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Director of Leadership Development and Organizational Learning

Director of Leadership Development and Organizational Learning

The current problems that the organization is facing revolve around specific focus areas. These areas include company & strategy, job satisfaction, recognition and praise, reward and recognition, training & development, and working conditions.

Working conditions

The current leadership is perceived as unethical and unjust. This perception dropped by ten points from the previous year. Employees also expressed a lack of trust in their supervisors. The lack of trust is connected to a lack of information sharing and support. Employees feel that supervisors do not readily share information regarding their performance or clarify the expectations that they should meet. When facing difficulties, minimal support is available from the supervisors. The organization fails to promote a culture that supports collective decision-making and inclusivity. Therefore, employees tend to lack a sense of purpose and fulfillment in their current positions.

Job satisfaction

Lack of appreciation for employees’ efforts from the supervisors tends to affect their satisfaction with their jobs. In addition, the position’s failure to utilize the employees’ skills and abilities causes the staff members to feel dissatisfied and unaccomplished.

Company and Strategy

The company’s leadership and management appear to perform terribly for two reasons. First, the leaders cannot create a shared vision since employees do not believe in the vision and mission of the organization. Secondly, the company does not seem to care about its employees.

 Recognition, reward, and praise

Employees expressed their lack of encouragement, especially from supervisors. Even when the set goals are met, the supervisors do not take time to recognize their efforts. This means that they do not feel encouraged to find new ways of completing their roles. As a result, their work does not offer any sense of accomplishment. The lack of recognition or reward leaves employees feeling unappreciated by the organization.

Training and development

The lack of training and development opportunities at the organization inhibits the employees’ abilities to complete their roles efficiently. Failure to assess their training needs or even involve them in the goal-setting process discourages the staff members.

Role of the Adaptive Leadership Toolkit

The adaptive leadership toolkit is ideal for resolving these issues in several ways. First, it will address the training and development needs by requiring the supervisors to receive training on leadership through the supervisor toolkit. In addition, web-based or leader-led training will offer employees an opportunity to improve their skills. Secondly, the skills assessment will highlight the company’s training needs. Thirdly, the ethical tone messaging toolkit will sensitize the leaders and supervisors to incorporate ethical tones in their meetings and communications.

Leadership strengths

Based on the employee satisfaction survey, the main leadership strengths include clear goal definition, value for clients, necessary tools for work activities, fair and competitive compensation, job security, respect for employees’ diversity, work safety, and provision of support to employees as regards fulfillment of family obligations. Some of these strengths have inspired significant job satisfaction and created a positive perspective regarding the organization’s regard for clients.

In such an organization, the provision of a safe work environment, respect for workforce diversity, and competitive/fair job compensation show that the entity is compliant. This implies that the company does not discriminate and utilizes the differences within the workforce to attain a competitive advantage, which facilitates competition with other players. In addition, the presence of quality goals and the necessary working resources as well as tools empowers employees to perform their roles effectively. Most importantly, providing clients with value for their money allows the organization to create a loyal market share that constantly refers to other people leading to increased revenue. Finally, fair and competitive compensation reduces the likelihood of a high turnover rate that would have dire effects on the quality of products and services and increase recruitment costs.


The main points of weakness include the lack of a shared vision that should motivate employees to believe in and work towards a common goal with higher commitment. The lack of concern for its employees demonstrates neglect. Lack of job satisfaction is apparent as the employees feel unutilized. They also feel that their skills and abilities are not utilized efficiently while training and development opportunities continue to be lacking. Furthermore, failure to acknowledge, recognize, and reward employees following the achievement of goals leads to discouragement. The lack of ethical and just leadership practices places immense doubt in employees regarding the company’s ethical position. Lack of trust and inclusive decision-making makes employees feel less valuable to the entity.

To improve the current weaknesses, the organization’s leadership should enhance its ability to inspire a shared vision, model the way, and challenge the process. Improving these abilities involves having leaders who can set examples using their decisions and actions. They should also be able to inspire the employees to understand and believe in the company’s vision and mission (Martin, McCormack, & Fitzsimons, 2014). Most importantly, creating a culture of innovation is essential in encouraging employees to devise new strategies for fulfilling objectives and goals.

