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Car Accident

Car Accident

Hard work pays, but sometimes we forget to say it should be accompanied by rest. Resting is something many people ignore. In some cases, you might find a person working all day and night, and they remain productive. However, we forget that our bodies get exhausted, and rest is needed for them to recharge. Failure to get enough rest might be more disastrous than it seems. Well, I am a living witness that exhaustion can cause one to be unproductive and, in severe cases, even cause death. This is a story of how I almost took away the life of my two children as I took them to school.

On the night of October 26, 2020, I slept late, and almost everyone in the house was asleep. My work is very demanding, and since the end month was approaching, I was supposed to prepare the payroll and, at the same time, prepare a report of the employees in the organization. The organization that I work for had many employees, and I kept procrastinating that week. Now the deadline was approaching, and I did not have any option. The report was needed the next day. During the day, I managed to do most of the work, and the rest I would complete at home.

The workload was even more at home, and I was done working at 4 am. I had taken a lot of coffee, and even after completing the work, I couldn’t sleep immediately. I was worried if I would manage to present the report to the board, given that I only had less than three hours to sleep. By the time I was getting to bed, it was already 5 am.

I woke up at 7 am and had to drop my daughter and son at school. I was extra sleepy, but I had to take them to school. I took a quick cold shower to stay alert, tidied up, and headed to the parking. I sat in the car for like ten minutes until my two children came and sat at the back. I was already feeling sleepy, but I thought rolling down my window on the way to school would keep me awake on the road.

The school was an hour’s drive from my home. Once on the road, I felt too exhausted, but I never wanted my children to notice I was struggling. Once during the trip, I noticed myself dozing off and struggling to maintain my lane. My daughter Anna had also noticed and asked me if I was okay. Maybe she suspected that I was drunk or something like that. Before reaching the intersections of Coral Springs, I blacked out for a good minute, and the noises of my children yelling woke me up. I woke up and tried to control the car back to the road, but it was too late. I had already lost control and was approaching a signpost at the end side of the road. I hit the signpost on my passenger side and stopped.

I was still in shock after hitting the signpost, but I managed to check my children. Luckily, they had their seat belts on and were fine. The airbags protected me from being hit by the steering wheel, although I felt weak. Weakly, I alighted and opened the door for them. By now, people had started gathering, and I was taken to the hospital by good Samaritans. The doctor told me I was lucky I did not sustain serious injuries, and after two days, I was discharged from the hospital.

Since then, I vowed that I would never try to drive again, knowing that I did not have adequate sleep and rest. Fatigue and exhaustion can cause death.


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Narrative Essay

In the morning of October 27, 2020, around 7 am I get in terrible car accident on my way to drop two kids to school.

Car Accident

Car Accident

That accident change my life forever because I had blacked out while in ended up in the hospital for two days. I was fortunate that my daughter and my son were fine during the accident. The accident happened between the intersection of coral springs and Florida Turnpike. I am grateful to be a life including my two kids.


  • I need the rough draft and the essay is narrative about the car accident.