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Cooperation and collaboration initiative

Cooperation and collaboration initiative

The collaborative initiative has several positive aspects. The CPHA, CLC, and CCP are some of them. The organizations are tirelessly working together to reduce the activities of crime and rebuild the community. Rebuilding and engaging the community, creating programs, and teaching the youth help to reduce criminal activities. The general public was educated on eradicating crime and injustice, like reporting lawbreakers (Roth & Kelling, 2004). The creation of hotspot communities (HSC) is a vital positive aspect of the collaborative program. Thirty-six communities in Maryland were experiencing crime issues in high numbers. A census was done to know the number of people in the affected areas.  The HSC took up those communities but encouraged every county in Maryland to apply for the program.  According to the data analyzed by county and state law enforcement agencies, there were thirty-five hotspot areas. Hire our assignment writing services in case your assignment is devastating you.

Most of the young people were employed to help in eradicating crimes in those areas. Policies for combating injustice and crime were set and followed by everyone. The discovery of juvenile crimes after children left school when not supervised led to the supervision of the children and giving them tasks after school (Roth & Kelling, 2004). The tasks were to keep them busy and hence not engage in crimes. After-school programs for children were both educational and recreational. The initiative and members of the community mentored the children and youth to be good citizens. The good policies ensured a good relationship between the police and the community. The number of crimes was reduced by twenty-four per cent.  Property crimes decreased by thirty per cent and violent crimes by eighty per cent. A similar program was implemented later statewide.

It was wise for the CCP organizers to involve CPHA and CLC. The two organizations have a good knowledge base. The CLC did the legal aspect of the collaborative program. CLC assisted in filing lawsuits against the negligent landlord. It went a step further to involve neighbours of the landlords in the lawsuit. CPHA was key in mobilizing the community (Roth & Kelling, 2004). It got the residents and neighbours of the neighbourhood involved in the collaborative program. They placed the responsibility of keeping their community safe to the community. The community leaders were also involved in ensuring security in the neighbourhoods. The partnership was key in achieving security. One organization could not have achieved much on its own and without community involvement and collaboration.

The police are less essential. Generally, people fear the police because of their unfriendliness; hence problems can fail to be discovered. No problem is well solved when fear is involved. The police employed by the government to combat the crimes in the community are not able to do it until community-based organizations involve themselves. The police have failed in their job, so the community-based organization should not involve them in eradicating crimes in society. The collaboration initiative should train the people to maintain security in their community (Fletcher & Gilmore, 2010). It should also involve the youth by creating training and job opportunities for them. Involving youth will curb the use of drugs and involvement in crimes. Most youth who abuse drugs are involved in crimes; thus, educating them and giving them alternative ways of living helps reduce crimes. Children should be supervised after school and be involved in recreational programs. The parents, teachers, and society at large mentoring children can help eradicate crime without the involvement of the police.

The criminal justice entities that would have enhanced the success of the collaborative initiative are the Criminal Justice Commission and the Board of the State. The commission and board would play an important role in advising and educating the public on effective ways to eliminate crime in their neighbourhood (Ross, 2009). To smoothly run collaborative initiatives and programs, money is needed. The commission and board can fund the children’s educational and recreational programs. The board is not discriminatory; hence the funds also help the youth and minorities. They can fund youth training and other programs through the initiative.  The youth involve themselves in crime because of being idle, poor, or abusing drugs. Policies are key in eradicating crimes; the criminal justice board can easily create those policies to ensure justice is served and crime is eradicated. It ensures justice is served in case of a crime and that the criminals are accordingly sentenced for their crimes (Ross, 2009). It’s the responsibility of the State to take care of its people; hence the local-based initiatives should work together with the State towards the success of the programs.

The non-criminal entities that could have enhanced the success of the initiative are criminal justice and information services. It is an entity that takes fingerprints of people in a community. The record-keeping of fingerprints ensures that criminals are easily discovered and sentenced (Senior et al., 2007). Easy discovery of criminals and sentencing ensures justice is served and security is maintained. Information about a specific person can be easily retrieved from the records kept by the organization. The records have to be well and safely kept so that criminals do not escape justice. The use of this commission by the local-based initiatives can make the program successful since they will have information about every person in the community. It will help in solving crimes easily. The information ensures justice since the commission records people’s information without bias and discrimination of any kind. It ensures that people are well-educated on justice and their rights.  The initiatives should involve such commissions to enhance their success in their programs.


Fletcher, M., & Gilmore, W. C. (2010). EU criminal law and justice. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Roth, J., & Kelling, G. (2004). Baltimore’s comprehensive communities program: Case study [Ebook] (p. 1-74 pages). US Department of Justice. Retrieved 9 November 2021, from

Ross, D. L. (2009). Civil Liability in Criminal Justice. Burlington: Elsevier Science.

Senior, P., Crowther-Dowey, C., & Long, M. (2007). Understanding the modernisation in criminal justice. Maidenhead: Open University Press. ) Essay Example


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You are working in the research unit of a foundation that awards grants to criminal justice agencies. The foundation is interested in promoting inter-agency collaboration to address specific issues in criminal justice. There is a formal debate in the office as to whether a particular case of apparent cooperation/collaboration was actually effective. Your supervisor is championing one side of this discussion. You have been asked to provide a review of the case identified below. Specifically, your supervisor asked you to compose a paper that included responses to the four questions provided. (See Item #3 below.)

Cooperation and collaboration initiative

Cooperation and collaboration initiative

1. Read the following report from the National Institute of Justice:

“Baltimore’s Comprehensive Communities Program: A Case Study”

2. Respond to the following questions:

Describe the positive aspects of the collaborative initiative
What partner do you feel is less essential to the initiative and why? (Note “None” is not an option.)
What criminal justice entity do you feel could have enhanced the success of the initiative?]
What NON-criminal justice entity do you feel could have enhanced the success of the initiative?
Note: While these four questions may be helpful in creating an outline, the paper itself must be presented as a formal narrative case study.

3. Complete Project 1 (Case Study) in the following format:

Respond to the four questions in item 2 above
Format Requirements

Paper must be double-spaced, 11 or 12 pt font and 1” margins all around.
All APA 7th edition format requirements must be followed (cover page, in-text citations, reference page). Refer to APA/UMGC – learning resources found on the content page of this course.
You must have resources to support your thoughts/opinions/information. These must be cited both in the text as well as at the end of the document. Your paper should not contain direct quotes, sourced material must be paraphrased.