Coach Scott Braswell
Bibliography Information
Coach Scott Braswell is among the American Football coaches who have come a long way in developing their coaching career. According to the information shared by the coach on a Young Coaches Association (YCA) podcast, his interest in coaching was inspired by his father, who was a North Carolina head coach. His father introduced him to American Football at a young age, and he later played in senior high school as one of the players being coached by his father. Before starting his coaching career, he played Division Three football at Catholic University in Washington, DC.
Based on the information shared by Scott Braswell in the YCA podcast, Scott Braswell began his coaching career by working as a defensive intern coach at Methodist University in North Carolina and worked there for one year. He then moved to UNC Charlotte to work as a strength conditioner and became a coach assistant for two and a half years. He was then hired as a DB coach at Ave Maria University, where he learned different coaching skills from Mike Stan, the defence coordinator at that time. After that, he moved back to UNC Charlotte for one year, where he worked as an analyst helping social teams and training defence before moving to Virginia to work with his father. He worked with his father for two years by coordinating defence and helping special teams (YCA Podcast, 2023). He was then hired by Dutch Fork, where he is currently working as a defensive coordinator.
Scott Braswell is a certified physical education and social studies teacher because he has an N & SC Physical Education Teaching License and NC & SC Social Studies Teaching License. His main career highlight was when he was hired as a defensive coordinator at Dutch Fork Football. The head coach, Tom Knotts’ stated, “Hiring Scott Braswell Jr., whose father was a coaching friend of Knotts from Charlotte. Braswell brings a change in philosophy to the Dutch Fork defence” (Colombia Star, 2021). This statement showed that Tom Knotts was confident in Scott Braswell’s expertise and ability to bring positive change to the team, thus creating a positive image for him among players and other coaches. Scott Braswell’s main accomplishments include helping specialist teams improve their defensive techniques while working alongside other coaches and moving from a defensive coach intern at Methodist University in North Carolina to a defensive coach at Dutch Fork Football.
Scott Braswell’s Coaching Philosophy, Coaching Style, and Principles that have Contributed to his Success
According to Cushion & Partington (2014), a coaching philosophy comprises a coach’s priorities, principles, attitudes, assumptions, beliefs, and values. A coaching philosophy influences a coach’s coaching decisions and behaviours (Cahill, 2021). It also guides coaches in developing the objectives that they should pursue and how to achieve them (Miller, 2023). Scott Braswell’s coaching philosophy that has enabled him to become a successful coach is believing that the Dutch Fork High School Football will be built on a high commitment by all coaches and athletes to academic and athletic excellence. His coaching style prioritizes developing and building young people with a great sense of community, high moral character, and humility to represent the school and school district in the best possible light. Braswell is also committed to a high standard of great sportsmanship, academic and athletic excellence, and conquering love for each other to help individuals become the best version of themselves. He believes that people can become the best version of themselves by supporting one another and sharing a purpose and cause aside from themselves. His principles include authentic toughness, conquering love, and outrageous effort. He encourages his team to apply these principles by playing as a unit that truthfully loves and is accountable for one another with a toughness and physical nature that is not artificial and a level of relentlessness, effort, and pursuit that will break the team’s opponents’ will so that the team can remain undefeated.
Admirable Characteristics
According to Grecic & Grundy (2016), a coach’s characteristics are influenced by their value system, which is developed based on organizational strategy or policy. One of the characteristics that I admire most about coach Scott Braswell is his commitment to self-improvement. Since he began working as an intern coach, Braswell has always been looking for opportunities to improve himself as a coach and learn from other coaches, thus helping him build a successful career as a coach. I also admire his patience. Braswell has been patient in developing his career as a coach by taking his time to progress from being an intern defensive coach to a full-time defensive coach and has always been focused on taking advantage of every opportunity he gets to advance his career, no matter how small it may seem. Another characteristic that I admire most about him is risk-taking. Scott Braswell is not afraid to take risks by leveraging new opportunities, including those that require him to relocate to another place, as long as they contribute to his career development. I will try to model his risk-taking and commitment as well as a coach to advance my career as a coach and learn new coaching-related skills from the different experts I work with. I will also apply some of the things I have learned from the coach to advance my coaching career. One of the things I have learned is that every opportunity is worth considering as long as it involves gaining new experience. I have also learned that a person can learn something from anyone even though they are within the same career levels. These lessons are important in helping me develop an attitude that can facilitate my career progression as a coach.
The Coaching Objectives I have Developed my Coaching Philosophy on
Scott Braswell’s journey to becoming a successful coach greatly inspires me. I will use the lessons learned from his story to meet the objectives that I have developed my coaching philosophy on by focusing on winning, ensuring that athletes have fun, and supporting the development of athletes. My objective for winning is to improve the team’s offensive and defensive strategies through regular practice to help them score more points than their competitors. The objective aimed at assisting the athletes in having fun is to create a friendly training environment where employees can organize a competition among themselves to help one another identify their weaknesses and use team-building activities and tours to help players bond and learn more about one another. Furthermore, the objective aimed at supporting the development of athletes is to customize training programs to help players eliminate their weaknesses. The priority of ensuring that athletes have fun is to ensure that they are emotionally fit. Being emotionally fit to play is important because it facilitates concentration on the game, leading to more wins. Focusing on winning prioritizes motivating players to concentrate on self-improvement so that they can advance their careers in professional sports and develop a sense of purpose in their lives. Subsequently, supporting the development of athletes places a high priority on ensuring that players are mentally and physically prepared to compete so they can win games and feel a sense of accomplishment. Supporting players and maintaining the fun is crucial because it encourages them to remain dedicated to the success of the team, which ultimately results in winning.
Cahill, G. (2021). Coaching philosophy: “why we do things the way we do?” ITF Coaching & Sport Science Review, 30(86), 7–9.
Colombia Star. (2021). Knotts fears complacency as Dutch fork goes for six in a row – Columbia Star. Columbia Star – Columbia’s locally owned weekly newspaper since 1963.
Cushion, C., & Partington, M. (2014). A critical analysis of the conceptualization of ‘coaching philosophy.’ Sport, Education and Society, 21(6), 851–867.
Grecic, D., & Grundy, A. (2016). Pragmatic research in sport: coaching philosophies in action – a values chain to inform practice. Journal of Qualitative Research in Sports Studies, 10(1).
Miller, K. (2023, April 6). Coaching philosophy: What is it and how to develop your own?
YCA Podcast. (2023). Scott Braswell Interview Podcast. Spotify.
We’ll write everything from scratch

Coach Scott Braswell
Students will write a (minimum) 3-page essay detailing the coaching philosophy, coaching style, and principles of coaching of an active or former high school, college, or professional coach of their choice (any sport). Students will provide biographical information of the coach they selected; including their name, coaching resume (list of coaching assignments), and specific career highlights and accomplishments (awards, championships, significant feats, etc.). Then, students must describe the coaching philosophy, coaching style, and principles of coaching used that helped make the coach they selected a successful coach. Please be specific with your description and validate your major points by supporting facts with references where applicable. For example, do not just state the coach was a great leader. Instead, find quotes from the coach’s former players, athletic administrators, fellow coaches, assistants, etc., or published articles that truly demonstrate how this coach was a great leader. Explain in detail what characteristics you admire most about this coach. Then, explain which qualities you try to model as well as a coach. Describe what you have learned from this coach that has or will help you in becoming a better coach. In the final portion of your term paper, explain what coaching objectives you have developed your coaching philosophy on. Identify each of the three broad categories of the following objectives in winning, athletes having fun, and development of athletes. Clearly identify priorities and the relative importance of each of these three objectives, paying close attention to the role that winning has in relation to other objectives. SCOTT BRASWELL INTERVIEW PODCAST