Customer Satisfaction, Retention, And Loyalty
Explain the contemporary concepts of customer and supplier? Define- What is?
There are various concepts of customer and supplier. These concepts categorize customers and suppliers as buyers and sellers of products or services. For every company, there are internal and external customers. Subsequently, an external customer is a traditional customer, while an internal customer is an employee.
What is a reliable customer?
A reliable customer is a customer who repeatedly buys from the same organization.
What is the six-step strategy for identifying customer needs?
The six steps for identifying customer needs include;
Speculating about results
Developing an information-gathering plan
Gathering the information
Analyzing the results
Checking the validity of conclusions
Taking action
What is the Quality function deployment (QFD)? What are the basic activities?
The Quality Function Deployment makes customer feedback a normal part of product development, improving customer satisfaction.
It seeks spoken & unspoken customer needs
It uncovers “positive” qualities that amaze the customer
It translates these into designs, characteristics, & deliverable actions
It builds and delivers a quality product/service by focusing the various business functions towards achieving a common goal: customer satisfaction.
What is the affinity diagram?
An affinity diagram is an excellent tool for organizing ideas and data from mixed data. Additionally, it is one of the Seven Management and Planning Tools.
Also, the Affinity diagram technique collects large amounts of data and organizes it into groups or themes based on the relationships.
What is the Customer satisfaction process?
The customer satisfaction process is how customer needs and requirements are met, providing excited and satisfied clients.
How customer-defined value of a product or service?
The customer-defined value of a product or service includes the characteristics that influence a customer’s opinion of the product or service based on its quality and other factors (Agricultural Economics Review, 2000).
What is Customer retention?
Customer retention is the ability of a company or its product to retain customers for some specific period.
Describe the customer loyalty model?
The customer loyalty model consists of various components: business performance, global perceptions, loyalty behaviors, and financial outcomes. These components make up the customer loyalty model.
What is the ISO? What is meant by ISO 9000 and ISO 9001?
ISO is an abbreviated format for the International Organization for Standardization, an international standard-setting organization promoting worldwide proprietary through industrial and commercial standards for products and services.
ISO 9000 consists of standards set by ISO to establish and maintain quality assurance systems (Franceschini, Galetto, and Cecconi, 2006).
ISO 9001 is a standard in ISO 9000, specifying the requirements of the quality assurance systems.
What is the difference between ISO 9000 and ISO 9001 (Types and Details)?
The difference between ISO 9000 and ISO 9001 is that ISO 9001 is a standard found within a family of ISO 9000 standards.
List the key elements of ISO 9000? (The Eight Principles)
The key elements of ISO 9000 include;
Customer focus- whereby organizations understand and satisfy their customers’ needs and requirements.
Leadership- whereby the organization’s growth and profits are influenced by employee performance, attributed to the type of leadership in an organization.
Involvement of people, specifically employees who influence organization growth through their motivation drive influenced by the culture in an organization
Process approach, whereby all processes and activities in an organization are managed and controlled
System approach to management- whereby all processes and activities are managed under a single quality management system
Continuous improvement, whereby improvement is created through repeated improvements to all activities and processes in an organization
Factual approach to decision making- whereby the evidence influences decision-making gathered.
Mutually beneficial supplier relationships, whereby the status and condition of supplier relationships influence the organization’s productivity
What is the principle of operation Plan–Check-Act: ISO 9000’s?
The principle of operation Plan Check Act involves;
Plan. Involving planning to establish objectives and plans for all activities
Do. Involving the actualization of plans set
Check. Involving the checking of the results of activities and comparing them to set standards
Act. Involving the actions following results, which involves the solving of problems that arise, and subsequently, repeating the cycle
What is the Objective (Aims) of ISO 9000? And the Objective (Aims) of TQM?
The objectives of ISO 9000 include:
Improving and maintaining product quality
Improving operations quality to satisfy the needs of all individuals involved
Ensure that all standard requirements are met.
