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Air Cargo Systems vs. Surface Cargo Systems

Air Cargo Systems vs. Surface Cargo Systems

Water Cargo Systems

The main surface cargo systems are water, road, and rail transport. This discussion focuses on water transport. Water transport includes moving cargo and people over water bodies such as oceans, lakes, rivers, and canals. It is categorized into inland waterways transport and ocean transport. Inland waterways transport includes moving cargo and people over canalized or modified rivers. On the other hand, ocean transport includes moving cargo and people overseas. Water transport is common in cargo transportation because it allows the transportation of a large amount of goods and consumes less energy. Bulky and heavy cargo such as construction materials, vehicles, and manufacturing equipment can also be transported through water transport, thus making it the preferred mode of transportation for shipping products from different countries.

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Air Cargo Systems vs. Water Cargo Systems

Air Cargo System requires an airway bill of landing to clear customs and take delivery. According to Stevens (2017), an airway bill of landing is a document that proves that goods have arrived at the required destination. The water cargo system requires a tax release and an original bill of landing. The second differing component is technology. The Air Cargo System has more technology mainly applied in screening goods to ensure they do not pose a security threat, while in water transport, technology is mainly applied in tracking cargo. Air Cargo System transport is also faster than water transport. The third differing component is price. Air cargo transport is more expensive than the water cargo system because airplanes consume more fuel than ships.

Similar components and different components.

The main similarity between air cargo and water cargo transportation is that they both track the cargo being transported and prioritize ensuring that it reaches the required destination without being tampered with. The second similarity is that they both have a specific weight limit for goods that can be transported per trip based on the carrying vessel’s capacity. The main difference is the packaging. Cargo being transported via water is transported in containers, while in air transport, cargo is packaged in boxes arranged in the cargo bay. Another difference is that the air cargo system transports perishable and non-perishable goods, while the water cargo system only transports non-perishable goods.

Management concerns about incorporating intermodal operations between the two systems

According to Bergqvist (2017), intermodal operations include the movement of people and cargo from one place to another using different modes of transport. One of the management concerns in the incorporation of intermodal operations between air and water cargo systems is the handling of prohibited or restricted goods. For example, some goods can only be transported in parts and reassembled upon reaching their destination. Others cannot be transported through intermodal transportation, thus creating a challenge in determining what should be done when handling these goods. The second concern is the damage to goods during intermodal operations because the goods have to be moved, thus increasing the likelihood of damage if they are not moved carefully.

Another concern is the high cost of incorporating intermodal operations because of the infrastructure needed to connect the two transport modes (Monios, 2016). For instance, airports and ports need to be constructed. The third concern is transporting goods that may create environmental or safety hazards. Ensuring that all the players involved in the intermodal operations have adhered to the regulations regarding the transportation of hazardous products can be tedious. This creates a need for collaboration among all parties, which could create conflicts due to the blame game and lack of accountability.


Bergqvist, R. (2017). Intermodal terminal design and operations. Intermodal Freight Transport and Logistics, 109-125.

Monios, J. (2016). Institutional challenges to intermodal transport and logistics.

Stevens, F. (2017). Bill of lading clauses. The Bill of Lading, 208-215.


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The air cargo system consists of everything related to air cargo and the air cargo industry: aircraft, aircraft roller and locking systems, terminals, ground handling equipment, personnel, documentation, and regulations. You are to analyze a surface cargo system.

Air Cargo Systems vs. Surface Cargo Systems

Air Cargo Systems vs. Surface Cargo Systems

-Provide a brief synopsis of the Surface Cargo System you picked.
-Compare the Air Cargo System components to your Surface Cargo System components.
-Describe in detail similar components and different components.
-Consider the management concerns of incorporating intermodal operations between the two systems.

-Submit an original paper
-The paper should include a minimum of 500 words, not including references or cover page.
-Apply current APA style rules; use the Writing Style Guide for guidelines.
-Observe written assignment formatting requirements.
–Times New Roman font
–12-pt font size
–double-spaced text
–numbered pages