Article Analysis Access and Permission Considerations
Part One: Article Analysis
The Article Topic
The selected article is on mental healthcare and borders on healthcare administration. It is a systematic review article interrogating whether social policies can improve health. The link to the article is
How the Article Addresses Real Work Practical Problem
Health preservation and improvement remain a priority across global healthcare systems. Stakeholders within the healthcare sectors are continuously pushing for health improvements across societies. Health is an important dimension of human existence. It is a driver for other global sectors and remains a determinant for community prosperity. Current efforts towards health preservation and promotion have focused, in part, on integrating novel approaches to health improvement (Agonafer et al., 2021). A paradigm shift to preventive healthcare underlines progressive efforts across global societies to improve community health. Health preservation efforts are not short of challenges and shocks. Issues such as poor access to healthcare and chronic illnesses still contribute to significant health compromises and subsequent morbidity and mortality (Agonafer et al., 2021). One dimension of health improvement is the progressive health policy that fronts diverse aspects of health that may be lagging. The article selected interrogates whether social policies can improve health (Courtin et al., 2020). Its findings will inform the need for progressive social policies that can address different aspects of health preservation, such as access to healthcare.
Impact of the Results on People’s Lives
The result of the study will highlight the significance of social policies in fronting health. Social policies are concerned with how global societies meet human needs for health and wellness, education, security, and work, among other global sectors (Pawar, 2019). These policies will influence human behaviors and how societies respond to apparent global challenges such as poverty, demographic change, and poor education, among others.
Social policies will have an impact on health and well-being. Pawar (2019) notes that social policies shape health by making it easier or harder for communities to make healthy choices. Social policies also have an impact on people’s lives and work. Social policies on neighborhood quality, economic well-being, and educational achievements will have an impact on people’s work and lives. Progressive policies that enhance neighborhood quality will also improve communities’ living conditions and safety in their neighborhoods. Likewise, social policies that improve educational achievements and economic well-being will considerably improve where people work and, consequently, their income. Further, social policies inform individual-level interventions toward improving health and overall well-being. These policies will enhance accessibility to high-quality education, foster safe neighborhoods, and improve the income level of individuals within the communities in which they live (Pawar, 2019). This will, in turn, influence where they live and work, as well as their health and well-being.
Part Two: Access and Permission Considerations
The proposed research will be centered on mental healthcare. Permission that will be needed to access the target population group includes research permission from the university, accompanied by written documentation of the same. Further permission to perform research will be required from diverse care organizations, including nursing homes, skilled nursing care facilities, and local healthcare organizations with the capacity to handle and manage persons with mental health illnesses. Permission will also be sought from local authorities to facilitate movements across care institutions.
To gain permission to conduct the proposed study, several people may have to be consulted. To begin with, individual people with mental health illnesses, who are the targeted population, will have to be consulted to ascertain their participation in the research. If the persons sought to be the study participants are unable to provide informed responses and contribute to the study due to functional and cognitive decline, their families will be consulted on their suitability to be part of the study. The university will also be consulted before the initiation of the study. The university’s role, in this respect, will be to guide or inform other relevant bodies that can be valuable to the study and who can be consulted on diverse aspects of the study. The healthcare managers for the healthcare facilities, to which the study participants are drawn, will also be consulted on the suitability of their residents being part of the study.
Several issues may be encountered when seeking permission to conduct the study. These include the inability of the identified study participants to provide valid and accurate responses due to functional decline. This is because the study targets persons with mental health illnesses and in whom cognitive decline is apparent. These individuals may be unable to give an accurate representation of the questions asked. To address this challenge, the study will involve the family members of persons with mental health illnesses. They will be crucial in answering questions that cannot be answered accurately by the patients themselves. They will also help validate information provided by patients.
Agonafer, E. P., Carson, S. L., Nunez, V., Poole, K., Hong, C. S., Morales, M., Jara, J., Hakopian, S., Kenison, T., Bhalla, I., Cameron, F., Vassar, S. D., & Brown, A. F. (2021). Community-based organizations’ perspectives on improving health and social service integration. BMC Public Health, 21(1).
Courtin, E., Kim, S., Song, S., Yu, W., & Muennig, P. (2020). Can social policies improve health? A systematic review and meta‐analysis of 38 randomized trials. The Milbank Quarterly, 98(2), 297–371.
Pawar, M. (2019). Social work and social policy practice: Imperatives for political engagement. The International Journal of Community and Social Development, 1(1), 15–27.
We’ll write everything from scratch
Part 1: Article Analysis
Locate an applied research article on a topic in your program of study (e.g., DBA, DHA, DM, EDD) from the University Library. To familiarize yourself with the different applied designs, review the qualitative and quantitative research designs in the CDS Dissertation Guide on CDS Central.
Keywords to use while searching for an article in the library might include action research, program evaluation, etc.

Article Analysis Access and Permission Considerations
Write a 350- to 525-word analysis about what makes the study discussed in the article applied versus basic research and do the following:
Identify the article topic (e.g., education, business, health care) and provide a link to the article.
Explain how the study in the article addresses a real-world, practical problem.
Explain how the results of the study could impact people’s lives, work, health, and/or general well-being.
Part 2: Access and Permission Considerations
An important aspect of choosing a topic is access or the ability to conduct your study. For example, you may want to know how leaders in a particular company use social media to increase sales, but they are unwilling to talk to you. If you are not able to gain access to the leaders, then you will not be able to gather the data you need for your study.
Additionally, when selecting a topic for your study, consider whether conducting the study would involve talking to protected classes of people or vulnerable populations. Federal regulations require protecting the welfare of vulnerable subjects who may not be of age, have the authority or ability to speak for themselves, or are vulnerable in any other way.