BUS411 Unit 8 Assignment.pdf BUS411 Unit 8 Assignment.pdf – Alternative Formats (140.648 KB)
File The Baldrige Core Values. pptx (240.75 KB)
One of the primary purposes of this course is to allow students who are about to complete their programs of study at the Malcolm Baldrige School of Business to demonstrate their familiarity with the Baldrige Core Values.

Embracing Excellence- Exploring the Baldrige Core Values in Business Education
Refer to the attached documents for assignment details, the grading rubric, and the Baldridge Core Values presentation.