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Do high school students benefit from working to earn money?

Do high school students benefit from working to earn money?

Undoubtedly, when the notion of having high school students to work comes to mind, it is imperative to understand that it has often brought about contention among scholarly circles. This is questioned especially when child labor is still being practiced, including mistreatment and underpayment of the young workers. Further, even a section of scholars maintains that working is important to teenagers as it sharpens their skills. With this knowledge in mind, it suffices to say that having high school students work would help them pay small bills. However, the negative implications are more severe, and therefore, it is sufficient to maintain that high school students do not benefit from working to earn money.

Foremost, having students work goes a long way in preventing these teenagers from having to engage in drug abuse, the violence associated with drug abuse, honing their skills, and becoming endowed with potent skills in the job market. Additionally, it could potentially teach high school students the essence of the interrelationship between education and earning (Marsh 177). Students would learn the importance of education by working, given that numerous high school learners work on jobs that virtually pay little money and could never foot major bills. In addition to requiring little to no education or previous skills, it could help them understand that schooling is vital for them to gain a good living.

Furthermore, having high school students work could teach them to make proper use of limited money. Without having a job, they are entirely dependent and cannot meet their personal needs. They have a job that provides the students with their own money and helps them comprehend the dollar’s true value, the essence of budgeting, which enables learners to see how fast the hard-earned money could disappear virtually frivolous things. Also, it could teach them skills in the management of time because their study needs them to learn how to balance between work and academics.

However, it is crucial to understand that these are considered minors. It does not make sense that they cannot be allowed to vote or drink. The law cracks down on adults engaging in sexual activities with minors. Then if that is the case, why would the people assumed to be minors by law be allowed to be exploited in work environments that hardly pay them anything. Their wages do not allow them to make use of the money in a significant way. In other words, the pay is way less for them to do anything substantial.

Consequently, it could potentially harm their academic achievement. Since the interrelationship between grades and working is essentially onerous to measure, studies have found that learners working for more than 20 hours a week suffer from reduced performance academically. Besides, it frequently fails to input valuable skills to the students in high school, which would instead be used to lead them toward career advancement. Working to earn for high school students, which is often tedious and unrewarding, could negatively affect students. It could impart unhelpful views concerning work, generally. Also, it takes away time that is personal for these minors, which could be pertinent for social life, and leave them no time to hang out with friends.

In conclusion, the discussion above has provided an understanding of the importance of preventing learners from working. By far, the disadvantages of working while learning for high school students outweigh the advantages. It suffices to say that high school students do not benefit from this aspect of working while studying.

Works Cited

Marsh, Herbert W. “Employment during high school: Character building or a subversion of academic goals?.” Sociology of education (1991): 172-189.


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Read the arguments that follow. Take a position on the issue and write an argumentative essay of 500-600 words responding to this question:

Do high school students benefit from working to earn money.

Do high school students benefit from working to earn money?

“Do high school students benefit from working to earn money?”

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Write a clear thesis asserting your position. Defend your claims in your body paragraphs. Add your own insight on the topic Identify and respond to counter-arguments. Summarize, paraphrase, or quote text into your essay. Cite according to MLA style.