Benefits of Public Schools
Today, many people believe that private schools are the best educational institutions for their children. However, people need to know that public schools also have their advantages. Some parents argue that private schools are suitable for their children because they offer unique services such as a flexible curriculum, exemption of regulations, and great discipline displayed by attendees. Parents need to know that public schools also have some of the benefits they claim are unique only to private schools. A good example is charter schools, which offer a flexible curriculum and have implemented exemptions of regulations (Whitaker and Valtierra 10). While private schools are considered the best institutions for children to study and graduate, public schools also have almost the same and additional benefits, such as saving on costs, enrollment opportunities for all students, diversity, and fair pay for teachers, making them attractive to most people.
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Public schools are cheap since the government always pays most of the tuition fees. The state usually sets aside funds for financing all students attending public schools. The finances for the education sector and all other government sectors are usually obtained from the taxes collected from the people. After that, federal money is donated to schools to support public school students. Consequently, some public schools have the opportunity or are fortunate to have individuals willing to make donations to support public school activities and events that promote education. Therefore, one significant benefit of attending public schools is the relief parents get from paying school tuition fees. Families from low-income communities benefit the most from their children attending public schools since they pay no money.
It is usually known that students from remote areas fail to get an education because their parents do not have the money to get them through school. However, the government has taken the burden of school fees off the parents’ shoulders, and all students are now entitled to an education. The children can also complete their education without worrying about being harassed or being asked to go home because their tuition fees have not been paid. On the other hand, parents taking their children to private schools should be ready to cover all the expenses. Besides the tuition fees, the parents will be required to cover other costs to cover some of the private schools’ unique features. Therefore, it is evident that public schools are cost-effective since parents do not need to pay any fee to enroll their students. Children from disadvantaged backgrounds can also complete their education without paying anything.
Unlike private schools, public schools offer enrollment opportunities to all students regardless of their social or economic backgrounds. Consequently, public schools offer education to students of different ethnicities, religions, and disabilities. Most private schools have a criterion when selecting students for enrollment. The students that fail to meet their requirements are never admitted. Therefore, it is common to find students from different family backgrounds in a public school (Johnson and Hinton 57). Public schools also consider students from all genders, thus having no discrimination against students of a particular gender. In contrast, most private schools are either for girls or boys only, which does not support diversity. Disability in public schools is also not seen as a reason why a student should be denied an opportunity to get an education along with other students. Public schools are always open to students with disabilities. Therefore, it is evident that public schools offer more opportunities than private schools.
By students attending public schools, parents lack any reasons to deny education opportunities for their children. One major challenge people normally face when trying to get their children’s education is paying school fees, especially tuition fees. However, the government has made it easier for children from all social backgrounds to have an equal opportunity for education (Levine et al. 6015). The government pays for all students’ fees equally, and no one is left behind. The only remaining task is for the students to achieve good grades while in school. Hence, the public school offers equal learning opportunities for all students. In contrast, private schools do not offer equal enrollment opportunities for all students. Only parents from high social classes can pay for the education fees needed by private schools. Therefore, only children from the elite classes can get a private education along with the unique features offered in these institutions, thus limiting diversity.
Diversity has been identified as a limiting factor for private schools, while public schools, on the other hand, are more diverse. Public schools attain high diversity because enrollment opportunities are offered to students from different backgrounds. Some of the areas’ public schools are diverse, including academic ranges, student needs, social status, and ethnicity. Parents spend too much money sending children to private schools, making other parents opt to take children to public schools because they are cheaper. Therefore, while parents keep taking their children to public school, they promote diversity. Public schools welcome students from diverse areas. The diversity in public schools allows children to interact with students from distinct places and learn new things. Besides getting an education, the students get an opportunity to accept and appreciate other students’ values and beliefs.
