Applying Conflict Management Skills and Strategies in the Workplace
According to Chukwuemezie (2008), workplace conflicts are inevitable. The survey indicates that over 80% of employees have conflicts whose cost is high. Similarly, a study discovered that US employees spend up to 3 hours weekly engaged in conflicts, equivalent to close to 360 billion dollars or 385 million days of work (Edge Training Systems, 2020). However, the actual problem is not the conflict itself but how it is managed. A conducive workplace should have a suitable mechanism for handling conflicts since employees have diverse points of view.
Employers should note that if their workplaces lack conflicts, the employees are masking their honest thoughts and emotions. Such situations are sure to explode on employers’ faces at some point. Conflicts lead to low productivity, creativity, and collaboration (Raines, 2019). Thus, for an institution to succeed, it must employ effective conflict management strategies, and the leaders should be ready to deal with conflicts.
Key Issues and Goals for the Meeting
The first key issue I intend to address during the meeting is poor communication. The employee, in my case, feels that the manager does not communicate properly and is harsh and curt. Poor communication could lead to tension between employees and their employers, mistakes, and poor productivity. The second key issue is credit-sharing between the employer and the employee. The employee feels that the manager took all credit for a project he had done. The above may make the employee feel unappreciated, affecting their productivity and quality of work.
My goal for the meeting is to find a lasting solution for the issues between the manager and employee to ensure that the issues do not escalate into resentful consequences and ensure both parties’ productivity is not affected.
Steps I Will Take During the Meeting
The first step will be bringing the two parties together to have a sit-down. The above could be challenging, but it is necessary to establish a conversation. Secondly, I will clarify the issue and set a common goal for both parties. The common goal will be effectively working together to ensure the organization’s success. Lastly, I will help find a solution to the problem by allowing both sides to agree on the best solution and establish a win-win situation. It is easier to solve a conflict when both parties know they will mutually benefit.
How to Demonstrate Active Listening
Active listening lets others know you are interested to hear what they have to say (Liddle, 2017). I intend to actively listen to my two conflicting partners and showcase it by looking at them in the eye, nodding while they speak, and taking some time to comprehend what they have said before responding or asking them questions. Besides, I intend to showcase other practical communication skills by speaking in a friendly yet straightforward manner.
Conflict Management Skills
To effectively manage a conflict, one needs to possess specific skills. To handle my case, I will need the following skills. Firstly, I need to communicate effectively. To solve any conflict, one must communicate clearly and precisely (Doherty & Guyler, 2008). Effective communication means being aware of who I am speaking to and carefully choosing and adjusting my language to communicate with them effectively. Secondly, I must be an active listener. When I listen actively, I will assure my parties that I am interested in everything they have to say, which will motivate them to open up completely. Lastly, I must be able to practice empathy. This means I need to understand how the other person feels and take a moment to consider their perspectives. The above will help my conflicting parties and me establish trust and openness to different opinions.
Conflict Management Strategies
The first strategy I intend to execute is the art of not waiting. Instead of waiting for the issue to be subsidized on its own, I will try and resolve it as soon as possible. The above will ensure that the problem does not escalate and end up breeding tremendous resentment and other negativities (Chukwuemezie, 2008). Secondly, I intend to navigate the conflict fairly. My goal is to remain impartial through the situation, give both sides a chance to air their grievances, and create a safe environment where they can speak freely. Lastly, I intend to help resolve the issue by establishing a win-win situation for both sides. The above will ensure we find a solution quickly since people tend to solve the issue faster if they know they will mutually benefit.
Moving Forward Goals
My goals for moving forward include making the manager a better leader who assists his employees to grow. Furthermore, I aim to train the manager intensely on how to be better and build more complementary relationships with his subordinates. Lastly, I aim to help both sides improve their communication skills, especially the employee, to bring up grievances earlier and make their issues more transparent so the managers know what actions to take. Before having a follow-up meeting, both the employee and manager must attend a conflict management course and practice what they are taught. In addition, the manager will be required to walk in the employee’s shoes to understand that the employee is a person with dreams and feelings and needs to be appreciated.
Chukwuemezie, O. M. (2008). Conflict Management Strategies Of Organizations (A Study Of Anamco And Capital City Ltd).
Doherty, N., & Guyler, M. (2008). The essential guide to workplace mediation & conflict resolution: Rebuilding working relationships. Kogan Page Publishers.
Edge Training Systems. (2020, April 15). 5 proven conflict management strategies used in the workplace.
Liddle, D. (2017). Managing conflict: A practical guide to resolution in the workplace. Kogan Page Publishers.
Raines, S. S. (2019). Conflict management for managers: Resolving workplace, client, and policy disputes. Rowman & Littlefield.
We’ll write everything from scratch
Consider the following scenario:
A Global ProTech employee contacts you, her HR professional, because she is concerned about her department manager, who she describes as rude and unappreciative. In addition, the employee expresses that she believes the manager has taken credit for her work on a project. She adds that her manager’s emails are often impersonal, harsh, and curt. She is frustrated and does not know what to do to improve the working relationship with her manager. You also meet with the manager to review the manager’s actions leading up to the meeting, along with the interactions between the manager and the employee. Then, you schedule a meeting with the employee and the manager to assist with managing this conflict situation. You realize that, before the meeting, you need to take time to reflect on and plan the meeting agenda and what you will do.

Applying Conflict Management Skills and Strategies in the Workplace
To complete this Assignment, take time to consider what you have learned from preparing and/or participating in the Simulation experience. Also, review the Learning Resources and research other quality resources to respond to the following key points in a 3- to 5-page academic paper.
*Identify at least 2 key issues you want to ensure are addressed at the meeting and your goals for the meeting.
*Identify the steps you will take during the meeting to manage this conflict situation.
*Explain how you intend to demonstrate active listening and other communication skills throughout the meeting.
*Explain at least 3 conflict management skills that you, as an HR professional, need to handle this situation effectively and why you chose these strategies for this situation.
*Explain at least 3 conflict management strategies you plan to use to address this scenario and why you chose these strategies.
*Explain your goals for moving forward, including what the employee and manager will need to do before having a follow-up meeting with you.