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Project Management Program

Project Management Program

Program Portfolio Management


Benefits Management Plan for the Perth Arena Project

·       Programs will come to fruition within the stipulated timelines.

·       The government will be the sole project financier. No other agency will be part of the project.

·       Assessment of the projects will only be undertaken on completion of the projects.

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Problem or Opportunity Statement

The Perth Arena will provide a world-class sporting venue and other social amenities.

Benefits to be achieved KPI for the benefit KPI source for verification Responsible person for assessing the benefit Risks that could prevent the benefit from being realized Strategic objectives supported by this benefit
Name of The Project: Logan Water Sporting Centre
The Logan Water Sporting Centre will provide an avenue for hosting international water sporting events.


This will lead to increased revenue for the city through hosting water sports. Auditor’s report The Logan Sporting leadership can assess the benefit of the project because they are the ones in charge of the project. Delayed implementation of the project will most likely reduce the likely benefits of the project. Make West Australia a truly cosmopolitan society through integration with other visiting cultures.
Cultural integration The influx of other visiting cultures Local community The person in charge of the project can access this benefit. The influx of other cultures may lead to discrimination against the locals Make West Australia a true world center
Social and economic growth The project will employ Western Australian citizens Local community and Project manager The cabinet secretary in charge of labor issues Lack of proper estimations of what the project implementation may cost Locals will venture into sports due to the availability of amenities.
Name of the Project: Perth International Hotel
Benefits to be achieved KPI for the benefit KPI source for verification Responsible person for assessing the benefit Risks that could prevent the benefit from being realized Strategic objectives supported by this benefit
Improved social amenities The influx of Quests and Tourists Hotel Management Report Hotel Management Failure to provide quality food and services Increase income from hosting international events and conferences.

Road infrastructure will improve to enable easy movement.

Hosting of entertainment activities, e.g., International music stars Increased contracts from entertainment Events Manager Perth Hotel Minister of Finance Failure to   offer incentives to artists and other entertainers Educative seminars and conferences will also benefit the locals.

Collect revenue by taxing the performers

Cultural and political growth The influx of Quests and Tourists Local communities Local community and project manager Failure to offer good quality cuisines Peaceful co-existence
Name of The Project: Perth Arena International Gymnasium and Training Ground
Benefits to be achieved KPI for the benefit KPI source for verification Responsible person for assessing the benefit Risks that could prevent the benefit from being realized Strategic objectives supported by this benefit
A healthier society.


Increased requests to hold training sessions from both the locals and international visitors The Gymnasium management Program Manager Delayed implementation of the project. Improves community health by providing a world-class training center. It enhances community integration.
It enhances community integration. Frequent meetings of people at the facility from varying backgrounds Local community and Project manager.


Project manager Delayed implementation of the project Increase revenue to the local councils.

Spurs social and political growth

Increased property value People are asking for apartments and land near the facility Project manager and local community Finance minister Failure to offer quality services Improved lifestyles and social amenities.

Similar Post:


Catering, Catering P., and Supplies Perth. “Catering Supplies Perth.” SciVee, 2011. doi:10.4016/32006.01.

ADAMS, D.E. “Project Hanford management contract quality improvement project management plan.” 1999. doi:10.2172/781598.

Lewis, Robert W. “Postwar modernization and the stadium, 1945–98.” The stadium century, 2016. doi:10.7765/9781526106254.00010.

Palmero, Mauro. “Arena.” Encyclopedia of Sports Management and Marketing (n.d.). doi:10.4135/9781412994156.n30.

Auditor General report. General, Auditor. “2010.” Planning and management of Perth Arena, March.


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Project Management Program

Benefits Realisation Table (Value 25%)

Project Management Program

Project Management Program

Aim of the Assignment:

  • Application of program management processes via a case study – Benefits Management Plan for the Perth Arena Project, which in this instance will be treated as a Program.

Western Australian Auditor General’s Report – The Planning and Management of Perth Arena:


D:\PM\Curtin University\2 PPM 641




Additional support reading links as follows:

Complete the Benefits Realisation Table:


  1. Only use the benefits realisation template provided for this assignment. The template is shown on the next page (similar to what we will use in the tutorial). Note: A Word version of the template is provided on Blackboard (beneath the assignment brief).

Reminder: Benefits are achieved post project (refer to the PowerPoint slides on this topic)

  1. Treat the Perth Arena as a Program rather than a
  2. Assume that the Perth Arena is 75% complete when writing your benefits table
  3. Identify THREE projects to be entered into the Benefits Realisation Table
  4. For EACH project identify THREE benefits and complete each of the associated fields in the template.
  5. Make any necessary but reasonable assumptions and include above the Benefits Realisation Table
  6. Clearly articulate the Problem being solved or the Opportunity being explored for this Program




Benefits to be Achieved


KPI for the Benefit


KPI – Source for Verification


Responsible Person for assessing the Benefit


Risks that could prevent the Benefit from being realised


(2 to 3 risks per benefit)


Strategic Objectives Supported by this Benefit


Project 1 (30 Marks)

Project Name:                                



Benefits to be Achieved


KPI for the Benefit


KPI – Source for Verification


Responsible Person for assessing the Benefit


Risks that could prevent the Benefit from being realised


(2 to 3 risks per benefit)


Strategic Objectives Supported by this Benefit


Project 2 (30 Marks)

Project Name:                                 


Project 2 (30 Marks)

Project Name: