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Work versus Family

Work versus Family

Achieving a balance between work and family can be challenging for women because of gender roles that require them to take care of their children and spouses and complete house chores. The societal views of women also make it hard for women to prioritize work, forcing them to focus most of their time on family. For example, in a TED talk, Lemmon (2011) noted that women have underestimated themselves for long and have been undervalued by others. Therefore, women may look for value in the family setting instead of striving to be successful in business. Despite the long history of women being undervalued in most societies, women in modern society have managed to design effective measures that enable them to be successful in business and their careers without neglecting their family responsibilities. According to Manzi & Heilman (2021), women in leadership have played a vital role in helping other women become successful in society by changing people’s beliefs about the characteristics of women and men and helping women develop a positive perception of themselves (p. 5).

Factors I Consider When Choosing Between Work and Family and How This Manifests in My Organisation

One of the factors that I have typically considered when choosing between work and family is job flexibility. According to Begum (2023), job flexibility is among the factors that dictate work-life balance (p. 1). Therefore, I review a job’s work schedule to determine if I can balance work and personal time before I accept a job. The second factor that I have considered is compensation and benefits. When choosing between work and family, I focus on the compensation offered and the benefits that could benefit my family, such as medical insurance. The third factor that I have considered is workload. Workload plays a vital role in an employee’s physical, emotional, and mental well-being (Fan & Smith, 2017, p. 92). Therefore, I ensure that the jobs I choose do not drain me emotionally, physically, and mentally to be fit to take care of my family. However, my current job as a customer advocate at  Blue Cross Blue Shield is demanding, forcing me to spend most of my time at work. I plan to save enough money to open a counseling business and establish a work-life balance, so I have decided to focus on work now.


Many societies worldwide have created expectations for women, making it hard for them to pursue careers and succeed in business. However, women can still become successful in business and work by focusing on the actors that enable them to create a balance between work and family when selecting a job. For instance, women can focus on compensation, benefits, job flexibility, and workload to determine whether a job is appropriate. However, it is important to consider that some situations may make it hard for women to choose, especially if they rely on the job to survive and provide for their families.


Begum, R. (2023). Relationship between Work-Life Balance and Perceived Work-Related Factors among Private Organizations’ Employees.

Fan, J., & Smith, A. P. (2017). The impact of workload and fatigue on performance. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 90–105.

Lemmon, G. T. (2011). Women entrepreneurs, for example, are no exception. Gayle Tzemach Lemmon: Women entrepreneurs, example not exception | TED Talk.

Manzi, F., & Heilman, M. E. (2021). Breaking the glass ceiling: For one and all? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 120(2), 257–277.


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Identify the factors that you and/or women that you know have typically considered when choosing between work and family. How does this manifest itself in your organization?

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Work versus Family

Work versus Family


other details: I primarily focus on work because it is demanding and it’s my source of income for survival. My hope is to one day to have a counseling business, marriage, and children. And hopefully, be able to not have to choose between career and family. But as of right now, I have no choice but to choose my work.

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