The objectives of TQM include;
Meet customer needs and requirements
Develop proper relationships with the people involved
Repeated quality improvement for products
Creating proper relationships with employees to influence their performance positively
What is a quality management system definition by ISO 9000?
A quality management system is a system that records and documents all the processes, procedures, and responsibilities necessary to accomplish an organization’s policies and objectives.
What are The benefits of developing industry-specific versions of the ISO 9001 standard?
There are benefits associated with the development of industry-specific versions of ISO 9001 standards, including;
Its suitability for industries of all sizes
It promotes better internal activities management
It reduces wastage through the improvement of industrial efficiency in all processes.
It improves customer loyalty through the response to their needs and requirements.
It provides globally recognized standards for products; hence, it isn’t restrictive.
Explain the origins of ISO 9000 and TQM. How are they different?
The ISO 9000 and TQM have different origins. Accordingly, ISO 9000 was published ISO in 1987. TQM was first applied at the beginning of the 1920s when product quality control was determined using the statistical theory
The difference between ISO 9000 and TQM involves a distinction whereby ISO 9000 is a standard system that ensures the fulfillment of ISO standards. In contrast, TQM involves activities that ensure customer satisfaction.
List six statements that summarize the comparative scope of ISO 9000 and TQM.
The six statements that summarize the summary include;
ISO 9000 and TQM are put to work together and not one against the other.
ISO 9000 and TQM cannot be replaced for the other but are put to work together
ISO 9000 is related to and matches with TQM.
ISO 9000 is put to work when TQM isn’t implemented
ISO 9000 tends to improve an organization’s operations with a traditional environment.
ISO 9000 comes short in an environment where TQM is implemented.
List the appropriate reasons for implementing ISO 9000? (motivation)
There are various reasons for implementing ISO 9000, including;
It provides global standards for given products
It promotes customer satisfaction through the fulfillment of their needs and requirements.
It improves the organization‘s efficiency by improving product quality and influencing its culture.
- Agricultural Economics Review. Greek Association of Agricultural Economists.
Franceschini, F., Galetto, M. and Cecconi, P., 2006. A worldwide analysis of ISO 9000 standard diffusion. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 13(4), pp.523-541.
We’ll write everything from scratch
- Define the Quality? Quality management? Total Quality?
Customer Satisfaction, Retention, And Loyalty
- Who is the judge of Quality?
- List the key elements of Total Quality and Quality management? (Characteristics- Principles)
- What are the major differences between the traditional view of quality and the total quality? (by Table).
- Describe the following concepts:( Explain)
- The Deming Cycle?
- The Pareto Principle?
- The Juran Trilogy?
- Crosby’s Contributions?
- Why do some quality initiatives fail?
- Summarize the most common errors made when starting quality initiatives?
- Explain the contemporary concepts of customer and supplier? Define- What is?
- What is a reliable customer?
- What is the six-step strategy for identifying customer needs?
- What is the Quality function deployment (QFD)? What are the basic activities?
- What is the affinity diagram?
- What is the Customer satisfaction process?
- How Customer defined value of a product or service?
- What is the Customer retention?
- Describe the customer loyalty model?
- What is the ISO? What is meant ISO 9000 and ISO 9001?
- What is the different between ISO 9000 and ISO 9001 (Types and Details)?
- List the key elements of ISO 9000? (The Eight Principles)
- What is the principle of operation Plan–Do–Check–Act: ISO 9000’s?
- What is the Objective, (Aims) of ISO 9000? And the Objective, (Aims) of TQM?
- What is a quality management system definition by ISO 9000?
- What are The benefits of developing industry-specific versions of the ISO 9001 standard?
- Explain the origins of ISO 9000 and TQM. How are they different?
- List six statements that summarize the comparative scope of ISO 9000 and TQM?
- List the appropriate reasons for implementing ISO 9000? (motivation)