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Discussion and Analysis – HRM Websites

Discussion and Analysis – HRM Websites

The ever-changing global workforce has come with the demand for global human resources professionals. The need to attract, recruit, select, hire, and develop employees in different countries is an important aspect of this profession 9 (Adler & Ghadar, 2017). HR functions have been evolving from being a back-office function to becoming more strategic. With the help of technology, HR professionals have access to information and resources that will help them do their jobs better. HRM websites and agencies have become a valuable resource for global HR departments since they provide much-needed information and advice. These sites provide articles about the latest trends, research findings, industry insights, news updates, and other useful materials to help multinational organizations (MOs) with their recruitment needs. As an HR professional, I will benefit from these sites by having access to information and resources to help me do my job better. Hire our assignment writing services if your assignment is devastating you.

An Analysis of Each HRM Website

  1. The World Economic Forum (Weforum) (

The World Economic Forum is a global organization that aims to improve the state of the world by engaging leaders in partnerships to shape global, regional, and industry agendas (, 2021). The Weforum hosts a variety of events every year around topics such as technology, health care, sustainable development, and other pressing issues affecting society today. Each event brings together decision-makers from different sectors, including government, business, academia, and civil society. The COP26 Live, for example, is a streaming video that covers the proceedings of the upcoming United Nations Climate Change Conference in December 2018. It includes interviews with experts and updates from around the world about climate changes, environmental issues, renewable energy, sustainable development initiatives, and other topics related to global warming.

  1. The Workers’ Rights Consortium at

The Consortium is an independent, non-profit organization that monitors universities’ compliance with local and international labor standards in their supply chains. Its mission is to protect student consumers from purchasing sweatshop products by helping them boycott companies that are known violators of labor standards (Workersrights.Org., 2021). Since then, the Consortium has expanded its focus to protecting workers worldwide by promoting social responsibility in university supply chains and encouraging companies doing business with universities to improve their compliance with international labor standards. Factory investigations, monitoring visits, assessment reports, and other resources are available on the Consortium’s website, as well as a list of global universities that have signed its Code of Conduct. HR professionals can benefit from this site by gaining access to labor standards, local laws, and industry reforms that promote decent work for workers.

  1. The International Labor Organization (ILO)

ILO is the oldest international organization in the world. Headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, it is a tripartite UN agency that brings together governments, employers, and workers to promote social justice through policies on labor standards, employment relations, social protection, industrial relations, and decent work (Ilo.Org., 2021). It also promotes international labor standards through the Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work which lays down four core principles: freedom of association, right to collective bargaining, elimination of child labor, and non-discrimination in employment. HR professionals can benefit from this site by gaining access to information on labor standards and international conventions that protect workers worldwide.

  1. The Bureau of Economic Analysis

The resources on this site cover all aspects of the US economy, from measuring GDP to analyzing industry data. It is a federal agency that provides economic and financial information through publications, surveys, databases, and more for government policymakers and business leaders who want access to accurate statistics about key variables such as inflation rates or employment numbers (BEA. Gov., 2021). Global HR professionals can benefit from this site by gaining access to information on US economic trends, data collection methods, and relevant strategies for their organizations.

  1. The Bureau of Labor Statistics

The US Bureau of Labor Statistics, a federal agency under the US Department of Labor, is responsible for measuring labor market activity and working conditions in the United States (US Bureau of Labor Statistics., 2021). It compiles data from surveys, censuses, administrative records, and other sources to provide information about employment, unemployment rates, wages, and prices every month. It provides national-level unemployment rates, wage growth across different industries and occupations, and other labor market indicators. HR professionals can benefit from this site by gaining access to information on employment rates in the US and data collection methods for different economic variables. Global HR professionals can also benefit from this site by comparing US data to their own country’s economic indicators and practices.

  1. The world of HR technology (

The International Human Resource Information Management (IHRIM) is an international association that focuses on all aspects of managing human resources through information technology (, 2021). It offers its members benefits such as access to news, events, and research reports about HR tech trends in different countries worldwide. The IHRIM also provides webinars for people working within global organizations to understand how different countries use HR technology. The IHRIM also offers HRIP Certification programs for professionals who want to become certified in HR Information Management.

  1. The National Council on Aging (

The organization serves as a bridge between older adults and the organizations that serve them. It provides information on how to plan, implement or improve programs in technology transfer for older people, long-term care management strategies in home settings, and improving transportation services for seniors living in rural communities. Resources on this site include journals, reports, and current news items (, 2021). HR professionals can benefit from this site by gaining access to information about effective care management strategies for older employees worldwide and insights into policy initiatives that support aging workers, such as training programs or other forms of employee assistance.

  1. Aging Workforce (

Aging Workforce is a global news and information site that provides resources for organizations around the world. It publishes articles related to best practices, research findings, and human resource strategies in different countries such as China or Japan. HR professionals can benefit from this site by gaining access to current trends on such topics as retirement policies or benefits available for older employees. The bookstore also provides a list of titles that can be ordered and shipped to different countries.

  1. The World Bank (

The site is a collection of information on development and economic issues that affect people worldwide (Gannile, 2021). The site provides news and access to research studies, policy papers, and reports about topics such as education or training programs in developing countries. HR professionals can benefit from this site by gaining access to insights into policies related to gender equality, how different organizations are assessing employee retention, or how different training programs can be used to improve employee performance.