The teachers in public schools also know the benefits of being in those institutions. While parents and students benefit from affordable fees, equal opportunities, and diversity, the teacher enjoys the pay they get working in public schools. Teachers working in public schools receive a higher salary than their counterparts in private schools. However, some private school teachers claim they are being paid better than public school teachers because their community and alumni grant their schools with funds. They also claim that teachers in public schools struggle because they are being underpaid by the government (Osborne et al. 312). Nevertheless, public schools allow teachers to form unions that would fight for them if there is a problem with their salaries or workplace work. Therefore, with unions, teachers are assured better pay than teachers in public schools, who are mostly denied an opportunity to join a union.
All in all, there are several benefits that parents, students, and teachers in public schools find attractive compared to private schools. Parents usually consider the costs incurred when enrolling a child in a school. Public schools have been identified to be the most inexpensive education institutions in the United States. Teachers, on the other hand, usually consider the pay they get before working in any school. Public schools allow teachers to join unions to ensure they get the right pay and have a safe working environment. Therefore, most teachers usually opt to work in public schools because they are assured of good pay. While some claim that private schools are the best for their students, most people have made public schools their first choice because they offer affordable education, diversity, and equal opportunities. Hence, public schools are worth attending for students from diverse backgrounds and areas.
Works Cited
Johnson, Chrystal S., and Harvey Hinton. “Toward a Brillant Diversity.” Journal of Culture and Values in Education, vol. 2, no. 1, 2019, pp. 56-70.
Levine, Cynthia S., et al. “Students of color show health advantages when they attend schools that emphasize the value of diversity.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 116, no. 13, 2019, pp. 6013-6018.
Osborne, Renata, et al. “Obstacles for physical education teachers in public schools: an unsustainable situation.” Motriz: Revista de Educação Física, vol. 22, no. 4, 2016, pp. 310-318.
Whitaker, Manya C., and Kristina M. Valtierra. “Diversity in US Public Schools Across Time.” Schooling Multicultural Teachers, 2019, pp. 9-24.
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Benefits of Public Schools
Research Paper and Works Cited Page Draft Instructions
This writing assignment involves writing the first draft of your Research Paper and Works Cited Page. Once you draft your essay and revise, you may submit it for feedback. The feedback will help you write the final draft; your final draft will be graded.
For this assignment, you will need to submit:
The first draft of your research paper, complete with properly-formatted parenthetical citations from at least four credible sources within the text.
The Works Cited page, which should be located at the end of your essay. The Works Cited page should be clearly labeled and follow MLA formatting requirements.
You will need a good, comprehensive thesis statement that states your claim (what will you prove? Keep in
Benefits of Public Schools
mind that the purpose of this assignment is to support a claim, which means you must do more than merely inform the reader. You must take a stance on your topic and make/support claims that go beyond mere facts) and at least three supporting details (how will you prove your point?).
You might use this as a guideline in crafting your thesis: (Reason 1), (reason 2), and (reason 3) prove that (add your claim).
- (1. Children who play violent video games exert more aggression than their counterparts who are not exposed to these games) because (2. children often imitate their experiences as a natural learning process) and (3. the violence they see in video games desensitizes them to violence in the real world); however, (your claim: increasing the ages allowed to play certain violent games may prove to decrease childhood aggression).
The guidelines and requirements for this assignment are as follows:
Remember to apply the concepts you’re learning in the course, including elements of grammar, punctuation, thesis development, and other skills.
Length: This assignment should be a minimum of 800 words. However, you should aim for a minimum of 1,250 words. All length guidelines are excluding the Works Cited page.
Header: Include a header in the upper left-hand corner of your writing assignment with the following information:
- Your first and last name
- Course Title (Composition I)
- Assignment name (Research Paper)
- Current Date
- At least four credible sources used and documented in MLA style
- Double-spacing throughout
- Standard font (Arial, Times New Roman, Calibri)
- Title, centered after heading
- 1” margins on all sides
- Save the file using one of the following extensions: .docx, .doc, .rtf, or .txt
Underline your thesis statement in the introductory paragraph.