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Chapter 7 Summary – Autism Spectrum

Chapter 7 Summary – Autism Spectrum

Educating learners with autism spectrum requires partnering with families for positive outcomes. Despite the challenges associated with educating these learners, thorough training for educators empowers them with tools to apply and helps them see past student deficits and recognize their abilities to learn and thrive (Heward 238). This discussion summarizes Chapter 7: Autism Spectrum and how educators could help these learners overcome barriers associated with this disorder in learning.


Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is one of the common types of disability in most learning institutions today. Most learners with this disorder are likely to exhibit characteristics associated with social and communication impairments, hence being unable to interact with others or show affection. However, despite the challenges associated with being unable to communicate, students with autism spectrum are likely to utter simple sounds (Heward 239). These sounds are usually referred to as echolalia and are used for communication. Through the guidance of a teacher, learners with ASD can learn to request and label items. Heward echoes the statements of Albert Bandura (1962), who advocates the importance of observational learning in teaching learners with ASD. This is a good model for such learners with communication impairments because they learn not only to imitate a model but can also differentiate between positive and negative consequences received by the model (Heward 240). However, in such a situation, a teacher becomes an essential tool for motivation. Educators teaching such learners should therefore employ skills of motivation to encourage such students to learn.

Concepts Learned from the Chapter

  1. Autism Spectrum Disorder results in communication impairments.
  2. Learners with ASD are more likely to avoid social interactions.
  3. Most learners with this disorder are likely to exhibit characteristics associated with social and communication impairments.
  4. Observational learning in teaching learners with ASD is an essential strategy.
  5. Learners with ASD imitate a model and also differentiate between positive and negative consequences received by the model.
  6. There are various causes of ASD disorder, such as genetic inheritance.
  7. Teachers play the role of motivating learners.
  8. Motivation plays the role of encouraging such learners to learn.
  9. Parents should carry out thorough screening to detect this problem.
  10. Behavioral analysis could help detect ASD.

Works Cited

Heward, William L., Exceptional children: An introduction to special education. Pearson Education/Merrill/Prentice Hall, 2006.


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Chapter 7 Summary - Autism Spectrum

Chapter 7 Summary – Autism Spectrum

Read Chapter 7: Autism Spectrum. After reading Chapter 7, you will need to write a paragraph (8-10 sentences) for the chapter generally describing what the chapter covered, and then list 10 ideas/concepts that you learned while reading. Please number your list of items you learned so that it is easy to see that you have met the requirements.
The book is named Exceptional Children: An Introduction to Special Education. 10th Edition. Heward, W.L. (2012)

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