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Direct-to-Consumer Advertising Case Study

Direct-to-Consumer Advertising Case Study

Direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription pharmaceuticals is a marketing strategy in which medical or pharmaceutical products are marketed directly to patients rather than through healthcare providers. There are legal laws, ethical criteria, and policies that govern pharmaceutical product marketing, and many times, the process must be handled by specialists. The demographic I serve in my nursing practice has seen some of the effects of direct-to-consumer advertising. Because the advertising focuses on increasing sales rather than counseling users, the activities appear to increase cases of drug abuse among users.

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When consumers begin to encounter side effects, they are not entirely aware of them due to a lack of accurate and thorough product information, which impacts their psychology and health. Many people have reported concerns about the adverse effects of medicinal medications obtained through direct-to-consumer advertising. As a result of the advertising process, there has been an increase in drug poisoning and other drug usage among the populace. People have mixed feelings about the practice, believing corporations spend too much time and money on marketing rather than more crucial research and development in the health industry.

Except for the United States and New Zealand, several countries have enacted bans on direct drug advertising to clients. These two countries have enacted regulations to guide the practice to ensure that the actions do not mislead the public who consumes the items. There are various ethical considerations surrounding this technique, which also highlight the activity’s sensitivity in society. The biggest ethical issue with DTCA is that the practice may hurt prescriptions based on customer demand. The DTCA activities may also raise the question of less expensive pharmaceutical choices, which may otherwise be unneeded in medical reasoning. The advertising may involve gifts from pharmaceutical corporations, which could jeopardize health professionals’ ethical behavior.

Regarding autonomy and DTCA, the topic shifts dramatically because autonomy is primarily determined by the patient’s ability to contribute to various healthcare decisions. Autonomy is not so much dependent on the ability to select particular therapy. As a result, the DTCA is critical in ensuring patients receive complete information about their health-related decisions. The role of DTCA in autonomous choices also depends on fairness and honesty regarding the therapy process’s benefits and limitations.

Pharmaceutical businesses should concentrate more on the general public’s well-being during manufacturing, as this promotes fairness in their operations. Profit-driven investors appear to provide insufficient drug alternatives in the medical sector and the DTCA. Profit-driven investors and corporations jeopardize the nonmaleficence component, a critical pillar in the medical sector and service delivery. The DTCA is regarded as critical in promoting goodwill, depending on the ability of the consumer or patient to obtain the medication. Physicians are only allowed to focus on the patient’s health.

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Sinkinson, M., & Starc, A. (2019). Ask your doctor. Direct-to-consumer advertising of pharmaceuticals. The Review of Economic Studies, 86(2), 836-881.

Mukherji, P., Janakiraman, R., Dutta, S., & Rajiv, S. (2017). How Direct-to-consumer Advertising for Prescription Drugs Affects Consumers’ Welfare: A Natural Experiment Tests the Impact of FDA Legislation. Journal of Advertising Research, 57(1), 94-108.


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Respond to the Case Study in Chapter 12 (p. 286) about direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription drugs. What impact have you observed in the populations you serve in your nursing practice?

Direct-To-Consumer Advertising

Direct-To-Consumer Advertising

Comment on the ethics of this practice in terms of autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice.