Factors Considered in Interview for Selection of Qualified Candidate
The human resource department handles interviews in most organizations. Interviews allow employers to decide the best candidates with the required skills and characteristics that match the organization’s constitution and culture. Once interviews have been conducted, the human resource personnel are responsible for vetting and identifying a suitable team member. Human resources is the first person of contact, and their decisions are final as a company representative.
The success of an organization depends on the suitability of recruited candidates. Suitable employees are the ones who come up with helpful business ideas, implement the ideas, and make critical management decisions. For companies to select suitable employees, preparations for interviews are vital to avoid bias when comparing candidates. It is good to prepare a group of standard questions, review the set questions, and write down individual questions for every candidate before the interview (Tews, Stafford, Michel, 2018., pp. 164- 175). This paper will analyze the interview for the job position of assistant supply manager at McCain Foods.
To select a suitable candidate, the interviewing team should ask the candidates a set of developed questions, consisting of two behavioral and two situational questions, and then record the scores in a tabulated score system for vetting purposes to reach the best assistant supply manager.
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Behavioral Questions
Behavioral questions gauge how best one is suited to solving problems. Such questions reveal the interviewee’s personality, abilities, and skills. Every behavioral question requires an interviewee to share a story that shows their strengths and skills (Black, Budner, Motta, 2018., pp244-246). With our analysis, the following behavioral questions shall be asked to select the best employee for the post of assistant supply manager.
- Tell me about the last time your working hours ended before your duties were done.
- Tell me about a time you had a conflict with your core worker and how the conflict was solved.
The interviewers should fill out the behavioral form to rank the candidates in overall behavioral qualifications for the post of assistant supply manager. For every question, an interviewer should give a candidate a numeric rating and write the comments related to the ratings. The ratings are based on the following illustrations.
5- Excellent 4- Above Average 3- Average 2- Satisfactory 1- Unsatisfactory
Time management– can the candidate complete the assigned duties within the stipulated working hours? If not, does he extend to finish the duties on the same day?
Rate: 1 2 3 4 5
Work Experience– does the candidate have qualifications and skills from past work experience?
Rate: 1 2 3 4 5
Administrative knowledge and skills– does the candidate demonstrate the knowledge of being responsible for any outcomes associated with supply management?
Rate: 1 2 3 4 5
Leadership skills– does the candidate show leadership skills as an assistant manager?
Rate: 1 2 3 4 5
Candidature Enthusiasm– is the candidate interested in this position?
Rate: 1 2 3 4 5
Point Delivery and Self-expression– how does the candidate express their views and ideas?
Rate: 1 2 3 4 5
General Impression and Interviewer’s Recommendations– final comments on why we should continue with the interviewee.
Rate: 1 2 3 4 5
Situational Questions
This kind of question enables an interviewer to determine the candidate’s credibility in solving real-life problems encountered in places of work. Situational questions help recruiters and top management understand the interviewees’ firmness and weaknesses. The best way to determine interviewees’ ability to solve problems is by asking them how they have handled similar problems recently. The employer’s target is to determine leadership skills, teamwork skills, self-management, overall communication, and good ethics at places of work (Black et al., 2018). With our analysis, the following situational questions shall be asked to select the best employee for the post of assistant supply manager. The results will be recorded in the situational evaluation form.
- Tell me what you would do if assigned a job you have never handled.
- Please tell me what you would do if a dissatisfied client faced you. How would you handle the client’s concern?
The interviewers should fill out the situational evaluation form to rank the candidates in overall situational qualifications for the position of assistant supply manager. For every question, an interviewer should give a candidate a numeric rating and write the comments related to the ratings. The ratings are based on the following illustrations
5-Excellent 4- Above Average 3- Average 2- Satisfactory 1- Unsatisfactory
Ability to solve problems– is the candidate able to solve the problems? Does the candidate have experience in solving challenging situations and giving remedies?
Rate: 1 2 3 4 5
Candidate’s self-management– does the candidate possess the ability to manage their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors? Does the candidate understand personal responsibilities?
Rate: 1 2 3 4 5
Communication skills– can the candidate control emotions when handling emphatic situations?
Rate: 1 2 3 4 5
Candidate’s professionalism- Can the candidate handle tasks beyond their professionalism? Can the candidate work in any department if assigned?
