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Cultivating Cultural Competence- Navigating End-of-Life Care Across Diverse Faith Perspectives

Cultivating Cultural Competence- Navigating End-of-Life Care Across Diverse Faith Perspectives

  1. Based on the case and other topic Resources, in 300-400 words, how might the individual(s) interpret their suffering in light of the Christian view of the fallen world and the hope of resurrection?
Death, from various perspectives, is presented as a part of the natural cycle of birth and death, while from a Biblical view, death is not a natural part of life (Hoehner, 2020). Christians mostly interpret suffering, diseases, and death from the views presented in the Bible in that God never intended his good creation to suffer or die. However, suffering and death came as a result of man rebelling and sinning against God. In this case, George is diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a degenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. Although there is no known cause for ALS, it majorly occurs in late adulthood, with certain individuals having a genetic predisposition to the condition and may lead to muscle weakening and eventually death. However, the individuals in the case study, especially George and his close family, may not consider the genetic and environmental causal factors. Being Christian may hold a different interpretation of the condition. As per the Christian view, George’s diagnosis with ALS and related suffering as the progressive muscle atrophy and loss of motor capacity leading to the loss of the ability to speak, move, eat, and breathe may be interpreted as a result of the sin that has led to the world falling short of the Grace of God. The individuals being Christians may see this as a form of punishment that God has put on George due to probably acts or behaviors in his past that may be interpreted as sinful before God. Disease and suffering are further interpreted as a part of the human experience due to their sins. Based on the Bible, suffering and death are the result and outcomes of sin, and each human must suffer because they have disobeyed God’s will and sinned (Hoehner, 2020). George is certain that he will eventually grow dependent on others and die. The Christian view on resurrection and the promise of a life without pain and suffering. The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ to Christians signify a payment for mankind’s sins and protection from God’s punishment in the afterlife. In this case, he may be able to see his suffering as temporary and a part of his transition towards a world without suffering and without any limitations of disease. This may encourage him to forgo the considerations for possible voluntary euthanasia.


Based on the case and other topic Resources, in 300-400 words, as the individual(s) must contemplate life with their dilemma, how would the Christian worldview inform their view about the value of life as a person?

In this case, George, after the diagnosis, knows that although he may get some type of treatment, it will only slow down the degeneration, but the symptoms will eventually come. He fears eventually growing dependent upon others for basic everyday functions and becoming a prisoner in his own body. At this point, he is caught between his willingness to undergo such torture of loss of his own dignity and power and the possibility of voluntary euthanasia. George’s family is also devasted by the diagnosis. However, the Christian worldview would provide varied perspectives that would inform George’s view about the value of life as a person and his thoughts on voluntary euthanasia. The Christian worldview argues that life is a gift from God; therefore, life in all forms is precious (Bogue & Hogan, 2022). The Christian view helps individuals understand and appreciate life’s intrinsic value and worth. As God, from a Christian perspective, is the creator of all mankind, and each individual is created for a purpose, viewing life from a Christian worldview may help George think about his life in a life that is not only focused on current and future condition and health status but on the purpose of his own existence. He may use this moment instead of thinking about voluntary euthanasia to find more meaning for the rest of his life. He may also contemplate what he has lived to achieve till now, grow deeper and meaningful relationships with his family, and celebrate his life before he dies. Appreciating the value of his life may help him overcome the physical challenges the diagnosis of ALS presents. It may also help his family appreciate his current diagnosis and what to anticipate and, at the same time, provide enough care to help him get through his suffering until his death. Additionally, holding the Christian view that life is a precious gift from God and that regardless of all suffering, the value of life before God does not change may help George and his family remain hopeful for better outcomes. It can, at the same time, also help them be ready for the burden George’s ALS diagnosis will bring upon them and be ready for any outcome, including death and the loss of George’s life.


Based on the case and other topic Resources, in 300-400 words, how does the concept of suffering in a Christian worldview inform their deliberations about the choices they will make?

George, after the diagnosis of ALS, knows that it cannot be cured and can only fear the suffering and torture that comes with the condition. He also fears growing more dependent on others after he loses his ability to speak and move around as the ALS progresses. This leads him to think about voluntary euthanasia as an option to help him escape the suffering. Although he views his suffering associated with ALS from a physical perspective and death as an end to the suffering, the Christian worldview on the concept of suffering may influence his deliberations about the choices he makes. For instance, the Christian worldview appreciates the reality of suffering and views suffering as going beyond the physical to the spiritual. The Christian worldview presents suffering as an opportunity for one to grow close to God and redeem oneself, as it is seen as a result of the fallen world (Hoehner, 2020). It is through suffering that Christians tend to grow closer to God as they grow more trusting in the will of God and getting the favor of being cured. Suffering comes with death. Both suffering and death in the Christian worldview are not the end of life at all but are viewed as both payment for the fall of man through sin and the guarantee for resurrection into a life free from suffering. In the case of George, although he fears becoming a prisoner in his own body, the Christian view of suffering as a part of man’s existence in the fallen world and a promise of resurrection and a life free of suffering may change how he views his current life with ALS. Such a worldview can also influence his decision to go for euthanasia and focus on appreciating his life, becoming more connected with God, and living the rest of his life more purposefully.


