Discussion – Planning for Change
The animation planning for change provides insight into the characteristics of a well-planned change model. This animation explains scenarios that could cause team failure. Some examples include the development of cross-functional teams whose purpose conflicts with the organization’s goal, the development of teams in risk-averse organizations that discourage creativity, and having autocratic leaders who expect the team members to follow instructions without question. This information helps me to reflect on the kind of set-up that would be appropriate for future team development sessions. It is important that the team develops a participative set-up where the team members have the ability to share ideas rather than simply listen and follow what the leader recommends (Hayes, 2018). This kind of setup will increase the chances of the team being successful since all members of the team will make a valuable contribution to the team.
The animation also mentioned the steps that need to be followed to make a successful change. The first stage is creating awareness about the change. It is crucial to make team members feel the need for change in order for it to be successful. Having done the first session of my team development, it is clear that there was a need to create enough awareness about the team’s goal. This information will shape the way future sessions are organized to ensure that the team members are aware of the need for their participation in the team.
Generally, this animation is a resourceful piece of information. It will impact the way that my team organizes its future sessions. The main change that will occur is making the team more collaborative for increased chances of success.
Hayes, J. (2018). The theory and practice of change management. Palgrave.
We’ll write everything from scratch

Discussion – Planning for Change
Review the animation Planning for Change, which you first viewed in Unit 1. After viewing the animation, what insights and perspectives for your team building sessions do you now have? What would this add to your change theory analysis?
Discussion Participation Scoring Guide.
Planning for Change | Transcript.