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Cover Letter – Proposed Policy to Improve Food-Cart Industry in Dirksville

Cover Letter – Proposed Policy to Improve Food-Cart Industry in Dirksville

Mayor McNeill,

Office of the Mayor,

Physical address,


Dear sir,

REF: Proposed Policy to Improve Food-Cart Industry in Dirksville

As an economic policy advisor at Dirksville City Hall, I have analyzed the food truck industry and its potential for development in our city. Based on my analysis, I suggest implementing a wage subsidy program to support this industry by increasing workers’ real wages and providing incentives for firms to open new food trucks.

I also found the policy effective in reducing the gap between the rich and poor, leading to greater social stability in Dirksville city. The proposed policy would reduce poverty by increasing low-skilled workers’ employment opportunities. It also supports small businesses because of increased spending on consumer goods. The residents of Dirksville will benefit from this policy by having more opportunities to buy food close to their homes and access quality jobs. Furthermore, it is a green Keynesian fiscal stimulus that could be used when there is an economic recession or a slowdown.

Tax base and government spending will also increase as a result of this policy. It means that Dirksville city can use the additional tax revenue to fund infrastructure and education projects, creating long-term economic benefits. The increment in incomes, inflation rate, and level of output in Dirksville city will help to improve the welfare of citizens.

This policy would increase income levels in Dirksville city while also increasing economic growth by promoting the culture of street food carts and supporting low-skilled workers to earn higher incomes.

I strongly recommend that we implement this policy as soon as possible to take advantage of the current expansion in the food truck industry. Thank you very much for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Your Name

Cc: City Council Members

Economic Development Department Staff


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Cover Letter - Proposed Policy to Improve Food-Cart Industry in Dirksville

Cover Letter – Proposed Policy to Improve Food-Cart Industry in Dirksville

In this section, you are communicating the main results from your analysis to Mayor McNeill in a clear and concise way.  This letter should be professional but not technical in nature – it should explain the main ideas of your analysis in a way that can be understood by someone who is not an economist. The purpose of the cover letter is to summarize the information from your analysis – the things you say in your cover letter should be supported in your analysis section, and the main results of your analysis should be included in the cover letter. The cover letter should provide some kind of guidance – this could be to implement or not implement the policy under consideration. Or, if you cannot make a clear recommendation without more information, describe what you need to know more and how it would help you make this decision.

Length: Your cover letter should be no more than one page (about 250 words), including the formatting. You should include your name and student number in the upper left-hand corner, but format the rest of this part of the assignment as a letter or a memo. We will not require a specific style for the letter, but it should include an appropriate salutation and closing and be written in a professional tone.