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Criteria of Effective Teams

Criteria of Effective Teams

As described in our textbook, the three criteria of effective teams are high levels of task performance, member satisfaction, and future viability (Uhl-bien et al., 2021). Regarding task performance, task Performance is a term for how a person does on a given task. Task performance is measured as response time, or it could be counted as accuracy. It also defines the key responsibilities and roles a person needs to perform while working on some specific task. As seen with member satisfaction is how happy team members are with their jobs and how they feel about the individual aspects of the job, such as the workplace culture, management, and tasks they perform daily. Lastly is the future viability for effective teams. Team viability is the capacity of a team for sustainable growth and future success. It captures, shows, and expands the team’s members’ satisfaction and intent to remain a part of the team (Uhl-Bien et al., 2021). Companies and businesses must establish an effective team with solid processes and goals; the unit must be shaped, formed, and developed through the following five stages. First is the forming stage, which involves a period of orientation and getting acquainted. Uncertainty is high during this stage, and people seek leadership and authority.

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Team members are asking questions and getting to know each other, and learning what the team expects from each person. Second is the storming stage, the most challenging and critical stage. Team or group members may disagree on team goals, and subgroups and cliques may form around this stage due to solid personalities or areas that lack full support and agreement from all team members. For a team to be successful and get through this stage, members must work to overcome obstacles, accept individual differences, and work through conflicting ideas on team tasks and goals. Third is the norming stage teams. During this stage, most teams develop around the leader or leaders of the group, and team unity emerges. Team performance increases during this stage as members learn to cooperate and begin to focus on team goals. Forth is the performing stage; in the performing stage, the group’s focus is well-established, and the team is mature, organized, and well-functioning. Fifth is the adjourning stage. In the adjourning stage, most of the team’s goals have been met and accomplished.

The emphasis is on wrapping up any final tasks and documenting the effort and results from your team and/or group you worked with.

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Uhl-Bien, M., Piccolo, R.F., Schermerhorn, J. R. & Bachrach, D.G (2021). MGT-420 organizational behavior and management with WileyPLUS. Wiley & Sons.


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Criteria of Effective Teams

Criteria of Effective Teams

What are the three criteria of effective teams, as described in the textbook?  How are all three evident in each of the five stages of team development? Provide examples to support your response.

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