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Character Evolution

Character Evolution

The selected item for explaining character evolution is a movie titled The Pursuit of Happiness. The movie stars Will Smith who takes the role of Chris Gardner, a salesman who has invested all his life savings in acquiring the portable bone density scanner. In the movie, Chris Gardner is shown to be a hardworking person who always strives to sell a handheld scanner, but his financial state is unstable. Nevertheless, Gardner does not lose hope and stays optimistic, and by doing so, he is promoted to the broker position, and today he has a multimillion-dollar brokerage company.

At the beginning of the movie, Gardner is shown selling X-ray scanners to doctors but gets into trouble for his business. As time passed, he faced different financial problems forcing his wife, who was working as a maid in a hotel, to work double shifts. One of the major problems they were facing was paying house rent. At this time of his life, Gardner was feeling low and lost but never lost hope; he was trying hard to solve his problems. One day, Gardner meets Jay Twistle, the manager of Dean Witter Reynolds, and helps him solve a cube while in a taxi. Twistle is impressed by Gardner, and when he reaches his destination, Gardner goes further ahead. Gardner knew that he had no money, and when the taxi stopped, he stepped out and ran away. The taxi driver tried to chase him, but he was long gone. He then takes the train but gets his hand stuck on the train door and almost drops his scanner. While Gardner faced numerous challenges in his business venture, he always woke up early, dressed up, and went out uncertain of what would happen (Lv et al.). Gardner was very ambitious and always aimed to achieve his goals and pushed through challenges to provide a better life for his wife and child.

When life seemed to be more unbearable for Gardner, he received an unexpected call from Dean Witter for an interview as a stockbroker agent. However, a day prior to his interview, Gardner was arrested for failing to pay a parking ticket fine. He was either paying the fine or spending time in jail till the following morning. Since he had no money, he spent the night in jail and was late for his interview. He managed to get to the interview but was dressed inappropriately. Nevertheless, despite his appearances during the interview, Gardner impressed the interviewers and was allowed to work as an unpaid intern (Sapalakkai 108). As an intern, he had to compete with several other interns for a position as a paid stockbroker. However, by taking a job as an unpaid intern, he goes against his wife’s wishes, and he leaves with his son. Gardner wanted to keep custody of his son and always struggled to ensure that he got what he needed. Taking the internship meant that Gardner had few sources of income and was soon kicked out of his house for failing to pay rent. Gardner and his son ended up living in homeless shelters, but that did not break him. Eventually, his persistence paid off, and he got the paid position. He was thrilled with his determination and perseverance. He later started his own brokerage company that earned him millions of dollars.

All in all, the movie shows us the character evolution of Gardner from being poor and helpless to being a millionaire. While he faces numerous challenges and obstacles in his life, he never stutters or defers from his goals. He always ensures that his family is provided for and protected. Through his determination and hard work, Gardner was able to go through the challenges and achieve his goals. Therefore, Gardner is an exceptional character who evolves from being poor to one of the region’s richest businessmen.

Works Cited

Lv, Y., et al. “A study on American individualistic values from the movie the pursuit of happiness.” Proceedings of the 2017 2nd International Conference on Education, Sports, Arts, and Management Engineering (ICESAME 2017), 2017, doi:10.2991/icesame-17.2017.103.

Sapalakkai, O. “Cooperative principle used by Chris Gardner in “The Pursuit of Happyness” movie.” K@ta Kita, vol. 6, no. 1, 2018, pp. 105-112, doi:10.9744/katakita.6.1.105-112.


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Essay Assignment 1: Character Evolution (English Essay)

Topic and Structure:

Character Evolution

Character Evolution

Character Evolution – Explain how a character from a novel, film, television show, or another medium of your choice evolves—either good or bad—from the beginning to the end of the story.

Your introduction will provide a brief synopsis of the story and then smoothly transition into the last sentence of your introduction—the thesis statement. Next, you will develop at least three body paragraphs, each dedicated to one example (such as a scene) in your chosen medium that serves as support for your thesis claim. Finally, you will compile a conclusion paragraph that synthesizes your findings.

Creating the thesis statement:

Is your argument focused and meaningful in a way that it also offers a clear-cut, but debatable point of view, which a reader might either agree or disagree with? Avoid claims that are too obvious to the readers—offer them a new idea! Remember, a thesis also serves as a map for your essay, providing a promise of subtopics you will discuss in your body paragraphs in the order in which they appear in your essay.

Sample thesis statement: In The Midnight’s Shadow, Charles Bellingham begins as a lonely, self-loathing candle maker, but after he meets Miss Charmaine, begins working for the king, and takes an understudy, he transforms into a confident man who sees the townspeople and the kingdom as a friendly and prosperous community.

Developing the body paragraphs:

The way you present your supporting evidence is just as important as the evidence itself. When you create a body paragraph with the goal of supporting a claim in your thesis, you want to include a balance of research and/or examples with original material. In other words, original material refers to discussions you develop that help explain the connection between your research and/or examples and your thesis claim. You don’t want to assume that your research and/or examples are enough to prove your thesis—you want to inform your reader how and why cited material serves the purpose you intend.

Therefore, begin each body paragraph with a topic sentence that affirms your opinion. A topic sentence for the first body paragraph in a paper with the thesis from above might say, “Miss Charmaine, ever so charming in her ways, bumps into a scowling Mr. Bellingham, only to annoy him further, but as he slowly raises his gaze to evaluate the source of this unpleasantry, he is rather surprised to see a such a lovely creature affectionately maintaining his stare, eliciting an intrigue that serves as the first defining moment in Charles’ positive transformation.” Next, follow up the topic sentence with more about this scene that serves as the defining moment. Then, spend significant time explaining how the events you just discussed prove your thesis. Finally, end the paragraph with a concluding sentence that synthesizes your efforts.

Compiling the conclusion:

Lastly, compile a conclusion paragraph that summarizes your findings in a new manner, using fresh language and perspective. Make sure to work in a restatement of your thesis statement (but not a repetitive version) as well as any other relevant ideas you present in the essay. You want your conclusion to read like new information but without actually presenting new arguments. In sum, synthesize instead of summarize.


  • When you refer to events in your chosen medium, use literary present.

Format Requirements:

Header: Include a header in the upper left-hand corner of your writing assignment with the following information:

  • Your first and last name
  • Course Title (Composition I)
  • Assignment name (Character Evolution)
  • Current Date

Page Layout:

  • MLA style documentation (please see the tutorial in the course topic)
  • Last name and page number in upper-right corner of each page
  • Double-spacing throughout
  • Title, centered after heading
  • Standard font (Times New Roman or Calibri)
  • 1″ margins on all sides
  • Save the file as .docx or .doc format

Length: This assignment should be at least 500 words. You must meet word minimums for all essays in this course in order to have your submissions graded.

Underline your thesis statement.