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Peer-reviewed Journal Analysis- Cloud Computing

Peer-reviewed Journal Analysis- Cloud Computing

Theories, Models, and/or Frameworks Used by the Authors for Their Research

Mohammed et al. (2016) used Goodhue and Thompson’s (1995) theory to identify and measure the factors that influence the adoption of e-government platforms in developing countries. This theory involved using a tool to develop and measure the identified factors. Such a tool would be instrumental in ensuring that only the significant factors were identified and evaluated for implementation. Mohammed et al. (2016) implemented Goodhue and Thompson’s (1995) measuring tool by creating five phases of evaluation before making conclusions on the identified factors. Also, Mohammed et al. (2016) found the factors mentioned by Goodhue and Thompson (1995) to be viable because they had been used successfully in previous studies. The factors included reliability, authority, quality, locatability, relationship, and compatibility. Mohammed et al. (2016) concluded that governments and other institutions should use Goodhue and Thompson’s (1995) theory as a guide to identify factors that significantly affect the adoption of cloud computing.

Al-Sharafi et al. (2017) used a literature review as the methodology to evaluate the adoption of cloud computing. This led to the selection of 53 factors that were evaluated according to their frequency in various studies. These factors were then narrowed down to 16. The methodology, therefore, indicated that institutions and/or governments were prone to selecting many factors that were not all important in evaluating the adoption of cloud computing. The factors identified in any study should always be further analyzed to ensure that only key factors are acted upon. The research by Al-Sharafi et al. (2017) also concluded that 53 factors identified in their methodology could always serve as a starting point for an organization when conducting research and then evaluate further to find the factors unique to the organization. This is because the 53 factors are common to many organizations, but only a few could be specific.

Review of One Article Cited by Amron et al.

The research article by Mohammed et al. (2016) researched factors that affect the implementation of e-government based on cloud computing for developing countries. After the research, the authors proposed a model that could be used to identify the factors. This model would enable a government or another institution to conduct research and establish the hindering factors for implementing an e-government platform hosted on a cloud computing environment. The authors focused on identifying the factors and evaluating them with a measuring tool. This tool would measure the impact of each factor. However, before using the tool to evaluate the factors, the tool was put through five development and analysis phases to ensure it was suitable for the job. These phases included previous studies on cloud computing and constructs in the proposed model, evaluation by IT researchers and academic staff, research and feedback from IT experts working in the public sector, data collection to conduct a pilot study to evaluate factors that would be considered in the next phase, the last phase involved ensuring that only the factors that had passed all evaluation steps were taken into consideration. The proposed model was used in a pilot study that proved its viability based on previous studies. This was useful in finding the most influential factors and how they would be addressed. Previous studies indicated the benefits and drawbacks of cloud computing and e-government platforms, and the benefits outweighed the drawbacks. Therefore, Mohammed et al. (2016) concluded that an e-government platform benefited developing countries and that if the factors are adequately analyzed, the platform should be implemented. The proposed model was not developed for a specific government but for all governments in developing countries. Therefore, each government would use the model to find its specific factors. This makes the proposed model ideal for various governments because it does not offer a solution for one unique environment.

Findings from the Amron et al. Research Article

This article focused on evaluating user behaviors that were instrumental in accepting cloud computing. They concluded that the user behaviors included security, performance expectancy, awareness, IT knowledge, compatibility, social influence, top management support, effort expectancy, and mobility (Amron et al., 2021). Based on the 359 responses, each factor contributed to how users behaved towards adopting cloud computing. The security factor was important for the user to know that data and other information were secure and acceptable for the use of cloud computing. Performance expectancy would be considered by ensuring the user that cloud computing would enable them to achieve their job performance goal. To ensure that cloud computing is acceptable to users, the users should be informed of applications for cloud computing. This would make the users more aware and familiar with cloud computing. The study also observed that tech-savvy users were more accepting of cloud computing because they had IT knowledge. Users were found to be more accepting of cloud computing when the cloud computing infrastructure was compatible with that of the existing IT infrastructure. When there is positive feedback from users who have already used cloud computing, new users are socially influenced to accept cloud computing. Consequently, when feedback is negative, new users would be conditioned to reject cloud computing. In addition, top management in an organization is influential in implementing and accepting cloud computing. When employees receive support from top management in the adoption of cloud computing, it becomes easier to implement cloud computing. If users find cloud computing easy to use, they become more accepting because they do not have to apply much effort. Mobility is important when using cloud computing because users find it convenient. This is because it can be accessed at any time from any location.

The Business Technical Problem Answered by Amron et al.’s Research Article

Amron et al. (2021) answered the question of how to find the factors affecting the adoption of cloud computing among employees in the public sector. The research also expounded on the factors found and why they were significant for users of cloud computing. For example, the issues of compatibility, mobility, and security were identified under technological factors. Cloud computing should be perceived as compatible for users to accept it, meaning that the existing infrastructure within the organization should seamlessly blend with cloud computing to make it user-friendly. The users should also feel safe when using cloud computing. Security is important in protecting user information. If users can access cloud computing anytime regardless of their location, they become more accepting of the use of cloud computing. Therefore, the technical problem is mainly solved through user convenience and security. Cloud computing also enables an organization to save on software and hardware costs. This is because cloud computing services are virtually shareable; therefore, the organization does not have to keep buying hardware to accommodate a growing number of employees. It would only require a setup of an employee account and role to work in a cloud computing environment.


Al-Sharafi, M. A., Arshah, R. A., & Abu-Shanab, E. (2017, August). Factors influencing the continuous use of cloud computing services in organization level [Paper presentation]. Conference: 2017 International Conference on Advances in Image Processing. ICAIP 2017, Bangkok, Thailand.

Amron, M. T., Ibrahim, R., & Abu Bakar, N. A. (2021). Cloud computing acceptance among public sector employees. TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control19(1), 124-133.

Mohammed, F., Ibrahim, O., & Ithnin, N. (2016). Factors influencing cloud computing adoption for e-government implementation in developing countries: Instrument development. Journal of Systems and Information Technology18(3), 297 – 327.


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Peer-Reviewed Journal Analysis
For this assignment, read the following peer-reviewed journal article on cloud computing: See attached PDF
As you read the article, take notes about the theories, models, and/or frameworks the authors used. Prepare to describe the main themes of the article’s literature view and explain the research findings. State specifically what business technical problem is answered by the research article.

Peer-reviewed Journal Analysis- Cloud Computing

Peer-reviewed Journal Analysis- Cloud Computing

Complete the following:
• Describe the relevant theories, models, and/or frameworks the authors used to support their research.
• Review at least one article cited by Amron et al. and explain how they used its findings, theory, or framework to support their research.
o Cite the article in current APA format.
• Explain the findings from the Amron et al. research article.
• State specifically what business technical problem is answered by this research article.
• Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for information technology professionals.
Submission Requirements
• Written communication: Write in a professional manner using current APA style and formatting with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics.
• APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting.
• Length: 3–6 typed, double-spaced pages.
• Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
Submit a draft of your paper to Turnitin to see if your writing has any text that matches existing articles and websites, and include the results with your submission.