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The Role of Leaders to Maintain and Grow Capacity

The Role of Leaders to Maintain and Grow Capacity

The Leadership Activities A High-Level Leader Can Implement to Encourage and Maintain High-Quality Growth for the Goods and Services Provided by the Organization.

Managers play a significant role in influencing the performance of employees, thus encouraging and maintaining high-quality growth for the goods and services provided by the organization. Support from top management can control management activities by supporting the sharing of knowledge and information across the organization. Managers must also collaborate with top management to promote the necessary employee behavior, exploit opportunities contributing to the organization’s growth, and communicate the best strategies to enhance organizational performance.

One of the activities managers can implement to promote and maintain high-quality growth for products offered by the organization is continually communicating with the workforce. According to Quam (2010), the crew must constantly be reminded about organizational change, work policies, and expectations. Communication should also include sharing all vital information that can help employees understand their role in improving the quality of products and services provided in the organization, thus promoting the fluid flow of opinions and ideas. The second activity is team collaboration. Managers can create teams to facilitate the exchange of ideas and brainstorming to improve the quality of products and services. The team should be able to self-organize, develop an action plan, collaborate, and troubleshoot issues.

The third activity rewards employees who perform beyond the organization’s expectations and creates performance improvement plans for those who perform below the organizational expectations. Managers can collaborate with employees to develop programs to improve their skills and prepare them for future executive roles. The fourth activity is implementing proper quality management strategies.

One of the strategies managers can use for quality management is a quality register that summarizes all activities completed or planned. According to Oakland (2014), a quality register can be used as a unique reference for all quality activities and an indicator of the organizational records on the quality of the products and services.

The second strategy is continuous improvement. Toner et al. (2021) define continuous improvement as improving processes, products, and services. Managers can use continuous improvement to stress quality improvement and minimize wasting time and resources. The third strategy uses a process approach that involves managing the business as a system of processes instead of departments, products, or people. This strategy contributes to the quality improvement of top management controls and contains the outputs and inputs in the organization effectively.

The fourth strategy uses evidence-based decision-making, which includes making decisions based on analyzed and verified data. It includes collecting relevant information and data, ensuring that all the information gathered is reliable, accurate, and accessible, analyzing the information and data using varied methods, operating results collected through logical analysis, and pairing them with experience and intuition to make informed decisions.

Consideration for the 5-Year Future, Including New Products and Services.

The steps dictate the future of an organization it takes to improve its performance and maintain a good reputation. Organizations use different strategies to achieve the required growth levels. The main methods include extension, data monetization, and digitization. The extension strategy includes extending services and consolidating or partnering with other organizations, resulting in a larger market share. The data monetization strategy includes using data to improve customer experience. The digitization strategy consists of the use of technology to improve organizational performance. Organizations may sometimes use technology to introduce new products and services to stay ahead of the competition by increasing their customer base.

One of the considerations for the 5-year future is evaluating the acceptability of a product or service. It is vital to conduct a separate assessment of the demand of direct and industrial consumers to understand the impact of the proposed goods and services on existing goods and services. Organizations need to ensure that the new products and services do not compete with existing ones because competition among products from the same organization may deprive the market of a cheap model of expanding the need for a high-quality, unique product. The second consideration is conducting sales forecasts for a new service or product by reviewing the sales figures for similar products and services. The organization should also focus on economic projections, enterprise market data, and knowledge of anticipated changes in the business environment, including changes in product demand and laws regulating the product’s sale and manufacturing.

The third consideration is long-term projected sales growth and setting sales goals that clearly show the organization’s goals within the next five years. The organization should also identify its steps to achieve these goals and create short-term, long-term, and mid-term objectives. The fourth consideration is whether the project’s return matches the cost incurred in production. The organization should ensure that the product offers a high return on investment by attracting many customers. A feasibility study should also be conducted to assess the performance of a product in the market. According to Munsaka (2013), a feasibility study helps determine a product or service’s viability by identifying the factors contributing to success, the potential return on investment, and risks to the organization’s success. The product or service should also be sustainable to survive in a competitive market for a long time.

What High-Quality Leaders Do to Influence the Capacity of Their Firms.

According to Judge (2011), a firm’s capacity is its ability to complete its functions or the enabling factors allowing it to achieve its goals and perform operations. The main components of organizational capacity are culture and enhanced capacity. Culture includes values, behaviors, beliefs, artifacts, attitudes, and symbols, while enhanced capacity provides strategy, leadership, skills, governance, accountability, human capital, and systems. The design includes a strategic plan enabling the organization to achieve long-term and short-term objectives. Human capital comprises screening, identifying, recruiting, and training job applicants, managing employee retention and turnover, and managing employee incentive programs. Accountability consists of the organization’s ability to internally and externally account for its finances and activities, accept responsibility, and disclose results transparently. Leadership includes individuals responsible for leading an organization, establishing a clear vision, sharing it with followers, and providing the information required to realize it.

