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Business Skills

Business Skills

Building the Business Process Management (BPM) business case and vision skill is crucial for the 12 skill sets. It offers the ability to generate an operational plan and weigh the BPM project results with the scheme. This process needs comprehensive daily business activities, formulated metrics, technical skills, and the capability to utilize the data in a convincing commercial case for BPM. In essence, the actual value of BPM is accrued from continuous development and capacity. Companies need to progress business cases with transparent realization principles and utilize logical metrics at the base (Gartner, 2012). Although all business cases are as efficient as the validity and integrity of the scheme’s expectations and planning, ranking and authentication of assumptions is critical to the procedure. Thus, building the BPM business case and skill needs an iterative approach for inclusive modeling.

Creating a corporate case for the BPM initiative is time-consuming and critical because it involves assessing, selecting, and validating a BPM software package to provide its execution. Moreover, it serves as the initial proof point for BPM in the company (Gartner, 2012). Therefore, organizations ensure success by utilizing repeatability opportunities, embracing resistance and sponsorship problems, conducting detailed analysis, and informing stakeholders when authenticating procedure designs.

These measures result in a robust operational case and establish valued metrics that screen and estimate outcomes during the execution. It benefits the organization by founding a repeatable approach and a robust technology base to build a business case (Gartner, 2012). The firm can benchmark ROI numbers to validate future BPM initiatives. In the end, it puts the operations on a fast path to comprehending a continuous process enhancement and planned business worth from BPM.


Gartner, W. (2012). Skills Critical to Business Process Management Success. Samantha Searle & Michele Cantara. Gartner15.


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12 Skills Critical to Business Process Management Success

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Business Skills

Business Skills