Are Electric Vehicles Better for The Environment?
The need for eco-friendly automotive machinery led to the development of Electric Vehicles (EVs). The pollution caused by Internal Combustion Engine Vehicle contributed to adverse environmental and human health conditions. Advanced Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles (ICEV) were manufactured to eradicate these effects. These advanced vehicles reduced the emission of carbon and other gases into the atmosphere; however, the emissions were still at a high level during their lifetime. This pollution led to further development, leading to the development of Electric Vehicles. EVs promote the development of healthy environments because of the lack of emissions that pollute the air. Electric vehicles only produce carbon oxides (CO) during manufacture, rectified through car batteries’ recycling.
Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles (ICEV) have been polluting the environment with their high Carbon oxide (CO) and Nitrogen oxide (NO) emissions. Electric Vehicles (EVs) were developed to curb the air pollution they cause. These electric vehicles produce fewer emissions than ICEVs. According to Ellsmoor (2021), “EVs are responsible for considerably lower emissions over their lifetime than vehicles running on fossil fuels, regardless of the source that generates the electricity.” Therefore, electric vehicles are better for the environment than internal combustion engines.
Automotive emissions have been reduced over recent years. A couple of changes have been made in the transportation industry to control atmospheric pollution. According to Wright (2014), “Every one of the primary and secondary air pollutants is a threat to human health, particularly the health of the respiratory system.” Initially, ICEVs emitted 53% of CO in the atmosphere, 29% of volatile organic compounds, 51% of NO, and 7.7 % of particulate matter. CO is produced due to the incomplete combustion of fuels as ICEV operates, while NO is produced due to fuel combustion at high temperatures (Wright, 2014). Once these emissions are released into the atmosphere, they continue reacting with compounds found in the atmosphere. Their reactions increase air toxicity, contributing to the greenhouse effect and affecting the ozone layer.
Pollution by Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles (ICEV) has been reduced over recent years. With the advancements in combustion procedures, the manufacture of solid enamel coatings, and the development of pollution control or treatment gadgets such as the catalytic controller, emissions have been reduced. According to the National Research Council (2003), “The three-way exhaust catalytic converter is used to complete the combustion of carbon monoxide and unburned fuel elements and to remove the NO and NO2 produced during combustion.” Although there have significantly reduced pollution by ICEVs, pollution still accumulates over the lifetime of automotive operations. Accordingly, there was a call for better methods to prevent air pollution, leading to the development of EVs.
Electric vehicles were developed as a countermeasure to the control of atmospheric pollution. They control pollution by reducing emissions and reducing the consumption of energy. EVs were therefore developed to create environment-friendly automotive devices. Although Electric Vehicles pose an advantage for the environment and human health, their production and use are in limited counts. This limit in production is because of factors such as the cost of production, market pricing, and infrastructure limitations.
EVs benefit the environment. The amount of emissions they produce over their lifetime is less than that produced by ICEVs (Ellsmoor, 2021). With all the advancements made to ICEVs, the pollution they cause due to their emissions is higher than that of EVs over their lifetime (Tamjis, Mohamad., 2016). Emission by EVs is only during their manufacture and not during their operation. Subsequently, their use is preferred over the use of ICEVs. EVs also produce fewer emissions despite their source of power or electricity. The turn from the use of fuels to the use of renewable energy also advocates for the use of EVs. Despite their source of power, EVs still produce fewer emissions than ICEVs.
The effect of EVs on the environment is better than that of ICEVs. During EV use, the lack of emissions promotes a healthy environment without air pollution (Ellsmoor, 2021). ICEVs, on the other hand, have contributed to atmospheric pollution that has had adverse effects on the environment because of the greenhouse gases and the acid rain that affect human health. An affected environment leads to the development of diseases.
EVs also affect the environment negatively. During their manufacture, specifically batteries, CO2 is produced into the environment. The production of batteries requires the use of rare-earth metals. Ellsmoor (2021) states, “There is indeed a range of rare earth metals that make up the composition of the battery, and their extraction and manipulation can contribute to carbon emissions.” ICEVs, on the other hand, do not produce high amounts of CO2 during their manufacture. Therefore, ICEVs produce less CO2 during their manufacture than EVs (Tamjis, Mohamad, 2016). However, this fact will be remedied through better manufacturing techniques, better infrastructure, and the development of recycling options for batteries. Recycling the batteries will reduce the extraction of the earth metals and manufacture new batteries, reducing the 60% CO2 produced during this process.
EVs affect society positively. They affect society by improving the economy, manufacturing techniques, infrastructure, and healthier environments. EVs are also safer to drive than ICEVs; they are easier to manage in case of accidents. With technological advancement, production, and purchase costs will also be pocket-friendly, hence cost-effective. EVs are also low maintenance because they run on electricity. The disadvantages of EVs, such as the unavailability of recharging spots, will be eradicated with technology and infrastructure development (Tamjis, Mohamad., 2016).
In conclusion, EVs are more eco-friendly than ICEVs. Although there’s still a lot of work to perfect them, their use will reduce atmospheric pollution caused by automotive machinery.
Ellsmoor, J., 2021. Are Electric Vehicles Really Better For The Environment?. [online] Forbes. Available at: <> [Accessed 11 March 2021].
National Research Council., 2003. The Environment: Challenges for the Chemical Sciences in the 21st Century. Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press.
Tamjis, Mohamad., 2016. The Impacts of Electrical Vehicles to the environment: An analysis for future vehicle adoption. 10.13140/RG.2.1.1715.8168.
Wright, R., 2014. Environmental systems, issues, and sustainability. 12th ed. Pearson Education International Ltd.
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Are Electric Vehicles Better for The Environment?
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Are Electric Vehicles Better for The Environment?
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