Discussion – Anticipation of Objections and Response to Objections
Alice’s Termination Objections
Alice will raise some objections as she heads to her severance termination hearing. One of the possible objections to her termination would be that the action amounts to wrongful termination. As an employer, Netflix is subject to US anti-discrimination acts, which the company must obey or risk financial and other penalties (Hirsch, 2008). Another basis for objecting to her termination on the discrimination basis is that the action would breach fair dealing and good faith. She may argue that having worked for the company for several years, she has made a significant contribution to the company and deserves better treatment.
Another possible objection is that the company made procedural errors while implementing the termination. An employment contract and company procedures outline the conditions for the termination of an employee (Hirsch, 2008). Alice’s termination was initiated by the entry of a CEO who demanded 110% performance from her employees (McCord, 2014). However, such a condition may not have been part of her initial employment contract; hence, objecting to it is justifiable.
Thirdly, Alice can object to exiting Netflix without relocation benefits since she was informed of her termination without warning. Demanding relocation benefits on top of the company’s severance package would suffice the uncertainty she was subjected to (Hirsch, 2008). The benefits will help her settle her short-term financial obligations as she hunts for another job that matches her current position.
Responses by Sharon Slade
To respond to Alice’s termination objections, Sharon should clarify if the decision was made according to company policy. Sharon should clarify that termination procedures were followed before implementing the decision. Secondly, the human resource officer should clarify the specific reasons that may have contributed to the termination. Providing reasons for the termination represents the needs of the company as a negotiating party (Opresnik, 2014). That means she will have to cite a specific case (performance failure) that led to the termination. Sharon also needs to empathize with her employee’s emotions since losing a job suddenly is not easy (Opresnik, 2014). Expressing empathy while remaining professional may not take away the problem but will help Alice manage her frustrations.
Hirsch, J. M. (2008). The law of termination: Doing more with less. Md. L. Rev., 68, 89.
McCord, P. (2014). How Netflix reinvented HR. Harvard Business Review 92(1-2):7. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/298487361_How_Netflix_Reinvented_HR
Opresnik, M. O. (2014). The hidden rules of successful negotiation and communication: Getting to yes! Springer.
We’ll write everything from scratch
PROMPT: Put yourself in the shoes of Alice Jones, the executive who is being considered for termination in the Netflix case study. What objections or concerns might you express during the negotiation session if you were Alice Jones? Some examples could be:

Discussion – Anticipation of Objections and Response to Objections
Alice claims the action being taken is discriminatory and threatens to sue for wrongful termination.
Alice requests job placement or relocation benefits in order to transition to another job.
For your first post, share three objections you would make if you were Alice Jones. Then, propose responses from Sharon Slade that would help steer the process to a successful conclusion and help maintain a positive relationship between the two parties.
As a final step, comment on two or more of your classmates’ posts and suggest other objections they may not have considered.
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