Advanced Writing Reflection
What I’d like you to do is reflect on what you’ve learned in this course. What ‘tips’ have you learned that will help you improve your overall writing skills – not only for academic writing but for writing in general? And what do you feel you still need to improve upon?
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Doubtless, this course has put me in a position whereby I would confidently maintain that it has bolstered my writing skills to great writing levels. It would suffice to assert that the skills gathered in the period that I have learned this course are enough to prepare literary works that are up to standard, concise, clear, intelligible, and with potent diction, that a professional audience and the general audience can relate to, without a difficulty.
Foremost, from this course, I discovered that when preparing a literary piece of writing, it is paramount to have an outline for every work that I work on. In this regard, the outline would play a crucial role in ensuring that everything that the work needs is explored intensively by following the outline’s directives. Furthermore, it gives you the confidence as a writer that you are addressing every concern of the work, making you stay true to the course and preventing one from veering off-topic. As such, this course provided me with pertinent knowledge that will tremendously bolster my writing in the coming future.
Besides, the use of simple, coherent, and understandable diction is another potent way to ensure that a work of art is relayed beautifully. In this regard, it does not matter whether a paper is scholarly or for general audiences; the correct use of diction allows the reader to join the writer in his/her world and bolster the comprehension of the writing. On the other hand, if word choice is not observed keenly, there emerges a conflict between the readers and the author of the work, as the reader would be incapacitated to understand the writer’s perspective. This course has provided me with the necessary details to ensure that I choose my words carefully as a writer to prevent a failure of communication from happening.
However, it is also essential to point out that since I have gained knowledge in this area, there are other minor areas that I may need to polish to ensure that my future writing endeavors will be better. For instance, I may need to improve on using non-content words, lengthening the paragraphs way too much, and using transitional phrases.
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Advanced Writing Reflection Discussion
What I’d like you to do is reflect on what you’ve learned in this course.
Advanced Writing Reflection
What ‘tips’ have you learned that will help you improve your overall writing skills – not only for academic writing but for writing in general? And what do you feel you still need to improve upon?