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Database Design- University Database

Database Design- University Database

Entity-Relationship Model

An entity-relationship model describes the database structure with the aid of the entity-relationship diagram. The entity-relationship models form a blueprint or conceptual design for the database implementation of the university database systems. The core importance of the database model is to generate an ETL model that transforms and loads all the processes within the database structure. The composition of the ER diagram models entails the composition of the entity sets (the entity sets is the group of similar attributes and the entities have the same composition of all the attributes in a given sets of columns). The university database models entail developing the university database models with diagrams and database blueprint design. Hire our assignment writing services to save yourself tons of time and energy required for your assignment papers.

Simplified Entity Relationship diagram models

The entity-relationship diagrams are an essential tool for mapping the relationships between the attributes for a given ER model.

Faculty database tables


Faculty Name (VARCHAR)

Faculty Biodata (VARCHAR)

Faculty Dean (VARCHAR)

Faculty Member database tables


Member Name (VARCHAR)

Member Address (VARCHAR)

Member Gender (VARCHAR)


Course database tables


Course Code (PRIMARY KEY)

Course Title (VARCHAR)

Course Prerequisite (BOOLEAN)

Member ID Code (FOREIGN KEY)

Campus table


Campus Name (VARCHAR)

Campus Location (VARCHAR)

Schools Table



School Name (VARCHAR)

School Addresses (VARCHAR)

School Name (VARCHAR)

Professional study program

Professional study ID

Professional study name

Course ID,

Student database table

Student name

Student’s date of birth

Social program

Professional study ID

(UML DIAGRAM designed by

Assumption and limitation for each relationship

The student can be enrolled in multiple courses across the entire school/program.

There exist relationships between the professional study programs and the course tables (one to many relationships).

Primary and Foreign Keys for The Database Tables

Faculty database tables Faculty ID (PRIMARY KEY, AUTOINCREMENT)  
Faculty Member database tables Faculty ID  
Course database table Course ID  
Campus database table School ID (PRIMARY KEY, AUTOINCREMENT)  
Professional study program Professional study ID  
Student database table Student ID Professional study ID

Business intelligence reports (BI) reports

Business intelligence reporting entails the process of gathering the data using the database and thus extract the reports to provide relevant reports and empower decision-makers to act accordingly through the visualized charts. Business intelligence can be composed of reports of different formats that are accomplished in different formats using visualized charts for predictive analysis and reporting in graphical analysis and representation using tables, graphs, and visualized charts. Business intelligence reports help decision-makers provide automated reports and visualized charts for policy decision-making processes and empower decision-makers to act appropriately.

Benefits of Business Intelligence (BI) reports

Business intelligence helps businesses to develop actionable insights and develop appropriate metrics for quality decision-making purposes through visualized data charts and actionable data insights.

The benefits of business intelligence (BI) includes:

Utilization of real-time data analytics to make appropriate decision-making modeling for the appropriate datasets. Business intelligence helps provide real-time data analytics, identity patterns, and trends.

Operationalize optimization and forecasting to estimate the constraints aligned with key performance indicators.

The business intelligence (BI) reports help to make informed strategic decision-making essential for making decision-making and strategy formulations. The business intelligence reports should be intuitive, accurate reporting, provides a wealth of relevant data sets, and set actionable insights, achievable milestones, and benchmarks for achieving the desired goals.

Business intelligence reports enhance data quality for improving data intelligence, such as charts and the development of statistical outliers (sum, average, mean, and standard deviations).

The types of business intelligence reports include:

Dashboard for real-time projection of student enrolment.

Real-time reporting allows the database administrator to filter the records for accurate reports to establish metrics for the number of students enrolled, courses offered.

Visualized charts show the trends with the data, such as an increase in the enrollment of students within the campus.

Key performance indicators (KPIs) – this provides a visualized representation of the performance of every aspect of the business with regards to tracking the number of enrolments and course details. Properly configured KPIs to provide indicators for building blocks for measuring the business indicators.

Outsourcing registrar and school management database systems

Database outsourcing entails using remote third parties as the focal points for supplementing expertise for maintenance and support for operational databases. Outsourcing the database operations helps improve business efficiency, boost the performance of the business through focusing on the core business functions, and helps to improve the efficiency, and workflow & effective functioning of the database management systems.

