Comparing Different Diets
Looking at the two pictures, one image contains high-refined food while the other contains unrefined food, including fruits and vegetables. Based on what I have learned so far, the more food undergoes refinement processes, the more it is stripped of its minerals and vitamins, among other natural substances that are nutritious to the body. Therefore, refined food has way less nutrition than unrefined food. Further, refined food contains a lot of sugar, salt, and unsaturated fats, which then lead to increased calories in said foods (De Souza et al., 2015). This is in contrast with unrefined foods because they have no added fats or sugars, making the number of calories in them more healthy for the body.
Some of the challenges our society faces when it comes to eating healthy include low cost and high availability of refined foods saturated with fats, sugars, and salt. Secondly, social media has made the already powerful and influential advertising of processed foods very easy, especially for young children (Pomeranz & Mozaffarian, 2022). Notably, unrealistic beauty standards have also unhealthy food consumption whereby individuals are starving themselves to fit into specific body types that are considered beautiful in popular culture (Otín-del Castillo, Martínez-Quiñones & Jáuregui-Lobera, 2022). In addition, there is not enough information on nutrition or its importance it; therefore, awareness of its significance is little. Further, nutritious food, such as unrefined foods, is difficult to access; when it is accessible, it is expensive compared to other unhealthy options.
Unfortunately, the second image that contains refined food looks more like my current diet. To help modify my current diet and make healthier choices, I will start consuming more fruits and freshly blended juice instead of processed juice. Secondly, after learning that water is an essential nutrient, I will try to consume about two to three liters of water, as is the recommended amount. Lastly, I will try reducing the amount of refined food I consume and opt for healthier options.
De Souza, R. J., Mente, A., Maroleanu, A., Cozma, A. I., Ha, V., Kishibe, T., … & Anand, S. S. (2015). Intake of saturated and trans unsaturated fatty acids and risk of all-cause mortality, cardiovascular disease, and type 2 diabetes: systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies. Bmj, 351.
Otín-del Castillo, J. M., Martínez-Quiñones, J. V., & Jáuregui-Lobera, I. (2022). Perspective Chapter: Social Networks and Eating Disorders- Beauty and the Beast?. Recent Updates in Eating Disorders.
Pomeranz, J. L., & Mozaffarian, D. (2022). Food Marketing to—and Research on—Children: New Directions for Regulation in the United States. Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 50(3), 542-550.
Schiff. W. J. (2022). Nutrition for Healthy Living. McGraw Hill.
We’ll write everything from scratch
paring Different DietsUnit 1 DB: Comparing Different Diets
For this Discussion Board, review the foods in these two photos:
Fruits and vegetables are lying next to each other. Unhealthy foods like donuts, soda, and candy are on the table.

Comparing Different Diets
Given what you have learned this week, what are some of the nutritional differences you see between the two photos? After describing how they are different, please answer the following questions:
What do you think are some of the biggest challenges our society faces when it comes to eating healthy?
Which picture do you think looks the most like your current diet?
How can you modify your current diet to make healthier choices?
Please review the Discussion Board Grading Criteria on the Course Information Page.