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Communication in the Workplace

Communication in the Workplace




Subject: Communication in the Workplace


We have all experienced communication issues currently hindering effective communication among employees in our organization. Therefore, I am writing this email to inform you about the importance of communication, how to effectively share information in person and via email, and the consequences of gossip and false information in the workplace. According to Adu-Oppong & Agyin-Birikorang (2014), communication is vital in increasing employee productivity, forming relationships, and properly utilizing resources in the organization. The link between communication and increased productivity is evident in sharing information and ideas to meet the organization’s goals. Communication also creates a sense of belonging because employees can express themselves and access important information, thus increasing productivity. Communication also establishes the foundation for relationships among employees and between management and employees. Need help with your assignment ? Reach out to us. We offer excellent services.

Open communication among employees and between employees and management creates trust, thus facilitating the formation of relationships that can be leveraged to increase organizational performance and create a conducive work environment. Communication ensures that the resources within the organization are utilized adequately by creating collaboration among employees to prevent unnecessary delays in completing tasks within the organization. We can effectively share information in person by creating dialogue. Also, we should give the other person time to respond to shared information and provide feedback to ensure everyone’s opinions and ideas are expressed. We also need to share information via email to avoid miscommunication effectively. One of the things that we can do to achieve this is to state the purpose of the email in the subject section to prepare the recipient for the information they should expect from the email. We can also communicate effectively via email by using clear language that the recipient can understand.

One of the issues hindering effective communication in our organization is gossip and sharing false information. One of the consequences of gossiping and disseminating false information is conflict and frustration among employees due to disagreements on what should be done to meet the organization’s goals. Misinformation also creates a hostile environment, leading to high employee turnover. According to Swanson (2019), high employee turnover increases operational costs because of the costs incurred to hire and train new employees. Gossip and misinformation also cause mistrust among employees and between employees and management. Lack of trust is linked to reduced collaboration among employees and reduced productivity. Lack of trust can also conflict, especially when employees suspect each other of sabotage and unfair distribution of the resources required to complete assigned tasks.

Moreover, according to Cheng et al. (2022), gossip is a leading cause of emotional distress among employees. Employees are likely to develop stress and depression when their colleagues gossip about them, leading to reduced morale. False information could disrupt operations within the organization. For example, if employees are misinformed about what they should do, there could be delays in completing assigned tasks leading to disruptions in the organization’s routine. Spreading false information about change may also lead to resistance to change and delays in implementation, leading to disruptions in operations. For example, employees may share false information about the impact of change on the organization and employees, thus creating a need to take some time to familiarize employees with the change and get feedback from employees about the change. Therefore, every employee must take the initiative to confirm the accuracy of the information they share and use the proper communication channels.


Best regards.




Adu-Oppong, A. A., & Agyin-Birikorang, E. (2014). Communication in the Workplace: Guidelines for Improving Effectiveness. Global Journal of Commerce & Management Perspective, 3(5), 2018-213.

Cheng, S., Kuo, C., Chen, H., Lin, M., & Kuo, V. (2022). Effects of workplace gossip on employee mental health: A moderated mediation model of psychological capital and developmental job experience. Frontiers in Public Health, 10.

Swanson, L. (2019). Minimizing and mitigating the cost of employee turnover. Transplantation, 103(11S), S75-S75.


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Communication in the Workplace

Communication in the Workplace

Recently, you have noticed a change in the way your colleagues are communicating. There is a lot of gossiping, and much of what is shared is false. This is starting to affect the culture of your office, as there is a lot of negativity and hurt feelings.
After some careful thought, you decide to share your concerns with your colleagues. Utilizing the concepts from this unit, draft an email to your colleagues explaining the importance of communication and how to effectively share information both in person and via email. Include the consequences of gossip and false information in the workplace. Remember that these are your coworkers, and you want to keep a positive relationship with them, so your email should be professional in manner and outline your concerns.
Your complete assignment must be at least two pages in length. Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources, if used.