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Discussion – Leader and Manager’s Roles in Evidence-Based Practice

Discussion – Leader and Manager’s Roles in Evidence-Based Practice

New nurses must focus on utilizing evidence to support their nursing care plans during their practice. Nurse managers and leaders can make a difference that ensures the nursing practice in their organization is up to date and relevant. Nurse leaders must ensure they promote and sustain an evidence-based practice.

Today, the healthcare delivery industry is more focused on evidence-based practice rather than research. After finishing the nursing program, new nurses joining the healthcare delivery industry must learn how to incorporate evidence-based research into nursing science. Evidence-based practice involves using the best available nursing evidence and clinical knowledge with the needs of patients to deliver healthcare services (Jolley, 2020). Evidence-based practice is a critical part of nursing science since it improves decision-making during care plan development and implementation. EBP promotes patient satisfaction and hence improves healthcare outcomes (Jolley, 2020).

Consistently, a nurse leader or manager is better suited to lead and spearhead the new nurses into implementing evidence-based practice into nursing care. One of the major responsibilities of the nurse leader is to ensure that all nurses in their departments learn and comprehend how to integrate evidence-based practice into the nursing care plan (Bianchi et al., 2018). The nurse manager has the task of promoting evidence-based practice use and ensuring that nursing practice in their department is relevant and current. As a nurse leader, there are various strategies I can utilize to promote the effective use of evidence-based practice within my department.

The most important thing will be to ensure that all nurses within my department know that evidence-based practice is a dynamic, versatile and continuous process. I will educate them on finding, retrieving, evaluating, and integrating nursing research into practice (Bianchi et al., 2018). These skills are learned in nursing schools, but the incorporation of theory into practice can be a difficult task. The other strategy I will utilize to promote evidence-based practice is to encourage teamwork among my subordinates and other healthcare workers. Collaboration among healthcare professionals is very effective in promoting an effective and safe evidence-based practice (Caramanica  & Spiva, 2018). The nursing department does not operate in a vacuum; hence it will be my primary objective to promote professional collaborative relationships between other departments and the nursing unit.

I will also make sure that I have access to all the relevant resources that are critical in ensuring that there is a successful adoption and implementation of evidence-based practice (Caramanica  & Spiva, 2018). These resources include physical resources such as research materials and technological equipment. I will also train them on how to conduct evidence-based practice. In addition to this, I will work with my subordinates to set priorities and vision for the department. Furthermore, I will regularly communicate with them to ensure they know what I expect of them. The most important strategy for ensuring that evidence-based practice is effectively integrated into nursing care is leading your subordinates by example. As a nurse leader, I will incorporate the best and current nursing evidence when adopting and implementing care plans for the patients. By doing this, the other nurses will strive to utilize evidence-based care with minimal or no supervision.

In conclusion, nurse leaders are essential in promoting evidence-based practice in their respective departments. They must train the nurses and avail any resources necessary for implementing effective evidence-based practice. Finally, they must lead by example by practising evidence-based practice.


Bianchi, M., Bagnasco, A., Bressan, V., Barisone, M., Timmins, F., Rossi, S., … & Sasso, L. (2018). A review of the role of nurse leadership in promoting and sustaining evidence‐based practice. Journal of Nursing Management, 26(8), 918-932.

Caramanica, L., & Spiva, L. (2018). Exploring nurse manager support of evidence-based practice: Clinical nurse perceptions. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, 48(5), 272- 278

Jolley, J. (2020). Evidence-based practice. Introducing Research and Evidence-Based Practice for Nursing and Healthcare Professionals, 63-88.


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Discussion – Leader and Manager’s Roles in Evidence-Based Practice

Directions: Leader and Manager’s Roles in Evidence-Based Practice
As a new nurse, you will need to focus on using evidence to support your practice. Nurse leaders and managers make a difference in ensuring nursing practice is current and relevant.

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Module 04 Discussion-Leader and Manager’s Roles in Evidence-Based Practice

Module 04 Discussion-Leader and Manager’s Roles in Evidence-Based Practice

  • Describe how you will be involved in ensuring that you promote and sustain evidence-based practice.
If you refer to a website or article, be sure to cite it in APA format. This prevents plagiarism and allows your fellow students to review the sites and increase the class knowledge base.