Interview Reflection
I interviewed Madam Candace, a Manager at Group 1 Automotive, an automotive retail company in Houston. The interview took approximately 40 minutes as Candace had another engagement and had only slotted in my session on the condition that the interview would not take long. There are certain things that seemed to work, while others were not as effective. For starters, she did not want to get into lengthy discussions over any particular topic. Her responses were short and very precise. She answered the questions I asked and did not delve into extensive explanations beyond what I had asked. Secondly, Candace was very knowledgeable about Group 1 Automotive and linked her role and that of her staff to the overall organization’s target. She explained how the organization’s staff had embraced learning as a key component to increasing productivity as well as how the HR reward system motivated employees to desire to learn.
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What would you do differently next time?
What I would do differently the next time I get an opportunity to interview an executive is to book an appointment early enough. I believe I did not get the most out of the interview as I would otherwise have if I had booked the appointment early and scheduled a time when my interviewee was considerably free. Additionally, next time I get such an opportunity with an executive, I will do background research on the organization so that I can ask more targeted questions. Further, I would also research the interviewee’s interests and opinions with regard to their job and use that in my initial outreach and ice breaker; or interweave the information I gather into the interview. Doing so will help the interviewee see that I am also interested in what interests them, and it will also help the interviewee to expound more as they talk about their interests.
How would you change your initial outreach, your explanation of your topic, the medium you chose, or your behavior during the interview to enhance the quality of your data?
Other areas I would change will be the manner I explain my topic. I would first research the organization, as mentioned earlier, and use this information in light of my topic to introduce the interview and form the basis of the entire interview. This will be done in tandem with a change in my behavior. By having foreknowledge of the organization’s manner of handling their employees, I would find myself in lesser incidences of stammering and ignorance when the manager explains an answer to a particular question I have posed to them. In other words, having foreknowledge will not expose my ignorance as well as show my lack of confidence when interviewing a manager in the future.
Common Learning Themes
The interview gave substantial insight into the transformational change dynamics in the organization. The interviewee was a transformational leader who believes in growing talent and encouraging team members to contribute to decision-making (Dong et al., 2017). For example, the training sessions that are carried out by her department always incorporate a brainstorming session and teamwork where the trainees are grouped into teams and given tasks to accomplish or issues to discuss and come up with workable solutions. The same is encouraged in the day-to-day duties of employees. Additionally, the organization has a portal within the intranet that has links to the various pieces of training and which employees can access at any time, to refresh their knowledge of what they learned from each of the training sessions.
The interview also encouraged effective communication at my personal level and in the organization. With regard to myself, I realized through the interview that asking the right questions would give me the right answers from the interviewee. The manager gave short, precise answers to what I had asked. When it comes to the organization, staff are encouraged to communicate whenever they need clarification over an issue or assistance in accomplishing their duties (Men, 2014). The organization has multiple channels through which information is disseminated, including the company’s intranet and social media sites. In the event that a staff member wants to improve their knowledge in a specific area, the organization offers both online and face-to-face training for individuals and departmental teams. The online training forum also allows staff to give their views on various issues regarding their work, and from these conversations, staff members are able to get insight into their personal stand regarding their professional knowledge and careers (De Choudhury & Counts, 2013).
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De Choudhury, M., & Counts, S. (2013). Understanding affect in the workplace via social media. In Proceedings of the 2013 conference on Computer supported cooperative work (pp. 303-316). ACM.
Dong, Y., Bartol, K. M., Zhang, Z. X., & Li, C. (2017). Enhancing employee creativity via individual skill development and team knowledge sharing: Influences of dual‐focused transformational leadership. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 38(3), 439-458.
Men, L. R. (2014). Strategic internal communication: Transformational leadership, communication channels, and employee satisfaction. Management Communication Quarterly, 28(2), 264-284.
We’ll write everything from scratch
U06d1 Interview Reflection
This discussion has two parts. Post your thoughts on the readings in 2 page essay.
Part 1
Discuss what you learned as an interviewer.
- What seemed to work? What did not work?
- What would you do differently next time?
- How would you change your initial outreach, your explanation of your topic, the medium you chose, or your behavior during the interview to enhance the quality of your data?
Part 2
Common Learning Themes
Review the media New Business Realities and the resource Thinking Habits of Mind, Heart, and Imagination. Select one topic from each and discuss its relevance to your experience in interviewing your chosen organization leader.
- New business realities: Did the interview reflect the dynamics of transformational change in complex systems in the structure questions?
- Thinking habits: Did the interview encourage professional self-development through conversational reflection?
- Discussion Participation Scoring Guide.
- Thinking Habits of Mind, Heart, and Imagination.
- New Business Realities | Transcript.
Due Date: Weekly.
Percentage of Course Grade: 20%.
Criteria | Non-performance | Basic | Proficient | Distinguished |
Applies relevant course concepts, theories, or materials correctly. | Does not explain relevant course concepts, theories, or materials. | Explains relevant course concepts, theories, or materials. | Applies relevant course concepts, theories, or materials correctly. | Analyzes course concepts, theories, or materials correctly, using examples or supporting evidence. |
Collaborates with fellow learners, relating the discussion to relevant course concepts. | Does not collaborate with fellow learners. | Collaborates with fellow learners without relating discussion to the relevant course concepts. | Collaborates with fellow learners, relating the discussion to relevant course concepts. | Collaborates with fellow learners, relating the discussion to relevant course concepts and extending the dialogue. |
Applies relevant professional, personal, or other real-world experiences. | Does not contribute professional, personal, or other real-world experiences. | Contributes professional, personal, or other real-world experiences, but lacks relevance. | Applies relevant professional, personal, or other real-world experiences. | Applies relevant professional, personal, or other real-world experiences to extend the dialogue. |