Rate: 1 2 3 4 5
Candidate’s exposure to real-life situations– does the candidate have experience solving real-life problems?
Rate: 1 2 3 4 5
Analysis of Behavioral and Situational Questions
The analysis intends to give an interviewer a clue on how to rate the candidate based on performance upon answering questions. The analysis will further help the interviewers comment on how they arrived at the ratings. When commenting, interviewers can also give additional information as to why they prefer employing the interviewees or why not employing them.
Analysis of behavioral questions
When awarding marks on the behavioral mark sheet, the interviewer should mainly focus on the interviewee’s character traits, skills, and abilities to handle many issues. The main logic behind behavioral questions reflects past success in solving future problems and achieving the company’s objectives.
Tell me about the last time your working hours ended before your duties were done.
Here, the interviewer is mainly interested in time management, work ethics, job prioritization, and the ability to express oneself. Ideally, how the candidate prioritizes tasks within time matters; the interviewer should keenly listen to how the candidate responds to see whether the candidate possesses the skills of working on a truck. The interviewer targets the candidate’s ability to handle several tasks. The candidate is supposed to show dedication to work by extending work to finish essential responsibilities (Black, Budner, Motta, 2018., pp244-246). The interviewee is expected to show some sense of teamwork by informing fellow workmates about delays that might arise from undone duties.
Tell me about a time you had a conflict with your core worker and how the conflict was solved.
Most conflicts at places of work are a result of personal differences. Disagreements at places of work do not mean that work relationships are permanently damaged. Here, the interviewer should keenly listen and see whether the candidate has strategies to help solve workplace conflicts. The interviewer should consider candidates who give lasting solutions and avoid good working relationships. A good candidate is expected to give a transparent resolution strategy with mutual agreement among the fighting workers, followed by an example of the recent past.
Analysis of situational questions
Situational questions are more valuable for hiring managers, and these questions tell more about how a candidate has acquired skills in the past. When awarding marks in the score sheet, the interviewer should target the candidate’s leadership skills as an expected manager. The interviewer should see if the candidate has teamwork skills (Hartwell, Johnson, Posthuman, 2019., pp. 122- 129). Can the interviewer manipulate other employees to follow the already-made decisions about the incoming manager?
Note: A good candidate should describe circumstances that led to the problem, explain their goal in the task, tell how they responded to the problem, and finally tell what happened as a result of the solution provided to the problem
Tell me what you would do if assigned a job you have never handled.
Here, the interviewer should know if candidates can handle multiple tasks beyond their professionalism. Does the candidate accept and take on new challenges? Does the candidate have the skills to solve problems? Is the candidate creative enough when solving problems? (Hartwell, Johnson, Posthuman, 2019., pp122-129). Candidates must show creativity with new plans and strategies to handle tasks beyond their professionalism. A good candidate should give a strategy with the extra effort of trial and learn how to handle new tasks at the place of work.
Please tell me what you would do if a dissatisfied client faced you. How would you handle the client’s concern?
The interviewee is expected to show conflict-resolution techniques, good communication skills, and a good work ethic when dealing with clients. The interviewer should consider candidates who can share their empathy and address unexpected issues. A good candidate should give a relevant example with the situation, task/ role, action/solution, and the results of a solved problem to satisfy the customer.
Behavioral and situational questions are vital in selecting candidates with the required skills to fit specified positions. Behavioral and situational questions help candidates with good communication skills, experienced candidates, candidates with leadership skills, candidates with strategies for solving workplace conflicts, and candidates with general managerial skills.
Additional Assessment
Although the above behavioral and situational questions help companies recruit qualified employees, additional questions are needed: the status of candidates, age, work experience, and expected Salary.
Both interviewers and interviewees should fill out the salaryonal assessment evaluation form. The interviewer should tick appropriately and fill out the numeric where required.
Note: An interviewee should not provide additional information unless requested, which will lead to disqualification.
Interviewees should not fill the interviewer’s comment dash.
Marital status– tick appropriately
Single ___ Engaged_____
Age bracket– tick appropriately
25-35 years old_________ 36-45 years old_________ 46-55 years old________
If your age bracket is not provided above, kindly indicate. ____________
Interviewers remarks___________________________________________________________________
Level of education– tick appropriately.
