African American Equality Issues in the US – Challenges and Benefits to the Proposal
The pursuit of equality for African Americans in the United States has been an ongoing struggle. Addressing the complex issues of racial inequality requires a comprehensive understanding of the challenges that hinder progress and the potential benefits that could be realized through proposed changes. This essay aims to analyze the challenges and benefits associated with achieving African-American equality, focusing on economic, social, and political dimensions. By exploring these aspects, one can better understand the obstacles that must be overcome and the potential rewards of achieving equality for African Americans.
Challenges to Achieving African-American Equality
Economic Disparities
One of the most significant challenges to African-American equality lies in the economic domain. Historically, African Americans have faced limited access to economic opportunities, leading to income inequality, wealth gaps, and higher poverty rates. According to Brown et al., “Despite traditional expectations that higher education leads to better-paying jobs, it is more difficult for African Americans to achieve the same wealth as their White counterparts because of the cumulative effect of prior economic disadvantage” (1) (p. 254). Addressing these economic disparities requires dismantling systemic barriers such as discriminatory hiring practices, inadequate access to quality education and training, and limited access to capital for entrepreneurship. Without addressing these challenges, achieving economic equality remains elusive.
In response to these economic challenges, proactive measures must be taken. Implementing policies that promote economic equity, such as targeted investment in disadvantaged communities, increasing access to affordable housing, providing financial support for education and job training programs, and encouraging diverse business ownership, can help bridge the economic divide. By addressing these structural inequalities, African Americans can have equal access to economic opportunities, leading to improved socioeconomic outcomes.
Institutional Racism and Discrimination
Institutional racism and discrimination present another significant challenge to achieving African-American equality. African Americans have historically faced discriminatory practices in various institutions, including education, criminal justice, housing, and healthcare. These systemic biases perpetuate inequality and hinder progress toward equality. Hinton et al. delve into how the US criminal justice discriminates against Black people. One worrying African American equality issue is the over-representation of Black Americans in the US justice system (2).
Addressing institutional racism requires comprehensive reforms and policies that promote equal opportunities and challenge discriminatory practices. Enhancing anti-discrimination laws, promoting diversity and inclusion in public institutions and private organizations, reforming the criminal justice system to eliminate racial disparities, and providing cultural competency training to professionals in various sectors are logical responses to combat institutional racism. These measures can help create a more equitable society where African Americans have equal access to essential services and fair treatment under the law.
Political Underrepresentation and Voter Suppression
Political underrepresentation and voter suppression pose significant challenges to achieving African-American equality in the United States. African Americans have historically faced political participation and representation barriers, limiting their ability to influence policy decisions and shape legislation that directly impacts their communities. Additionally, deliberate efforts to suppress their voting rights through tactics such as discriminatory voter ID laws, voter purges, and limited access to polling stations further undermine their political empowerment and dilute their voices.
To address the challenge of political underrepresentation, it is essential to promote diverse representation through redistricting reforms, campaign finance reforms, and increased support for African American political candidates. Creating equal opportunities for African Americans to run for elected offices ensures their perspectives and concerns are adequately represented in the decision-making processes. Bradley delves into how international democracy can be used to end racism. The author avers that international treaties can be used to set global human rights standards that cannot be contravened anywhere (3).
Proactive measures should be taken to combat voter suppression and protect voting rights. These include implementing policies that expand access to the ballot, such as automatic voter registration, extended early voting periods, and accessible polling locations. Additionally, strengthening voting rights enforcement mechanisms and educating communities about their rights can help empower African American voters and counteract attempts to suppress their participation.
Benefits of Achieving African American Equality
Social Cohesion and Harmony
Achieving equality for African Americans contributes to greater social cohesion and harmony within society. When all individuals are treated fairly and have equal opportunities, it fosters a sense of belonging, trust, and unity. By addressing systemic racism and discrimination, communities can become more inclusive, creating a harmonious and equitable social environment (4). This promotes social cohesion, reduces social tensions, and strengthens social bonds among diverse groups. Ultimately, a more inclusive society benefits everyone by fostering empathy, understanding, and cooperation.
Economic Growth and Innovation
Equality for African Americans can have significant economic benefits for society as a whole. Equal access to education, employment, and economic resources fosters greater innovation, productivity, and economic growth. By tapping into the full potential of African American talent and entrepreneurship, the United States can unlock new opportunities, drive economic prosperity, and strengthen its competitive edge globally (5). Achieving economic equality for African Americans translates into a more vibrant and inclusive economy, benefiting individuals, communities, and the nation.
Strengthened Democracy and Social Justice
Achieving equality for African Americans aligns with the principles of democracy and social justice. Undeniably, eliminating systemic barriers and ensuring equal rights and opportunities reinforces the core values of fairness, justice, and equal representation. Strengthening democratic institutions and promoting social justice contribute to a more inclusive and equitable society where all individuals have a voice and are treated with dignity and respect. This enhances society’s overall well-being, promoting a sense of shared responsibility and collective progress.
Achieving African American equality in the United States requires confronting the challenges of economic disparities and institutional racism while recognizing the potential benefits for social cohesion, economic growth, and strengthened democracy. By addressing these challenges through policy reforms, targeted interventions, and a collective commitment to equality, society can move closer to a future where African Americans have equal access to opportunities and experiences. Such progress not only benefits African Americans but also creates a more inclusive, just, and prosperous society for all.
Brown, S. D., & Lent, R. W. (2021). In Career Development and Counseling: Putting theory and research to work (pp. 254–254). Essay, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Hinton, E., Henderson, L., & Reed, C. (2018). An unjust burden: The disparate treatment of Black Americans in the criminal justice system. Vera Institute of Justice, 1(1), 1-20.
Bradley, A. S. (2019). Human rights racism. Harv. Hum. Rts. J., 32,
Healey, J. F., Stepnick, A., & O’Brien, E. (2019). Race, ethnicity, Gender, & Class: The Sociology of Group Conflict and Change. SAGE
Finkelman, P. (2009). Encyclopedia of African American history, 1896 to the present: From the age of segregation to the twenty-first century. Oxford University Press.
We’ll write everything from scratch

African American Equality Issues in the US
Assume you are an investigative reporter for a major publication (magazine or newspaper) who has been assigned to research important issues (ethnic, racial, gender, or class) that are causing problems and affecting people in a local area, workplace, or specific part of the world. Your goal is to provide both an in-depth analysis of and put a human face on this issue by writing a series of articles that the editor plans to publish in two major parts.
Write a 3–4 page (750–1,100 words) paper in which you:
- Analyze 2–3 likely challenges (economic, social, political, legal, et cetera) to achieving the proposed change(s).
- Provide a logical response to each of the challenges.
- Analyze 2–3 possible benefits (economic, social, political, legal, et cetera) that could be realized following the proposed change(s).
- Include 5 or more credible and reliable references in addition to the textbook. (Three sources can be the same as the ones used in Part 1. The others must be new sources.)
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
- Create a presentation of the challenges and benefits of the proposed changes to societal issues and problems concerning class, ethnicity, gender, or race that reflects increased cultural knowledge and self-awareness.