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Adaptive Leadership Toolkit Competency Selection

 Adaptive Leadership Toolkit Competency Selection

According to the Adaptive Leadership Toolkit Competency Selection, there are two main leadership skills and behaviors that need improvement. These include inspiring a shared vision and challenging the process. Inspiring a shared vision involves understanding the company’s vision or creating one, then convincing the followers to join the achievement process. For a leader to achieve this trait, they must clearly understand the goal initially (Kouzes & Posner, 2009). Only after this occurs can they proceed to convince followers about its importance and significance to the entity and the workforce.

Challenging the process involves finding alternative strategies to achieve the set goals and objectives. This requires innovation and constant change of current strategies when they are ineffective. Experimenting and taking risks are also part of the process, which demands an open-minded leader who encourages the team to maintain a culture of innovation ( LLC, 2021).

While the two behaviours are important and qualify one as a good and effective leader, they are not aligned with specific questions. Instead, they are obtained from the list that highlights the characteristics of a good leader. The two elements are highlighted, among other characteristics or abilities of a good leader. The process of rating individuals involved comparing one to other leaders and highlighting the frequency of conducting certain behaviors. It barely relied on specific questions and instead sought employees’ opinions.

Once the two aspects have been improved, better results will be posted on the engagement survey results. Once employees feel that their leader inspires a shared vision, they can look up to them for guidance and direction. They also tend to trust their leader more. As the trust increases, employees’ commitment to the company’s activities, vision, and mission also intensifies. This means that employees will perform better in their roles and responsibilities. As a result, employees provide higher scores in the engagement survey to confirm an improvement in the leader. The scores shift into higher percentiles as leaders demonstrate various traits more.

Improving one’s ability to challenge the process sets the way for other employees. Employees look up to leaders for direction. If the leader is bold enough to provide innovative solutions and suggestions to the current problems, they are likely to inspire their employees. Employees learn better when they see a leader in action. While being granted the freedom to be innovative is important, employees still need to see the leaders in action. This helps them understand the limits, direction, and variety of innovative solutions that they can explore. Once employees watch their leaders challenge the process, they gain the confidence to do the same (Kouzes & Posner, 2009). Besides being enlightened, they gain knowledge and learn from the leaders. They also engage each other in discussions that provoke critical thinking.

Employees are open to sharing their ideas, which are criticized by others. They openly share their feedback about others’ ideas. These discussions result in quality decisions. Employees’ decisions in such settings yield high performance and are implemented effectively due to their elevated level of commitment (Kouzes & Posner, 2009). Therefore, this process leads to improved performance and develops a culture that encourages risk-taking. The engagement survey’s scores are likely to increase as leaders begin to demonstrate such behaviors. The score for the two specific behaviours will increase as employees give better reviews.


Kouzes, J. M., & Posner, B. (2009). To Lead, Create a Shared Vision. Harvard Business Review. LLC. (2021). Why Culture Matters. Retrieved from Zappos:


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This discussion topic will span two weeks, concluding in Module Seven. For this two-week discussion, groups of three to four members have been created.

For this discussion, refer to the adaptive leadership toolkit. Influential leaders collaborate with others, as multiple inputs result in better outcomes. This discussion will share the leadership skills and behaviors you have identified and provide some brief rationale for the selection. You will also receive feedback and possibly questions from your peers, which you can evaluate and use to modify the leadership skills and behaviors you have chosen if desired.

Adaptive Leadership Toolkit Competency Selection

Adaptive Leadership Toolkit Competency Selection

Consider the following during the ongoing discussion:

Do the leadership skills and behaviors identified for improvement align with a specific question in the engagement survey?

How will improving the leadership skills and behaviors you have identified positively impact the following employee engagement survey results?