One thing high-quality leaders do to influence the capacity of their firms is reward employees who meet organizational expectations to motivate them to improve their performance. According to Meddour (2015), the core potential of an organization lies in its satisfied and motivated employees who consistently contribute towards its objectives and goals. The second thing is employee development through training programs. Competency development and learning new things raise employee morale and job satisfaction, increasing productivity. Competency development also equips employees with the knowledge and skills to build the firm’s capacity. High-quality leaders also influence the power of their firms by setting targets that employees should meet. The marks should be aligned with the organization’s long-term and short-term goals. High-quality leaders also reward employees who meet their targets to encourage them to continue meeting the targets, thus improving their capacity.

Teamwork contributes to improved organizational capacity due to the sharing of ideas. High-quality leaders, therefore, encourage collaboration by creating teams within the organization and assigning tasks to be completed by every team within a specified time. They also develop team-building activities to create harmony among team members. High-quality leaders also delegate team leadership roles to team members to ensure the teams are managed effectively. The team leader is in charge of monitoring the contribution of team members in completing the tasks assigned to the group, dealing with conflicts that arise among the team members, and guiding team members on what should be done to enhance the team’s performance. High-quality leaders also influence a firm’s capacity by setting a good example for employees and creating shared goals that all employees should achieve. They also mentor their subordinates by setting a good image. High-quality leaders increase the capacity of their organizations by eliminating time-consuming and unnecessary jobs to enhance efficiency, considering employees’ strengths when delegating work and encouraging employees to continually seek feedback and evaluate their work’s quality.

Comparison and Contrast Chart on High-Quality Leaders and The Capacity of Their Organizations.

Many successful organizations are led by high-quality leaders who are determined to ensure that organizational goals are met and that tasks are assigned based on employee expertise to increase an organization’s capacity. The chart below contrasts and compares high-quality leaders and their organizations’ capacity.


Judge, W. Q. (2011). Building organizational capacity for change: The leader’s new mandate. Business Expert Press.

Meddour, H. (2015). Organizational capacity, motivation, external environment, and knowledge transfer and sharing: A conceptual framework.

Munsaka, T. (2013). The importance of project feasibility study: With practical examples. GRIN Verlag.

Oakland, J. S. (2014). Total quality management and operational excellence: Text with cases. Routledge.

Quam, K. F. (2010). The mature workforce and the changing nature of work. Research in Organizational Change and Development, 315-366.

Toner, J., Gail Montero, B., & Moran, A. (2021). Explaining continuous improvement. Continuous Improvement, 197-210.


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This week, you will consider the role of leaders, such as the president or owner of an organization, to sustain and grow capacity in their organization. You can assume that other personnel within an organization may have immediate responsibility for the maintenance and development of the staff, technology, and other mechanical components of capacity. What would be the responsibility of higher-level leaders regarding this crucial department within an organization?

The Role of Leaders to Maintain and Grow Capacity

The Role of Leaders to Maintain and Grow Capacity

The experience of the Blue Shield of California Foundation (BSCF) leaders in addressing domestic violence provides examples of leadership within an organization making a solid contribution to building capacity. BSCF sought to develop a strategy to assist trained violence leaders and organizations in addressing domestic violence more effectively. To accomplish this, BSCF provided the needed support, tools, skills, knowledge, and personnel to build capacity to prevent and end domestic violence. The leadership and personnel designed the Strong Field Project (SFP), which developed into a multimillion-dollar, 4-year initiative (Yu, Henderson-Frakes, & Penia, 2016).

This week’s assignment requires a thorough review of the current peer-reviewed literature, gathering the research done considering the role of a senior leader with all aspects of capacity. What does such an executive do to keep this critical area of an organization in optimal working order? You will also develop a comparison with other executives regarding their activities with capacity and how their capacity areas compare, providing a view of the organizational development in this vital area of their firm.

For this assignment, you will examine what a high-level leader such as a vice president, director, or president can do to encourage and sustain high-quality capacity for all the goods and services the firm provides. Be sure to provide research from peer-reviewed sources (within five years) to determine and support what high-quality leaders do to encourage and grow their organization’s capacity.

Be sure your assignment addresses the following:

Initially, discuss the leadership activities that a high-level leader can implement to encourage and maintain high-quality growth for the goods and services provided by the organization.
Include in the assignment consideration for the 5-year future, including new products and services.
Include research indicating what high-quality leaders do to influence the capacity of their firms.
Develop a compare and contrast chart on high-quality leaders and the power of their organizations.
Support this assignment with a minimum of five scholarly resources. Other appropriate help may be used as needed.
Length: 5-7 Pages, including one compare and contrast chart, not including title and reference pages

References: Include a minimum of 5 scholarly resources