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Global Business

Global Business


Boeing is America’s largest exporter of Aircraft. The majority of the company’s revenue comes from international airlines based in different countries across the world. Over 80% of the company’s revenue comes from international markets (Hill & Hult, 2017). Therefore, if Boeing were to decide to keep all productions in America, there would be a negative impact on the company’s performance, its employees, and the communities that depend on it.

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The direct impact would be a significant reduction in the company’s income. One of the advantages of globalization is that it gives a company access to a broader market for its products (Steger, 2017). Boeing currently enjoys a wide variety of customers from different countries. Maintaining services in America will reduce the revenue of the company. For the employees, withdrawing the company from the international market will mean that the employees working in or responsible for the international market will lose their jobs. The remaining employees may also need to be downsized because the company will have much less income to sustain many employees. As for the communities, Boeing may need to reduce its spending on community projects. With less income, the company will have fewer resources to spend on projects to improve the community.

Generally, the decision to maintain production in the United States is ill-advised. It releases the company from the different risks of international markets but also reduces the revenue of the company by a percentage large enough to cause the company’s fall as a whole.

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Hill, C., & Hult, T., (2017). Global Business Today Asia-Pacific Perspective. McGraw-Hill Education.

Steger, M. B. (2017). Globalization: A Very Short Introduction (Vol. 86). Oxford University Press.


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[u01d3] Unit 1 Discussion 3

Outsourcing and the Global Economy

Answer Question 7e on page 33 of your textbook: “If Boeing’s management decided to keep all productions in America, what do you think the effect would be on the company, its employees and the communities that depend on it? On balance, would this be a good or bad thing?” (Hill & Hult, 2020).

Global Business

Global Business

  • Support your position with one additional resource from globalEDGE or the Capella Library.

You must use proper APA references and in-text citations to identify the textbook and your additional resource.

Response Guidelines

Reply to two learners: one with a similar viewpoint and one with an opposing viewpoint. The responses between you and the other learners should be a debate. Do you agree or disagree with their positions? Why or why not?



Due Date: End of weekly (Looking for DISTINGUISHED – set up your paper to hit each Topic)
Percentage of Course Grade: 30%.

Criteria Non-performance Basic Proficient Distinguished
Apply relevant course concepts, theories, or materials correctly.
Does not explain relevant course concepts, theories, or materials. Explains relevant course concepts, theories, or materials. Applies relevant course concepts, theories, or materials correctly. Use examples or supporting evidence to analyze course concepts, theories, or materials correctly.
Collaborate with fellow learners, relating the discussion to relevant course concepts.
Does not collaborate with fellow learners. Collaborates with fellow learners without relating the discussion to the relevant course concepts. Collaborates with fellow learners, relating the discussion to relevant course concepts. Collaborates with fellow learners, relating the discussion to relevant course concepts and extending the dialogue.
Apply relevant professional, personal, or other real-world experiences.
Does not contribute professional, personal, or other real-world experiences. Contributes professional, personal, or other real-world experiences, but contributions lack relevance. Applies relevant professional, personal, or other real-world experiences. Applies relevant professional, personal, or real-world experiences to extend the dialogue.

Participation Guidelines

Actively participate in discussions. To do this, you should create a substantive post for each discussion topic. Each post should demonstrate your achievement of the participation criteria. In addition, you should respond to the posts of at least two of your fellow learners for each discussion question—unless the discussion instructions state otherwise. These responses to other learners should be substantive posts that contribute to the conversation by asking questions, respectfully debating positions, and presenting supporting information relevant to the topic. Also, respond to any follow-up questions the instructor directs to you in the discussion area.

To allow other learners time to respond, you are encouraged to post your initial responses in the discussion area by midweek. Comments to other learners’ posts are due by Sunday at 11:59 p.m. (Central time zone).