Critical Reviews of Recent Research – Analysis of Three Scholarly Articles
First Article
The article by Griffiths et al. (2019) is a case study that involves the application of the School-Wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (SW-PBIS) program in an alternative school in California. The research aimed at adapting SW-PBIS to suit students in alternative schools and determine its impact on discipline. In this respect, the researchers focused on resource allocation, training, buy-in, and data collection stages. The findings indicate that incidents remained unchanged from the baseline; however, there was an increase in on-task behaviors and a decrease in defiance-related behaviors.
The research article gives important information on how to implement SW-PBIS in a school that is different from the regular one. The case study design, thus, enables a detailed analysis of the adaptation process and the first results. The stress on the stakeholders’ buy-in, training, and the possible modifications to the SW-PBIS framework is praiseworthy. Nevertheless, the study’s weakness is its dependence on a single case study, which, in turn, may limit the generalizability of the results. Therefore, the research’s quality can be improved if future studies will take into account bigger sample sizes and replication across different alternative schools.
In relation to the education sector, this research is significant because it moves towards understanding how beneficial SW-PBIS can be when applied within alternative school settings. The findings of the research indicate that SW-PBIS could be the right approach to help students who are studying at alternative schools due to an increased number of Tier 2 and Tier 3 interventions. This means that through positive behavioral support and interventions, the SW-PBIS can facilitate more effective disciplinary practices within the environment of alternative schooling. By doing this, discipline results can be improved using SW-PBIS while creating a more supportive and motivating atmosphere for non-traditional schooling students.
Griffiths, A. J., Diamond, E. L., Alsip, J., Furlong, M., Morrison, G., & Do, B. (2019). School‐wide implementation of positive behavioral interventions and supports in an alternative school setting: A case study. Journal of Community Psychology, 47(6), 1493-1513.
Second Article
The research article by Eiraldi et al. (2019) is centered around the pilot study of introducing the School-Wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (SW-PBIS) program in under-resourced urban schools within the context of mental health support. This was research conducted on two K-8 urban schools to ascertain the fidelity of the interventions and outcomes at Tier 1 and Tier 2 levels. At this level, tier 2 interventions consisted of manual group cognitive behavioral therapy (GCBT) procedures that were used for externalizing anxiety, behavior problems, and depression. The findings indicated that Tier One interventions led to a reduction in office discipline referrals, whereas GCBT student participants demonstrated a substantial decrease in the severity of mental health diagnoses.
The topic addressed by the article involves integration within under-resourced urban schools between the SW-PBIS program as well as mental health support. Integration of Tier 2 interventions through manualized GCBT protocols shows that SW-PBIS now has mental health services incorporated within it. Therefore, research results indicate that students who had been in GCBT experienced lower diagnostic severity of their mental health disorders, unlike those who did not participate in GCBT. However, this study also highlighted difficulties faced during the implementation phase for Tier 2 interventions. The school personnel had to get a lot of external support to introduce the interventions, and this made people ask whether the program would be sustainable and scalable in other resource-constrained settings.
The incorporation of mental health services in the SW-PBIS framework is the main focus of the study, which, in turn, deals with the complete needs of students. The results show that Tier 1 interventions can be a factor in the decrease in office discipline referrals, and Tier 2 interventions, like GCBT, can lead to a decrease in the severity of mental health diagnostics. These results highlight the possibility of combining PBIS with mental health support for students in urban school settings to improve behavioral and mental health outcomes. The research’s findings help officials make the right decisions in the development of interventions in low-income urban schools, which, consequently, support the well-being and academic success of students.
Eiraldi, R., McCurdy, B., Schwartz, B., Wolk, C. B., Abraham, M., Jawad, A. F., & Mautone, J. A. (2019). Pilot study for the fidelity, acceptability, and effectiveness of a PBIS program plus mental health supports in under‐resourced urban schools. Psychology in the Schools, 56(8), 1230-1245.
Third Article
The research-based article by Sugai and Horner (2020) is about the 25-year history of Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) implementation. The authors present the main characteristics of PBIS as a multitiered framework and explain the procedure and the results of the implementation of PBIS in an excess of 26,000 schools. In addition, they portray the national outcome data related to PBIS implementation and end with a discussion on future directions, stressing the importance of sustainability and scaling.
By emphasizing the main components of PBIS and its multitiered framework, the authors have given a clear explanation of the essential elements that are responsible for the success of PBIS programs. Many schools present the implementation process and outcomes, thus making its article more reliable and comprehensive. The national outcome data for the PBIS implementation is a good representation of the effectiveness of this method. However, it would have been more beneficial to include further results, like how it would affect student behavior, academic performance, and school atmosphere. The article could also have discussed more about ways to ensure sustainability in order to make sure that PBIS spreads further into other schools.
This study is crucial in education because it gives a full picture of the meaning of implementing PBSI. Finally, after 25 years of summarizing history and presenting national outcome data, the authors note that “PBIS works for students.” Sustainability and scaling are significant in terms of the future prospects concerning PBIS programs at large. This publication should be useful to teachers, administrators, and policymakers involved in implementing or expanding PBIS initiatives since it helps them know important features, findings, and issues associated with implementing or maintaining PBSI across different educational settings.
Sugai, G., & Horner, R. H. (2020). Sustaining and scaling positive behavioral interventions and supports: Implementation drivers, outcomes, and considerations. Exceptional Children, 86(2), 120-136.
We’ll write everything from scratch
For this assignment, you will write reviews on three separate research-based articles. Select the three articles you would like to review from scholarly, peer-reviewed research journals. The articles you select should not be articles you have previously reviewed for this or another course but should reflect the research topic you identified in Discussion: Research Topic. The articles you choose must have been published within the past five years.
Critical Reviews of Recent Research – Analysis of Three Scholarly Articles
Concisely summarizing large amounts of data is a skill that researchers must master for both the data they generate and for conveying the relevant works of others in their own literature reviews. Therefore, the length of this assignment is to be a single page for each review for a total of three pages (not including the required title page). Each one-page review must include the following, appearing in the same order as listed below:
This article focuses on the case study that was developed to determine the impact of implementing a School-Wide Behavior Intervention system for one year on discipline outcomes. In Griffin et al’s (2019) study, the school had to adapt the programming needs to fit that of the selected population, which was the students in an alternative school in California. The study included 175 students and utilized the PBIS system as a base model to provide the proper support and interventions for its students.