Importance of including a personal development plan

A personal development plan offers individuals routing toward self-improvement. The main benefits of a personal development plan include providing an individual with a clear image of their ideas and aspirations. The understanding of clear goals and objectives allows an employee or leader to improve self. Secondly, it motivates individuals to work towards the identified goals. Individuals’ clear goals in relation to their weaknesses and strengths provide motivation and encouragement to achieve them. Besides motivation, individuals obtain a better balance between their life and work. This leads to improved productivity as work spillovers into the employees’ lives are reduced or eliminated (Rolfe, 2021). Finally, a personal development plan offers an opportunity for career growth and progression. Thus, employees can find fulfillment and satisfaction in their roles.

Setting SMART goals is a critical aspect of ensuring that leaders in the organization improve on their weaknesses. SMART goals highlight the time, the measures, and the practicality/logic, and are straightforward. Such goals facilitate achievement because leasers understand the expectations and work towards these within a specific time frame. Furthermore, the leaders monitor their performance allowing for improvement. SMART goals are critical for an effective personal development plan (First Nations Development Institute, 2018).

The personal development plan and SMART goal setting could help develop the leadership styles of the leaders within the organization. As stated earlier, SMART goals offer guidance while the personal development plan charts a clear direction towards the destination. The need to improve leadership styles calls for commitment from leaders. The leaders need to be in touch with their weaknesses and aware of their strengths. This information highlights areas that they excel in and those that they must improve. The SMART goals come in handy when identifying the elements that need to be fulfilled to improve the current weaknesses. With well-articulated SMART goals, it is easy for leaders to improve on certain elements that are important in achieving effective and efficient leadership.


First Nations Development Institute. (2018). Successful Evaluation: Creating SMART Goals & Objectives. Retrieved from

Martin, J., McCormack, B., & Fitzsimons, D. (2014). The importance of inspiring a shared vision. International Practice Development Journal, 4(2).

Rolfe, A. (2021). Five benefits of personal development.


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You work as a director of leadership and learning for an organization that makes prosthetics. This year’s employee engagement survey results for the organization show that some leadership practices are rated lower, while some practices were rated higher. The new chief human resources officer (CHRO) met with the team to discuss the general results. Everyone agrees that the company’s focus should be on both specific leadership development areas perceived as strengths and on those rated as areas for improvement, primarily regarding social intelligence, emotional intelligence, and the interpersonal skills of effective leaders.

Director of Leadership Development and Organizational Learning

Director of Leadership Development and Organizational Learning

To help this initiative, your manager, the vice president of leadership and learning, asked you to create an adaptive leadership toolkit that can be used throughout the organization. To begin this work, you conducted a personal leadership self-assessment and turned this into a personal development plan. Then you shared this artifact with your manager. Your manager was impressed with the thoroughness of the personal development plan and saw value in incorporating it as an exemplar within the adaptive leadership toolkit for use by all people leaders in the organization. After receiving such positive feedback from your manager, you are now ready to move forward on developing the adaptive leadership toolkit that will be shared with your manager and chief human resources officer (CHRO) of the organization.


Summarize the business problems the organization is currently facing and describe how the adaptive leadership toolkit will address these problems.

Based on the employee satisfaction survey, identify the skills and behaviors that are current strengths exhibited by leadership and explain how these strengths are critical to the success of the organization.

Based on the employee satisfaction survey, identify the skills and behaviors that are current areas of weakness for leadership and explain how these areas may be improved by applying the self-assessment you used to create your own personal development plan.

Describe the importance of including a personal development plan as an exemplar in the adaptive leadership toolkit and explain how SMART goal setting can help to improve the areas of weakness for leaders within the organization.

Explain how the personal development plan and SMART goal setting could help develop the leadership styles of the leaders within the organization.

Guidelines for Submission

Submit a 3- to 4-page Word document using 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style.