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Risk Management Plan Summary-Little Falls Hospitals

Risk Management Plan Summary-Little Falls Hospitals

Little Falls Hospital’s risk management plan strives to foster a safety culture and achieve the Joint Commission’s National Patient Safety Goals. Several critical components of the strategy must be executed throughout the company to ensure patient safety and quality care, including education and training, communication improvement, technology investment, continuous quality improvement and resource allocation. To follow this, the paper will expound on the resources required for implementation and the strategies to overcome some of the hospital’s deficiencies.

Education and Training

One of the plan’s important components is to deliver thorough education and training on the National Patient Safety Goals to all staff members. This will help ensure all staff members understand the goals and how they affect everyday operations. Training should be tailored to diverse departments and positions to meet individual needs and ensure consistency in knowledge and understanding.

Communication Improvement

The plan recognizes the hospital’s communication problems. To address this shortcoming, efforts to improve communication among staff members should be developed. Establishing clear lines of communication, creating successful teamwork, and encouraging open and honest communication are all examples of this. Regular meetings, huddles, and technology tools can help departments communicate more efficiently and effectively.

Technology Investment

While hospital pharmacist Max Dillon is skeptical of investing in technology, it is critical to examine the advantages it can offer to patient safety. Upgrading hospital systems and integrating computerized physician order entry (CPOE), barcode medication administration (BCMA), and electronic health records (EHR) systems can drastically minimize medication errors and enhance overall patient safety. Adequate resources should be set aside to invest in technology and ensure that it is effectively implemented and integrated into existing workflows (Gill et al., 2022).

Continuous Quality Improvement

The plan emphasizes the significance of hospital-wide quality improvement programs. This includes analyzing performance regularly, tracking key data, and implementing evidence-based strategies to improve patient safety. To develop a culture of learning and improvement, incident reporting mechanisms should be established to encourage employees to report errors, near misses, and unfavorable events.

Resource Allocation

The strategy recognizes the resource requirement to implement risk management techniques properly. Financial resources for technology investments, staffing resources to support training and education efforts, and time set aside for staff members to actively participate in quality improvement programs are all examples. Collaboration with hospital administration and the board of directors is essential for allocating adequate resources for risk management.

Resources Required for Implementation

Financial resources are required to invest in technology such as computerized medication delivery systems and electronic health records to improve patient safety. To follow this, adequate personnel resources should be committed to support training and education activities, ensuring that all staff members are sufficiently educated on the National Patient Safety Goals (Qi et al., 2023). Furthermore, enough time should be set up for employees to actively participate in quality improvement efforts such as incident reporting and continuous performance monitoring. Subsequently, collaboration with hospital administration and the board of directors is critical to securing the required resources and ensuring appropriate deployment for risk management initiatives.

Strategies to Overcome Some of the Hospital’s Deficiencies

Several solutions can be implemented to address the inadequacies detected in the hospital. To begin, clear lines of communication, teamwork, and technology tools for effective information sharing can all help improve communication. Regular meetings and huddles can help staff members communicate openly and honestly (Habet & Teele, 2023). Second, to combat skepticism about technology, a method might include presenting evidence and education on the benefits of technology in increasing patient safety and quality of care. This can assist in relieving worries and promoting the use of automated medication administration systems and electronic health records. Furthermore, introducing incident reporting systems, encouraging employees to report errors and adverse events, and using the data obtained to identify areas for improvement and implement evidence-based practices can help foster a culture of continuous quality improvement. Finally, collaboration with important stakeholders such as the Joint Commission Surveyor, department directors, and pharmacists is essential for addressing departmental weaknesses and ensuring buy-in and involvement in the risk management plan

In conclusion, the risk management plan for Little Falls Hospital focuses on building a safety culture and meeting the National Patient Safety Goals. It emphasizes the significance of education and training, improved communication, technological investment, continual quality improvement, and resource allocation. By implementing these strategies and involving key stakeholders, the hospital can enhance patient safety, improve the quality of care, and meet the Joint Commission’s standards.


Gill, S. S., Xu, M., Ottaviani, C., Patros, P., Bahsoon, R., Shaghaghi, A., Golec, M., Stankovski, V., Wu, H., Abraham, A., Singh, M., Mehta, H., Ghosh, S. K., Baker, T., Parlikad, A. K., Lutfiyya, H., Kanhere, S. S., Sakellariou, R., Dustdar, S., & Rana, O. (2022). AI for next-generation computing: Emerging trends and future directions. Internet of Things, 19, 100514.

Habet, V., & Teele, S. A. (2023). Communication challenges: perioperative risks and care directives. Publish Ahead of Print.

Qi, X. S., Albuquerque, K., Bailey, S., Dawes, S., Kashani, R., Li, H., Mak, R. H., Mundt, A. J., & Sio, T. T. (2023). Quality and Safety Considerations in Image Guided Radiation Therapy: An ASTRO Safety White Paper Update. Practical Radiation Oncology, 13(2), 97–111.


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You have been asked by the hospital’s board of director’s to prepare a risk management plan that will help to develop a culture of safety throughout Little Falls Hospital. The plan should address the National Patient Safety Goals and strategies to be implemented throughout the organization. Prepare a 750-word summary of the important components of the plan, the resources that are required to implement, and strategies to overcome some of the hospital’s deficiencies. Your primary text journal and website research must be used as a reference to support your analysis.

Risk Management Plan Summary-Little Falls Hospitals

Risk Management Plan Summary-Little Falls Hospitals

Key Players
Mr. Howard—Joint Commission Surveyor
Overall, I believe that Little Falls Hospital provides good quality care to its patients. The hospital scored very high in many aspects of the survey, but it did not seem focused on the Joint Commission National Patient Safety standards. The knowledge and understanding of these goals were inconsistent among staff; however, some of the departments had little awareness of how these goals impact the operations. Communication is definitely a problem.

Barbara Gillium—Director of Radiology
I have attended several conferences in the last couple of years and these goals have always been an important topic of discussion. The radiology department has always prided itself in quality care, and we do everything we can to make sure our patient care is not only the highest quality but also the safest possible.

Max Dillon—Hospital Pharmacist
The pharmacy department has always been one of the best departments in the hospital. I keep asking for the money to invest in technology but I always get denied. I think that our current systems are more effective than the latest technology. You invest all that money, but it is the same humans who are providing care and dispensing medicines. I think that computerized systems sometimes give staff a false sense of security when they should be doing their jobs accurately anyway.
Reference Textbook:
Showalter, Stuart. The Law of Healthcare Administration. Available from: DeVry, (8th Edition). Health Administration Press, 2017.