Discussion – Ethical Dilemma
Figar & Đorđević (2016) and Sternberg & Halpern (2020) define an ethical dilemma as a situation where a person or organization has to choose between two options, all of which compromise ethical principles. Whichever choice one makes, they must comprise their personal view of right or wrong or the societal perceptions codified into law or religious beliefs. Using animals in experimental research, including vaccine production, is an excellent example of an ethical dilemma (Baumans, 2004). Ethical dilemma situations often occur in day-to-day life, and there is rarely an answer to what is right or wrong. The final choice depends on one’s morals and values or external societal standards.
Example of a Past Ethical Dilemma
I faced an ethical dilemma involving my two friends-John and Tom (not their real names). Both were very close friends to me. John was already married to Phyllis (not her real name), but Tom was not married yet. One evening, I noticed Tom hanging out with Phyllis in a restaurant, and I thought it would be in Tom’s best interest to inform him that Phyllis is married.
However, before I informed Tom, John called in, saying that he suspected his wife might be having an extramarital affair. Since we share friends, he wanted to know whether I had heard anything yet. I was faced with an ethical dilemma with two options: tell John that I knew about the affair or wait to tell Tom about Philly’s marriage. Whichever choice I made, I knew I would hurt either John or/and Tom.
I decided to be truthful to both Tom and John. I separately met and informed both about Philly’s dishonesty. I only hoped that neither would blame me for the adverse outcomes as a result of my truthfulness.
Baumans, V. (2004). Use of animals in experimental research: an ethical dilemma? Gene therapy, 11(1), S64-S66.
Figar, N., & Đorđević, B. (2016). Managing an ethical dilemma. Economic Themes, 54(3), 345- 362.
Sternberg, R. J., & Halpern, D. F. (Eds.). (2020). Critical thinking in psychology. Cambridge University Press.
We’ll write everything from scratch

Discussion – Ethical Dilemma
First, provide your definition of an ethical dilemma. Then, describe an ethical dilemma you experienced in your past and how you handled it.
Respond to no fewer than two of your peers’ postings to build on the discussion.