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What It Means to Say that Love Is Love of Beautiful Things
Socrates’ reply to the question, “What does it mean to say that Love is love of beautiful things?” is quite simple, and any human can agree. Beautiful things are attractive, and it is not surprising that people love beautiful things. In order to be happy, love should possess beautiful things. Just like Diotima and Socrates, I believe that everyone wants the good things in life, and everyone wants to be happy forever and to be happy, one should possess beautiful things. This makes everyone a lover, but it is weird how only certain people are referred to as lovers. This is because, while all people are in love, only a certain class of people is called “lovers.” It is similar to the term “artist,” which is mostly used to refer to a practitioner of visual arts, while any practitioner involved in creating, practicing, or demonstrating artwork is an artist. So, whereas love involves the desire for happiness and the good things in life, philosophers, athletes, or money-makers are not normally referred to as “lovers.”
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What It Means to Say that Love Is Love of Beautiful Things
Please read the slide and respond to it.
What It Means to Say that Love Is Love of Beautiful Things
The response does not need to be long. The response needs to be straight forward and easily understandable. My professor just wants a straight forward and easy to understand response.
Please use your own words when responding to the slide.
I attached my classmate’s response as an example of how long and simple the response should be. I wanted to post her response because it’s simple and straight to the point of how I want my response to be as well.
Please read the slide uploaded and this is a question asked in the slide I chose. “What does it mean to say that Love is love of beautiful things?’ Please answer it as well in the response.