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Advocating for Early Childhood Students

Advocating for Early Childhood Students

December 18, 2023

Legislator’s Full Name

Legislator’s Address

RE: Advocating for Early Childhood Students

Dear [Representative/Senator/Governor/Assembly Member Last Name],

My name is Mireya Mande, and I am an early childhood educator. I am writing this letter in support of the NYSED’s 100.3 Program Requirements for Students in Grades PreK through Four. In advocating for the existing state law mandating personalized teaching in early childhood curricula, I acknowledge its crucial role in catering to our children’s diverse learning styles and needs. Each child has a distinctive blueprint for absorbing knowledge, a unique way of understanding the world that demands acknowledgment and encouragement. It is within this spectrum of individualities that the true essence of education lies—a belief in the boundless potential of every child, regardless of their initial learning capabilities. Creating an environment that celebrates these differences and offers tailored support is pivotal. It is not just about fostering academic growth; it is about instilling the confidence and tools necessary for each child to flourish within their own framework of learning. This principle embodies the essence of inclusive and holistic education, where every child finds their path to success when provided with the right guidance and nurturing surroundings. Top of Form

Educators bear the weighty responsibility of not merely watching but actively steering and empowering their students toward growth. The NYSED’s 100.3 Program Requirements for Students in Grades PreK through Four stands as a guiding compass, stressing the significance of a personalized approach in educational planning. It underscores the necessity of factoring in a child’s unique blend of age, interests, strengths, and weaknesses when formulating instructional strategies. This invaluable resource furnishes educators with a diverse toolkit, enabling them to cater specifically to the individual needs of each student. Adhering to this statute enables educators to set the stage for an environment that optimizes learning and propels holistic development, ensuring that no student’s distinct requirements go unnoticed or unaddressed.Top of Form

Educational institutions prioritize student success by employing programs anchored in differentiated instruction, a methodology that acknowledges and responds to the diverse learning styles present in a classroom. This approach involves customizing lesson plans and teaching methods to suit the individual needs and preferences of students. Drawing insights from influential theories like Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence Theory and Piaget’s Cognitive Development Theory, educators craft a dynamic learning environment. Gardner’s theory, in particular, broadens the traditional view of intelligence by emphasizing multiple facets of intellectual ability and encouraging educators to tailor lessons to cater to these distinct intelligences (Ghaznavi et al., 2021). Embracing this inclusive approach means that students are empowered to engage deeply with the material in ways that resonate with their unique strengths, allowing them to excel and contribute meaningfully to the learning process. This personalized framework not only fosters academic achievement but also nurtures a sense of confidence and enthusiasm for learning, fostering a more holistic and enriching educational experience for every student.

Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, on the other hand, unveils a wealth of invaluable insights, particularly concerning the progressive stages of social cognitive growth. Consider, for instance, the pivotal sensorimotor stage, where infants forge their comprehension of the world through sensory interactions and the refinement of motor skills (Mcleod, 2019). This phase lays a foundational understanding of the environment’s workings through firsthand experiences, a critical aspect for educators to grasp. Recognizing children’s varying levels of preparedness across diverse developmental domains emerges as a pivotal factor in devising differentiated instructional strategies. Acknowledging these differences can aid educators in crafting an environment that cultivates curiosity, invites questioning, and encourages exploration, hence fostering not only cognitive advancement but also a comprehensive grasp of the world. This approach nurtures a holistic understanding that extends beyond textbooks, enriching students’ overall comprehension and nurturing a lifelong passion for learning.

Identifying students’ readiness for learning encompasses evaluating developmental domains such as cognitive and social-emotional development within an early childhood setting. Assessing cognitive readiness involves observing how children explore their environment through sensory interactions and problem-solving skills, aligning with Piaget’s sensorimotor stage. It involves gauging their ability to understand cause-and-effect relationships and adapt to new challenges. Additionally, evaluating social-emotional readiness involves observing peer interactions, emotional expression, conflict resolution skills, and the capacity for empathy. These indicators showcase a child’s ability to collaborate, communicate effectively, and regulate emotions, offering valuable insights into their preparedness for engaging in learning experiences. Collaboration with specialists in child development augments this assessment process, enriching our understanding and refining strategies to support children across these developmental domains effectively. Top of Form

The synergy between educators and specialists in child development, such as psychologists, stands as a catalyst for enriching the educational landscape. Collaborative efforts between these professionals amplify educators’ capacity to cater to the diverse needs of students. This collaboration is instrumental in sculpting lesson plans that transcend the one-size-fits-all approach, ensuring inclusivity and comprehensiveness. Rather than solely catering to high achievers in specific subjects, this collaboration enables the design of differentiated learning activities that accommodate the diverse learning speeds and styles present within a classroom. Research by Ingkavara et al. (2022) further validates the efficacy of this approach by affirming that tailored learning activities allow each student to progress at their individual pace while simultaneously attaining shared educational milestones. This collaborative synergy not only fosters academic growth but also cultivates an inclusive and supportive educational environment where every student feels empowered and capable of thriving.

To wrap up, the integration of differentiated instruction into early childhood education curricula stands as a crucial cornerstone. It’s not merely an approach but a fundamental necessity in acknowledging and nurturing the distinct needs and potentials inherent in every student. This tailored method paves the way for personalized learning experiences, ensuring that each individual’s strengths are celebrated and supported while areas of growth are addressed with precision.

Your time and consideration in this matter are genuinely appreciated, recognizing the pivotal role that personalized education plays in fostering a rich and inclusive learning environment for all students. Thank you for your time.


Mireya Mande

ReferencesTop of Form

Ghaznavi, N., Haddad Narafshan, M., & Tajadini, M. (2021). The implementation of a multiple intelligences teaching approach: Classroom engagement and physically disabled learners. Cogent Psychology, 8(1), 1880258.

Ingkavara, T., Panjaburee, P., Srisawasdi, N., & Sajjapanroj, S. (2022). The use of a personalized learning approach to implementing self-regulated online learning. Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence, 3, 100086.

Mcleod, S. (2019, April 9). Sensorimotor stage of cognitive development | Simply Psychology.; Simplypsychology.


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Policy and decision-makers do not always understand the development and educational needs of young children. It is the job of the early childhood educator to advocate for the resources required to meet the needs of all students. Early childhood educators should be ready to provide the information policy, and decision-makers need to determine the value of differentiated early childhood education programs.

Advocating for Early Childhood Students

Advocating for Early Childhood Students

For this benchmark assignment, research a current statute in which the state legislature has made a decision that affects the differentiation needs of early childhood students. Then, write a letter to your legislative representative, either for or against the statute, advocating for the differentiated needs of early childhood students.


Two or more of the theoretical concepts studied in this course to support your position.
How you identify the students’ readiness for learning in at least two developmental domains (cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and/or physical development).
How educational professionals, such as key researchers, speech pathologists, reading specialists, etc., collaborate to evaluate the outcomes of teaching and learning and to adapt and differentiate planning and practice for all students.
How can differentiating instruction for young children positively influence developmental domains?
Support your letter with 3-5 scholarly references.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite Technical Support Articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

Benchmark Information

This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competencies and professional standards: