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NSG 3007 Week 3 Discussion-Communication and Collaboration

NSG 3007 Week 3 Discussion-Communication and Collaboration

Like other professionals, nursing practitioners have distinct values, attitudes, and behaviors that bind them. These behaviors can be negative or positive.

Positive workplace behaviors

 These include;

  1. Promoting the organization’s values
  2. Collaborating and cooperating with others
  3. We welcome new
  4. Being considerate of
  5. Encouraging a healthy work/life balance

Negative workplace behaviors

These include;

  1. Aggression or hostility
  2. Narcissism, as well as a lack of accountability or responsibility
  3. Rudeness, disrespect, or bullying of coworkers or clients
  4. Actions or statements that are detrimental to team motivation or business
  5. Criticism or resistance to change

Negative conduct, such as conflict, bullying, harassment, and horizontal aggression, has been proven by international literature to be the most significant problem in and among all health professional groups regarding frequency and amount of suffering [ CITATION Bla20 \l 1033 ]. However, here are some possible strategies for dealing with undesirable behaviors:

  1. Identifying the root of the problem- Problem behavior can be caused by various factors. To determine the cause of a person’s problem behavior, a professional should evaluate them.
  2. Collaborating to establish clear objectives – Mutually respectful workplace collaborations among healthcare team members comprise highly patient-centered care. Respectful and constructive working relationships are required in such relationships. Positive outcomes are usually associated with collaborative workplace relationships, which often compensate for other workplace
  3. .Giving direct criticism while avoiding blame is essential for employees’ continued growth. Feedback clarifies expectations, aids in the learning of mistakes, and boosts self-esteem. One of the most valuable things managers can give their employees is constructive criticism.
  4. Explaining potential consequences and keeping track of everything- Keeping accurate records is vital to protect your patients. Complete and accurate medical recordkeeping can assist in guaranteeing that your patients receive the proper care at the right
  5. .Consider requesting regular self-evaluations from teams and organizing workplace civility.[ CITATION Ols17 \l 1033 ]

NSG 3007 Week 3 Discussion-Communication and Collaboration

Professional values are the foundation for acceptable behavior and attitude in nursing. These values must be developed before any nurse can make vital healthcare judgments  [  CITATION  Bla20  \l  1033  ]. Nursing practitioners must demonstrate particular attitudes and actions in their careers to fulfill their primary function of caring. Nursing strongly depends on morals and a feeling of client duty.

Positive outcomes are consistently connected to collaborative workplace relationships, safety incidents, and injuries.

Negative behaviors such as disagreement, emotional abuse, bullying, and incivility can affect organizational and patient outcomes [ CITATION Ols17 \l 1033 ]. As a result, effective teamwork requires a clear understanding and presentation of the positive and negative behaviors that promote it.


Black, B. P. (2020). Professional nursing: Concepts & challenges (9th ed.). Saunders.

Olsen, E., Bjaalid, G., & Mikkelsen, A. (2017). Work climate and the mediating role of workplace bullying related to job performance, job satisfaction, and work ability: A study among hospital nurses. Journal of advanced nursing, 73(11), 2709-2719


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NSG 3007 Week 3 Discussion-Communication and Collaboration

Identify positive and negative workplace behaviors you have witnessed within your nursing practice. Explain potential solutions to address negative behaviors.