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Where I learned about Sex and Reproduction

Where I learned about Sex and Reproduction

Sex and reproduction education is a topic that is minimally addressed in society. Further, it is scarcely addressed in a family setup. In this light, many people grow up gaining new information related to sex including sexuality, preference and acts in establishments other than that of the family. Numerous factors contribute to this scarcity, such as being unsure of the right age to have the discussions and the method of delivery of the message. These ideologies are reflected in my results in the completed assessment, “Where I Learned About Sex and Reproduction.”

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From the assessments, my results were expected. The findings reveal that most of my knowledge on sex and reproduction was gained while in school, while the least contributor to my knowledge is my dad. I feel that my findings are accurate because most of the information many others and I gained about sex and reproduction was gained in school. Teachers are trained and select the most appropriate method of educating students (“Education on Sexual and Reproductive Health Building partnerships with and for youth”, 2012). For this reason, school education is the most common and is reliable from facts taught to reduce misinformation among students. Also, information gathered from friends is related to personal information on sex and reproduction; however, the reliability of this information is questioned with multiple misinformation being shared.

The topic of sex and reproduction requires factual and reliable sharing of information. Misinformation may lead to severe consequences that will affect more than one person. If I were to teach others this topic, I would make some changes. I would not change the information shared in schools or the delivery because it is reliable and efficient. However, as a friend, partner, parent, or relative, I will make changes in the information being shared by researching factual details to share with whomever it concerns.


Education on Sexual and Reproductive Health Building partnerships with and for youth. (2012). Retrieved from


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Where I learned about Sex and Reproduction:

Where I learned about Sex and Reproduction

Where I learned about Sex and Reproduction

At the end of Chapter 7 complete the assessment, Where I Learned About Sex and Reproduction. After completing the assessment review your results. Write a paper on the findings. Answer the questions: How do you feel about the findings? Would you make any changes if you were to teach others on this topic?