Based on the case and other topic Resources, in 150-200 words, how would you be able to come alongside and demonstrate empathy for the individual(s) as you support and care for them? Reflect on your actions and their consequences.

George and his family are devasted by the ALS diagnosis, undergoing emotional and physical suffering with a risk of reduced quality of life. This makes support and empathy towards George and his family important. Ways to come alongside and demonstrate empathy for George and his family is to actively listen to them and communicate to show concern for their current situation. This means actively listening to address George’s concerns about his diagnosis as well as providing clear details on ALS to George and his family, how George can provide self-care to himself, as well as ways in which his family can help. Most importantly, the communication must remain sensitive to George and his family’s current emotional status and culture. In this case, I would maintain all communication as per the doctrines of Christianity. Another way to demonstrate empathy is to remain respectful of all decisions George makes regarding his health and care, as well as ensure informed consent to all decisions made concerning the care in line with the World Medical Association’s (2023) principles outlined in the Helsinki Declaration. My actions will provide more knowledge of ALS as well as needed emotional support.


Based on the case and other topic Resources, in 150-200 words, how can you demonstrate respect for the perspectives of the individual(s) that may be different from your personal and professional values? Consider your conscious and unconscious biases in relationship to human rights in health care practice. Reflect on your actions and their consequences.

The perspective of George on suffering and consideration for voluntary euthanasia may not align with my personal and professional values. As a physician, I understand and am tied to the principle that a physician should not kill or assist their patient in killing themselves but rather provide care and support that enables them to live and die a dignified death (Anderson, n.d.). If George chooses to undergo voluntary euthanasia, it may violate this professional take as well as the theological take and ethical views on physician-assisted euthanasia (Sulmasy, 2021). However, my take may be biased due to my take that the care I provide may reduce his suffering. Regardless of my view, I am expected to respect patient autonomy regardless of how their views differ from my personal and professional views. I can demonstrate respect for his perspectives through active listening and open communication, respect for cultural and religious views on life, respect for and appreciation of his decisions and desires after the diagnosis, and respect for the right to decide on the next steps in his life. Decisions about his own life. My actions will not only respect the principles of autonomy but also help provide more patient- and family-centered care.


Based on the case, other topic Resources, and on your worldview, in 150-200 words, what decision would you make if you were in their situation?

George’s diagnosis and consideration of the possibility of voluntary euthanasia create a complex ethical dilemma. However, regardless of the situation, my decision would be shaped by my professional and personal worldviews. Professionally, I am bound to the ethical principles in medicine; I must respect patient autonomy. At the same time, I must provide my patient, George, with care that reduces harm and is beneficial to his health, sufficient and easy-to-understand information on ALS and euthanasia to help him make informed decisions. In this case, my decision would be to respect and support George’s decision, regardless of whether he chooses voluntary euthanasia. My other decision would be to respect George’s autonomy and provide information on viable alternatives for palliative care that would not only help manage his symptoms but also help George to appreciate the value of life and maximize the quality of his remaining life.


Anderson, R. T. (n.d.). Always Care, Never Kill: How Physician-Assisted Suicide Endangers the Weak, Corrupts Medicine, Compromises the Family, and Violates Human Dignity and Equality. Retrieved December 10, 2023, from

Bogue, D. W., & Hogan, M. (2022). Practicing Dignity: An Introduction to Christian Values and Decision Making in Health Care (2nd ed.). Grand Canyon University.

Hoehner, P. J. (2020). Death, Dying, and Grief. In Grand Canyon University (Ed.), Practicing Dignity: An Introduction to Christian Values and Decision Making in Health Care (1st ed.).

Sulmasy, D. P. (2021). Physician-Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia: Theological and Ethical Responses. Christian Bioethics: Non-Ecumenical Studies in Medical Morality, 27(3), 223–227.

World Medical Association. (2023). WMA Declaration of Helsinki – Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects. WMA.


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The practice of health care providers at all levels brings you into contact with people from a variety of faiths. This calls for basic knowledge and understanding of different faith expressions. No matter what someone’s worldview is, death and dying is a difficult experience whether emotions are expressed or not. For the purpose of this assignment, the focus will be on the Christian worldview.

Read the “Case Study: End-of-Life Decisions” document or one provided by your instructor. Based on the reading of the case, the Christian worldview, and the worldview questions presented in the required topic Resources, you will complete an ethical analysis of the situation of the individual(s) and their decisions from the perspective of the Christian worldview.

Cultivating Cultural Competence- Navigating End-of-Life Care Across Diverse Faith Perspectives

Cultivating Cultural Competence- Navigating End-of-Life Care Across Diverse Faith Perspectives

Based on your reading of the “Case Study: End-of-Life Decisions” document (or one provided by your instructor) and topic Resources, complete the “Death and Dying: Case Analysis” document in a maximum of 2,000 words, in which you will analyze the case study in relation to the following:

Christian view of the fallen world and the hope of resurrection
Christian worldview of the value of life
Christian worldview of suffering
Empathy for the individual(s) as they are supported and cared for, actions, and their consequences
Respect for the perspectives of the individual(s) different from personal and professional values, conscious and unconscious biases related to human rights in health care practice, actions, and their consequences
Personal decision-making based on personal worldview
Support your response using only the following Topic 4 Resources: