ChatGPT and Similar AI Platforms Are Not Beneficial to Students
ChatGPT is an AI tool that enables users to generate images, videos, or texts. The ability to create paragraphs has increased the tool’s popularity in education, especially in developing essays and answering complex study questions. However, the use of ChatGPT in the education sector is still being debated because of its ethical and academic implications. On one side of the debate, it is argued that ChatGPT can be used to improve learning and reduce teachers’ workloads. The other side of the discussion considers ChatGPT to be a threat to the quality of education for learners and the integrity of learners. The negative impact of ChatGPT on the integrity of learners and quality of education suggests that the use of ChatGPT in education. Besides, AI tools like ChatGPT are not beneficial to students because they pose new challenges in the learning process, impact students’ ability to deliver quality written content and increase cheating in the learning process.
Using ChatGPT and similar AI tools in education raises concerns because of various ethical considerations and the challenges it poses to teachers. AI has revolutionized the learning process by influencing how students are taught, promoted, and supported in the learning environment. For instance, ChatGPT makes it hard for teachers to accurately assess the student’s performance and identify the areas students have not understood because they can use the tool to get high grades when completing assignments. According to Hulick, AI tools can pass a college exam. Therefore, if a student uses ChatGPT to complete assessments within a course, they may limit the quality of education they receive because the teacher will assume that they have understood what was taught in class and move to the next lesson, thus limiting the quality of education and a student’s academic progress.
ChatGPT has also raised concerns in the education sector because of its impact on students’ ability to deliver quality written content. According to Baron, ChatGPT impacts a person’s voice, thus impacting the dialogue between the teacher and the student in school writing assignments. The ability of ChatGPT to generate content based on instructions limits the student’s involvement in the writing process because the student submits the content generated by ChatGPT, not their original thoughts. Many students also submit the content written with ChatGPT without revising it, leading to wrong assumptions about the student’s writing skills. Therefore, teachers should prohibit using AI tools in written assignments to preserve the students’ creativity and promote the dialogue between them and the learners through written assignments.
The use of ChatGPT in education has also been criticized for increasing cheating in the learning process. According to McMurtrie, ChatGPT pressures students to cheat (36). The pressure to cheat is influenced by the assumption that ChatGPT can deliver quality work than the student because the tool relies on multiple data sources to generate relevant content. Students may also use ChatGPT because it can save them the time they spend completing assignments and help them deliver the assignments on time to avoid penalties. Unfortunately, teachers have limited control over cheating, especially if the students can bypass the AI detection platforms. This increases the challenge of determining whether the students have met the course’s learning outcomes. Therefore, teachers should ban the use of ChatGPT in schools and focus on finding a reliable technique that can be used to detect AI-generated content.
In conclusion, ChatGPT is a disruptive technology in the education sector because it impacts the quality of education, increases the risk of cheating, and denies students their writing voice. It also makes it hard for teachers to monitor student’s learning progress, especially when they cannot tell whether an assignment is written by the student or an AI tool. Therefore, teachers need to start using AID detection tools to determine whether the content submitted by the learners is AI-generated. It is also essential for teachers to inform students about the risks of using ChatGPT, including the possibility of being suspended due to cheating cases related to using AI tools to complete assignments. Learning institutions should also set strict policies prohibiting the use of ChatGPT among learners to prevent its use in completing assignments.
Works Cited
Baron, Naomi S. “How ChatGPT Robs Students of Motivation to Write and Think for Themselves.” Gale Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection, Gale, 2023. Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints, Accessed 9 Oct. 2023.
Hulick, Kathryn. “How ChatGPT and Similar AI Will Disrupt Education.” Science News, 12 Apr. 2023, Accessed 9 Oct. 2023.
McMurtrie, Beth. “ChatGPT Is Everywhere: Love it or hate it, academics can’t ignore the already pervasive technology.” The Chronicle of Higher Education, vol. 69, no. 15, 31 Mar. 2023, pp. 32+. Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints,
We’ll write everything from scratch
Dear Students,
The time has now come for you to begin writing your Fall 2023 Final Exam.
Last week I gave you all the opportunity to review and annotate your readings by releasing the articles and the Works Cited page sections so that you submit the best draft of your Final Exam Essay.
Here is a recap of the suggestions I had previously given you as well:
Please make sure you read and annotate the Readings I released last week, just like we’ve practiced throughout the semester.
After you finished reading and annotating make sure you narrowed down which articles you will be using to write your essay. Be prepared to include citations (see instructions in the Final Exam Prompt).
Review the Works Cited page in the Citations section and make sure you amend your Works Cited page by deleting the articles you will not be citing and leaving the articles you choose to cite on the Works Cited page. Make sure you adjust the access date for any online articles that have an access date.
After you have finished writing your essay, make sure to include 3 internal citations (review Step 3 above as well as instructions in the Final Exam Prompt).
You will now work on your Writing Prompt. Again, please follow all the instructions from the Exam Prompt and I wish you and all the very best.