Undergraduate____ Post graduate_______ Masters_______
PhD holder ________
Kindly indicate your education level if it is not captured above
Level of education____________
Interviewer’s remarks_______________________________________________________________________
Work experience– tick appropriately.
No experience______ 2 years and below______ 3 years and below _________ 5 years and below_________
Kindly indicate your work experience if not captured above.
Work experience_______________
Interviewer’s remarks______________________________________________________________
Expected Salary– tick appropriately
$250-$300______ $300- 350_______ $350-$400_____ $400 and above ______
Kindly indicate the expected SSalary if it is not captured above.
Expected SSalary _____
Interviewer’s remarks________________________________________________
Previous SSalary– tick appropriately
$250 and below_______ $250-$350_____ $350-$400
Kindly indicate your previous SSalary if not captured above
Previous salary_______
Analysis of the additional assessments in the recruitment of employees
When recruiting employees, the company should consider the employees’ educational qualifications, as educated candidates can apply knowledge learned in class in real-life situations to solve problems and make wise management decisions. The age of employees determines the success of a company. Young employees are believed to generate new ideas that lead to innovation, thus taking the company to the next level—recruiting experienced employees to ease organizational problems (McCrindle, Fell, 2019). Experienced staff can create and implement new ideas for the company’s growth. Organizations should consider paying employees based on their skills and qualifications, and employees who handle more technical and complex tasks should be well paid to motivate them. In my case, I recommend that companies consider experience and levels of education when recruiting employees.
Level of education and experience recommendations
Educated and experienced employees had value to the company. Experienced staff can replicate success in an organization based on their excellent track records from other companies (McCrindle, Fell, 2019). Experience goes hand in hand with education, and the knowledge gained in class is applied in real-world situations to solve problems and make the right decisions. Companies should prioritize recruiting experienced staff.
Companies should thoroughly conduct interviews before recruiting employees. Recruiting qualified employees determines a company’s success (Adeosun, Ohtani, 2020.). Before recruiting employees, human resources should consider the level of education, work experience, technical qualifications, ability to solve problems, leadership and management skills, expected salaries, and value addition of candidates to the company (Soeprono, Pellegrino, Murray, Ratzliff, 2020., pp,664-668). The selection of the right employees enhances the overall growth of an organization.
Adeosun, O. T., & Ohiani, A. S. (2020). Attracting and recruiting quality talent: firm perspectives. Rajagiri Management Journal. https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/RAMJ-05-2020-0016/full/html
Black, C., Budner, H., & Motta, A. L. (2018). Enhancing the residency interview process with the inclusion of standardized questions. Postgraduate Medical Journal, 94(1110), 244-246. https://pmj.bmj.com/content/94/1110/244.2.abstract
Hartwell, C. J., Johnson, C. D., & Posthuma, R. A. (2019). Are we asking the right questions? Predictive validity comparison of four structured interview question types. Journal of Business Research, 100, 122-129. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0148296319301985
McCrindle, M., & Fell, A. (2019). Understanding Generation Z: Recruiting, training, and leading the next generation. Australia: McCrindle Research Pty Ltd. https://generationz.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Understanding_Generation_Z_report_McCrindle.pdf
Soeprono, T. M., Pellegrino, L. D., Murray, S. B., & Ratzliff, A. (2020). Considerations for program directors in the 2020–2021 remote resident recruitment. Academic Psychiatry, 44(6), 664-668. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/08862605211023497
Tews, M. J., Stafford, K., & Michel, J. W. (2018). Interview etiquette and hiring outcomes. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 26(2-4), 164-175. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/ijsa.12228
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Factors Considered in Interview for Selection of Qualified Candidate
Assess the practical significance of application forms, bio-data, and reference checks. (1)
Design content valid situational and behavioral interviews (5)
Assess the practical significance of various ability tests. (6)
Assess the practical significance of integrity tests. (6)
Assess the practical significance of work sample tests. (7)
Appraise strategies to limit adverse impact in the interview process. (1)
Evaluate personality testing (6)
Answer the following questions:
Research a job position at your current organization or an organization you prefer. Develop two behavioral and two situational questions for the interview. Include an anchored scoring system for all of the questions.
In addition to the interview, you want to add another selection assessment to accompany the structured interview questions you designed. Select one, and give your recommendations, with support, for why it should be chosen above the others.