Database management outsourcing companies

Oracle – Oracle database provides enterprise for quicker retrieval and effective data storage. The integration of the Oracle database is important for effective data management (Oracle Corporation, 2).

The effectiveness of Oracle database management includes:

Logical data storage: Oracle data storage helps to store data within the Oracle DBMS.

Data partitioning: higher performance tuning for dividing large data tables into different pieces.

Implements data recovery and backup mechanism: ensures data integrity for database failure. Oracle provides a recovery manager that allows DBA to provide increments database backups and point-in-time recoveries (Oracle Corporation, 2).

Clustering of database objects – Oracle Real Application Clusters for ensuring the database is up and running for one or more servers in case one cluster fails (Oracle, 3).


The MySQL provides cross-platform database servers that provide portability for MySQL server. Implement data security that provides a level of security for recognition of data security management tools and thus safeguard digital assets. Furthermore, MySQL provides seamless connectivity for the MySQL TCP connections for both TCP and UDP ports.

The motivation behind data security is to secure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data using an encrypted algorithm for reliable database management systems. MySQL provides a faster query processing language that helps to retrieve a large number of datasets quickly and efficiently. The database operations such as deletion, insertion, and update of records is done in a seamless approach using SQL Queries using appropriate keywords such as SELECT, UPDATE, and DELETE standardized query manipulation using user-friendly language. MySQL improves the performance of the applications by creating stored procedures for stored procedures (Awasthi, 1).

Microsoft Access

Microsoft Access SQL database provides a conceptualised framework that offers a standardized query manipulation functionality and helps analyze the large amount of information and manage the data effectiveness (Awasthi, 1).

MS – Access allows the database tables to create tables, views, and reports for the MySQL database reports.

Create an elaborate user interface for which the database administrator can access the data and create forms for data manipulations by the users that provide a better information security framework for the users.

The Microsoft Access SQL server provides multitenancy by providing access to multi-user support for approximately 255 concurrent users.

Contains advanced extension support for importing data through its ease of integration with different programming languages.

Source List

Awasthi, B. (2021, March 22). 3 best free database software to manage your business data better. Software Buying Tips and Advice for Businesses | Capterra. Retrieved May 2, 2021, from

Oracle Corporation. (n.d.). MySQL. MySQL. Retrieved May 2, 2021, from (n.d.). Are you ready to consolidate databases into database clouds? Oracle | Integrated Cloud Applications and Platform Services. Retrieved May 2, 2021, from

Quest Software Inc. (n.d.). Oracle database management software tools | Manage Oracle database system. Quest | IT Management | Mitigate Risk | Accelerate Results. Retrieved May 2, 2021, from



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A prestigious university has recently implemented a consolidation strategy that will require it to centralize its student records. In order to move forward, the local university will need to develop a data model that will retain student records and perform various data extract transform and load (ETL) processes. Imagine that you have been hired as a database consultant to assist in the development of a data design strategy for student records.

Database Design- University Database

Database Design- University Database

You met with various university subject matter experts and have determined the following after performing various business analysis processes:

Faculty groups are divided by core competencies that the university offers. For example, there are groups such as the Art Faculty, Computer Technology Faculty, Language Faculty, and Science Faculty. Each faculty member has an assigned Dean and is designated to teach at one particular campus and school. They are able to teach as many courses as required.
Courses are categorized by course code and title. Certain courses have prerequisites, and the university has asked for them to be cataloged as well.
There are various schools within each campus. For example, the Los Angeles campus holds the following schools: School of Science, School of Law, and School of Computer Technology. Additionally, each school offers different professional study programs, such as Forensic Computer Science, Marine Biology, Business Management, and Civil Engineering, to name a few.
The study path for students requires that they be enrolled in a specific professional study program. The professional study program requires the students to complete a specific set of core courses. The university also requires that an online grade book be available. The online grade book should show grades awarded to students for specific courses and the term they completed the course.
The university identifies each student by their name, date of birth, and social and professional study program.