  1. Organization of American States (

The Organization of American States (OAS) is an inter-governmental organization that provides a forum for the countries in North and South America and Caribbean nations (, 2009). The site includes news briefs about economic development, human rights, or other topics related to international affairs. The collection of speeches, press releases, studies, or other documents related to employment in multinational corporations can be very helpful when looking for information about global trends in different countries.

  1. The Doing Business Project (

The resources at this site provide information about how economic policies are affecting different countries around the world. The research includes reports on topics such as unemployment, labor market regulation, or global trade-in markets. HR professionals can benefit from this site by gaining access to insights into trends impacting organizations with workers across borders, including employment regulations, compensation plans, and other human resource issues.

The Impact of Laws, Trends, Issues, Cultures, and Ethics

The laws governing employment in different countries around the world can be extremely complicated and confusing. HR professionals responsible for managing employees across borders need to understand better these laws, which affect issues such as labor market regulations or how discrimination is defined in specific regions. Cultures and ethics also vary widely and impact the way people work together, communicate with each other, or manage projects (Lawler & Boudreau, 2020). HR professionals working in global organizations need to understand these differences better to create strategies for managing employees and enhancing organizational performance across borders. Issues such as diversity management, workplace harassment, or other types of discrimination are areas where global HR managers need to understand how different laws and policies impact the workforce in different countries.

The Importance of These Sites

The sites listed above provide HR professionals with resources that can be used to understand different trends in the global economy, employment laws, policies, or cultural differences (Gannile, 2021). The more information you have about these areas impacts how employees work together across borders, the better decisions your organization will make when it comes time to develop strategies for retaining talent or creating competitive compensation plans. For instance, the site that provides research about the business climate in different countries could assess how much an organization should invest in compensation or training programs if they want their employees to remain loyal.


Adler, N. J., & Ghadar, F. (2017). 6. A Strategic Phase Approach to International Human Resources Management. In International management research (pp. 55-78). de Gruyter.

BEA.Gov. (2021). Bureau of Economic Analysis. US Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA). Retrieved November 28, 2021, from

Gannile, C. (2021). Influence of Moderating Effect of People Strategy on Strategic Human Resources Functions on Organizational Performance of Insurance Industry of Sri Lanka. Global Journal of Management And Business Research. (2021, August 9). Ihrim sunrise to sunset. International Association for Human Resources Information Management. Retrieved November 29, 2021, from

Ilo.Org. (2021). International Labour Organization. Retrieved November 28, 2021, from–en/index.htm.

Lawler, E., & Boudreau, J. W. (2020). Achieving excellence in human resources management. Stanford University Press. (2021). The National Council on Aging. Retrieved November 29, 2021, from (2009, August 1). Organization of American States: Democracy for Peace, security, and development. OAS. Retrieved November 29, 2021, from

US Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2021, November 23). US Bureau of Labor Statistics. Retrieved November 29, 2021, from (2021). Our shared digital future – world economic forum. Retrieved November 28, 2021, from

Workersrights.Org. (2021, April 21). Updates and analysis. Worker Rights Consortium. Retrieved November 28, 2021, from


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Discussion and Analysis - HRM Websites

Discussion and Analysis – HRM Websites

Access the Mid Term Project HRM Websites listed below. Collect at least 10 websites that are helpful to you as a human resources professional working for a global organization.
Prepare an APA formatted paper with 1,500 words and at least 10 References.
Explain what each website is for. Discuss, analyze its purpose, and elaborate on its usefulness to attract, recruit, select, hire, train, and develop employees for positions in global firms.
Include a discussion and analysis of the impact of laws, trends, issues, cultures, and ethics.
How do these websites help?
Optional: Submit your paper to the SafeAssign Draft link in the box below to check your “originality” score. Make corrections as desired.
When you are prepared to submit your assignment for grading, please submit it to the “View/Complete” link below which is located in this box.
Visit the Workers’ Rights Consortium at
Go to the Web site of the International Labor Organization for information about labor force characteristics in different countries. You may also find the country descriptions provided by the CIA useful
Find out what you can learn about economic conditions and trends and trends by visiting the Bureau of Economic Analysis
Learn more about the domestic labor market from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the U.S. Census Bureau, and the U.S. Department of Labor
Learn about recent developments in HRIS technology from the International Association for Human Resource Information Management
Visit the following sites to learn about aging: The National Council on Aging ( provides general aging news, Medicare matters, research topics, and job postings. Visit the Microsoft Accessibility home page and hearing problems, as well as guidance on how to train older workers in using the technology. Aging Workforce ( contains current events and news, along with links to books and internet resources on many topics (e.g. safety productivity, etc.); The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration on Aging provides statistics on the aging population, trends, and forecasts.
World Events: The World Economic Forum (
The World Bank ( )
The Doing Business Project ( )
Organization of American States ( )
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development ( )
For a look at the various Mercedes-Benz models being manufactured in Alabama, go to
Additionally, international HRM/GHRM courses are evolving and changing due to the global landscape, please use materials from 2009 – present as peer-reviewed, books, and journals. You may use Google Scholar but NO;; HTML, or websites with advertising.