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Leadership Challenges & How to Overcome Them

Leadership Challenges & How to Overcome Them

Based on my interpretation of the statement, “Leaders give us a chance to try and fail, then give us another chance to try and succeed,” leaders create opportunities for employees to try out new things without guiding them on what they should do so that they can be creative and correct them when they make mistakes and guide them on what they should do to avoid the mistakes. One of the things that can be done to encourage employees to try a new process and embrace change is to explain the need for the new process and how it should be implemented. The second thing is motivating employees. According to Radojević et al. (2020), employee motivation during change increases the change’s success by increasing commitment to achieving the change. Motivation can include rewards, recognition, praise, promotion, feedback, and monetary rewards. Organizations can reward employees who embrace the change and those who encourage others to embrace the change.

Trust can be encouraged by creating open communication channels where everyone involved in the change shares information, ideas, and opinions. Trust can also be encouraged by explaining the impact of the change on employees, including the negative impacts. Organizations can also assure employees that they will support them through the change process by engaging them in decision-making and considering their feedback when making decisions throughout the change process. It is also important to remove barriers that could hinder the success of the new process to reduce resistance. The barriers may include limited information about the new process and a lack of resources to implement the new process. Organizations can also use negotiation to address employees’ concerns about the new process and the most appropriate ways to address them.


Radojević, T., Stanković, T., & Rajin, D. (2020). Employee motivation in the process of managing organizational change. Proceedings of the 7th International Scientific Conference – FINIZ 2020.


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“ Leaders give us a chance to try and fail, then give us another chance to try and succeed.”

Leadership Challenges & How to Overcome Them

Leadership Challenges & How to Overcome Them

What does this statement mean to you? How can we encourage employees to try a new process, embrace changes, and trust that we will support them through it all?